Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1273

At this time, it was naturally what Steve said was what he said, and the mayor was impossible to refute him, even if he did not agree with Steve’s statement.

What is capital? In this civilized society, capital can be said to be the most powerful force in this world. With the money in their hands, they can do almost anything, even if it is to instigate the politics of a country, it is not impossible. This is why the mayor fears them. Because in his opinion, the soft knives played by capitalists are much more powerful than the hard knives of these mobs.

It’s not surprising that he thinks this way, in fact most of the Avatar people think so. It’s just that, it may be that they have been playing power and capital for too long, and after a long time, they are a little confused about the facts. This caused them to forget a truth, a very important truth.

The power of capital is built on the identity of power. The power holding the gun recognizes the power of capital, and capital has the qualifications to tyrannize and act wilfully. If the power does not approve of capital, then the so-called capital is nothing but a pile of waste paper.

They subconsciously thought that Steve would respect the capital’s rules of the game. This was the most wrong approach. Because today’s Steve simply doesn’t have to behave with capital, because he and the interest group he represents simply have nothing to do with capital.

You expect a group of poor people who can’t even eat a full meal to care about the idea of ​​capital, don’t crack a joke. In this country where the gap between the rich and the poor is extreme, the poor have always had only hostility and hatred for those rich people who are oneself worlds apart. They didn’t have that ability in the past, they might submit to humiliation and watch those guys tyrannically abuse power. But now that they have the ability, how can they compromise on the interests of those rich people?

This is an impossible thing. Even if it is possible, Steve will make it impossible. There are conflicts between the two sides, but it is more important to him than the two sides are together because of their interests. And just under his thoughts, some capitalists were already summoned.

Of course, just some. Because even if they occupy the entire Mumbai and completely turn it into the owner’s palm, there will still be people who hold a disagreement with him and the people he leads.

In the eyes of these people, Steve and his human gods are just little people who have made it for a while. Because of the government’s temporary retreat, they only got such an opportunity to control Mumbai. Once the government rebuilds its strength, everything they have now will fall apart in an instant. If you get entangled with them at this time, then when the government starts liquidation, they will suffer along with it. And in order to avoid such a situation, they are naturally impossible at this time to have any attention to Steve.

And this has led to what Steve is seeing now. The capitalists who appeared in front of him were only two or three kittens and puppies. The real big heads, like the guys who control important materials such as finance, steel, and oil, have not appeared. They obviously didn’t intend to give Steve any face, and in the face of this situation, Steve just smiled at the sweaty Mayor of Mumbai, and then sat in the main seat of the conference room without any consideration.

“First of all, you are welcome to appreciate your face and take time out of your busy schedule to come here. Of course, I am not very satisfied with the current situation. Because this is different from what I expected, I I wanted to see more and more important people come here to discuss important matters with me. But now it seems that I don’t seem to be in your eyes. Only a few people like cats and dogs came here. , You guys who play with capital, don’t seem to understand what is going on right now!”

A very unrelenting remark, some of them were red-faced and almost beat the table. Up. Others had trembling hands and feet, and could not help but sweat.

The red face is because of the look down on Steve’s words just now. This is simply the greatest insult to these capitalists who have always been proud and arrogant. It is here, facing a supreme officer with strong military strength, they are willing to reluctantly curb their own temper. If the Mayor of Mumbai were here instead, they might have turned their faces long ago.

And for others who are obviously scared, their identities are somewhat interesting. Of those big capitalists, some people completely don’t give Steve face, and some people are not optimistic, but they are trying to find out. So taking advantage of this moment, they sent some chess pieces over to see what Steve was playing with.

The advantage of this approach is that no matter what Steve does, it will not affect them afterwards. The downside is that those chess pieces that come to watch the ceremony are likely to become Steve’s targets for venting his anger.

The official definition of the cult is a terrorist with the nature of a cult, so it is not surprising that they do anything. And now, the behavior of those big capitalists obviously offended Steve, which caused those chess pieces who were reluctant to come here to feel like they were walking on the wire and the blade.

The next moment may be killed by these terrorists in a way of venting their anger. They will naturally fight in two battles and cannot own it. However, Steve is not at all at this moment, he just glanced at these people with a meaningful look, and then smiled and said to them all.

“But forget it, it doesn’t matter if they come or not. Anyway, I just want to make a statement. No matter what you think in your heart, but since you are willing to come here, then I believe oneself Infallible believes that you are kind to us. The Gods and Gods will not treat our friends badly, so I prepared a gift for you.”

Speaking of which, Steve ignores these The surprised expression on the face and the patted hand made the owner put a document in front of these people.

Looking at the document placed in front of oneself, these little capitalists were taken aback for a moment, then raised their heads with some confusion and anger, and asked Steve incredulously.

“Sir, what do you mean? What the hell do you want this document to do?”

“It is very clear. If you are illiterate, I will give it to you A brief explanation.”

After trimming his own beard, Steve replied to him with a faint smile.

“As written in black and white above, we intend to establish a property management committee. For all resources owned by this city, including finance, production and entertainment, as long as they are property rights that can generate economic benefits The company, we will manage it in a unified way. This is a written notice. If you have no comments, you can sign on it.”

“Sir, of course I know what it says ?” Steve’s attitude or the content of this document clearly angered the person who was interrogating before, and he stood up desperately and yelled at Steve. “What I want to ask you is, what the hell do you mean? Do you want to take everything from us with such a document?”

Noisy and yelling, really not It is suitable for them, who call themselves civilized capitalists, but at this moment, no one shows the slightest dislike for this guy’s actions. On the contrary, in their eyes is identification, the anger of the same enemy.

In the final analysis, capitalists have only money and resources that represent money. And now, Steve wants to take away their property with such a piece of paper, which is almost equivalent to wanting to pay a small price for big rewards in return, and completely dig them out in one breath.

It’s better to die without money, with such a thought. They already meant to boycott Steve. Seeing the attitude these people showed, Steve smiled slightly and stopped the soldiers who came up with their guns and wanted to teach these people a lesson, and spoke to them softly.

“Do you think this is taking everything from you? No, on the contrary. I am giving you a chance, a special opportunity.”

“Chance?” Talking about this word, the capitalist’s face showed a fucking look on my face. And looking at this expression, the expression on Steve’s face suddenly became more determined.

“Yes, an opportunity. The establishment of this property management committee will take everything from you, which is good. But when you write your own name on it, It means that you will have a chance to participate in a huge bet. The bet is yours, and the bet is the victory or defeat between us and the government. When you place a bet, you are naturally on our side. And when we are When you win, you will have things that you could not imagine in the past.”

“The property management committee manages all of our assets, and the signed ones can be used as management The committee members come to allocate some of the assets reasonably. Although you cannot have the right to make decisions, only the right to make suggestions. But I think you should also understand the benefits represented by this. Compared with what you have now , Aren’t these benefits worth your effort?”

After swallowing, the capitalists who understood Steve’s meaning immediately became excited. However, they obviously still have scruples in their hearts. So soon, someone asked.

“It’s worth it. It’s just, sir. How can you be sure that this management committee of yours will be able to succeed? Only by us people, I’m afraid we won’t be able to support such a big framework. .”

“I know, so I have already started.” Glancing at the time on the clock, Steve responded with a smile. “I said, today’s meeting is a meeting to express opinions. And for those who are not willing to participate in this meeting. Of course we don’t think they will be our friends. Either a friend or an enemy, when treating the enemy, I think Nothing can be overstated.”

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