Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1277

Eleven o’clock in the morning on the 16th. A time that is absolutely shameful to the Secretary of the Prime Minister. Because at this moment, he lost oneself’s bright future. The reason why this happened is entirely news broadcasted through the media, news that is not under official control.

When the silhouette of Steve Rogers appeared on the screen, there was a subconsciously bad feeling in the secretary’s heart. And when he said the next words, he even felt that the sky was about to fall.

At this point in time, Steve said so.

“It’s eleven o’clock in the morning on the 16th. At this time, I want to announce such a thing to the people of India. It’s our gods, as a rebel The religious organization under the tyranny of the Indian government has achieved a major achievement today, an achievement that is enough to pose a huge threat to the rule of the entire Indian government.”

“Just today, we announced that the religion of God It will officially take over Mumbai and Maharashtra, where Mumbai is located. This means that Maharashtra will be the second announced under the rule of this decadent government after Chhattisgarh. An independent state.”

“Here, we will promise to all the people of Maharashtra. The religion of God has been compiled and sorted out the entire capital industry of Maharashtra. , We have established a corresponding property management committee to carry out unified distribution and management of these capital industries. Any commoner, anyone who wants and is worthy of wealth, can get what you want as long as he applies for the property management committee. Everything. A job, a job to make a living, a livelihood that can ensure that you have food, clothing, and housing.”

“Under the unified management of the cult , All the resources in this society will be open to you. You are no longer unemployed, no longer strays who can only rely on begging and some lowly ways to beg for life. You will be treated equally, and you will become the country’s Master. There is no caste, no class, and no corresponding oppression. You will be on the same level. The only thing that can change the gap between you is your hard work. This is what the decadent Indian government can’t give you. Things, and now, our human religion will give you all this.”

“Not only to give, we will also safeguard the interests of you all persons. This country belongs to you, so this country The resources should belong to you. Anyone who dares to take away the wealth of the people, we humans and gods have the courage to fight against them, even the corrupt government. At the same time, we also bring the liberation of the people of the whole country. Belief and pursuit of the world, here is a solemn oath to all those who have been oppressed and are being oppressed. Please wait patiently, and we will rescue you soon. The country ruled by this dirty and decadent government must be I will be plunged into the vast ocean of People’s War, and I will definitely be completely destroyed by the wave of anger we set off.”

The speech has stopped abruptly at this point, and I am looking back. The secretary naturally saw Hegetel’s hideous face and he was holding the remote control tightly, his palms violent. It can be seen that he is extremely angry. The secretary can also imagine the reason for his anger.

The independence of small states like Chhattisgarh can make a huge Indian government look like a big enemy, and it will use all means to suppress it in the shortest time. Naturally, let alone a western state like Maharashtra.

You must know that the capital of this western state has already occupied half of the entire Indian economy. Counting the entire state in, that is even more appropriate to implement half of this statement. It can be said that for the current Indian government, the damage caused by the independence of Maharashtra absolutely exceeds the negative effects that can be produced by ten Chhattisgarh independence.

Chhattisgarh is a disease of ringworm and scabies, then this is the real scourge. If it’s someone else, you might not think so. But as an insider who has access to the core of the Indian government, he is very clear. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that it is a scourge.

Be aware that the expenditure of the Indian government is huge. The sum of military expenditures, administrative expenses, etc., is simply an unimaginable amount. And the ability to sustain such an expense is entirely because Mumbai is an important financial company that supports it. Mumbai is the money bag of the Indian government, and in today’s society, even the government that represents the country is basically impossible to get money away from this thing.

It requires money to maintain government functions and to maintain the normal operation of the country, even for soldiers to go to the front lines to sell their lives. In the past, it was good to say that with the big cities like Mumbai paying the bill, the government can do whatever it takes. But now, as soon as Mumbai declared independence, the government’s funding chain immediately encountered a huge problem.

It’s not that you will run out of money immediately. After all, it is a big country, and no matter what, it still has some financial reserves. Only after such a most important source of funding was disconnected, judging from the current consumption and reserves of the Indian government, it was simply impossible to maintain it for too long.

Originally, the continuously purse is gone. From now on, it is obvious that I will only have to tighten my waistband and live my life. If it is a time of peace, this might also allow India to tide over such a difficult time safely. But this is not in a time of peace, this is a time of war, and war has always been to burn money all the time.

It keeps burning all the time, and it can’t be burned for a minute. For a country that has entered a state of war, if the government dared to deduct the money for the life of the soldiers because of the funding chain problem, then these soldiers who had already opened up the killings are completely likely to mutiny or even Reverse each other.

Not every soldier in every country can rely solely on spiritual support to do this kind of hard work. In this world, most soldiers, even those patriots, are absolutely impossible to deliver their own lives to war without any material support.

No matter what the name of the war is, as long as they fight for their lives, then they have the right to get their own reward. And if you can’t get a reasonable reward even if you try your best, then even the greatest patriotic passion will be exhausted in the disappointment again and again.

At this time, the Indian government must not dare to let own soldiers become like this. And this is already a sign that they will invest their limited funds into a wireless pit. In such a situation, how long can they hold on?

Three months, six months? The secretary in the heart, who has fallen into despair in India, which has blossomed everywhere, gave such an estimate. After he reached this conclusion, his heart became even more anxious.

He has already thought about the specific content of the special message a day ago. When such a thing happens, Chief-In-Charge must always be liquidated. Although he doesn’t have to bear all the responsibilities, he is certainly to blame. To be honest, he couldn’t bear such a big thing, even if it missed a little bit of pressure on him.

This is the time of war, and the government and the army have the right to impose capital punishment on those who cause major problems. And with his current status, he must be unavoidable. So in other words, once the liquidation begins, it is likely that a guard will rush up immediately, drag him down and shoot him.

He certainly didn’t want to die, so immediately, he asked the owner, the prime minister, father for help.

“Help me, father. I can’t die, I’m still young, I can’t die!”

“Enough, did I say let you die?” Angrily stopped oneself the illegally crying illegalimate child, and Hegtel showed an expression of impatient but helplessness on his face.

In any case, this is his child, and he is the youngest and most loved one. Otherwise, he would not put his illegal child by his side just and honorable, and he would also entrust him with an important task. Although it now appears that this is a very wrong decision. But this does not mean that he can bear to watch him go to such a trial.

So, after thinking about it, he just said to the own illegitimate child.

“There are not many people who know that you have delayed this matter. Apart from me, there is only the correspondent. You go find him, no matter what method you use, let him shut me down. Speak up. Only in this way can you save your life.”

“Yes, I know. I’ll go find him now.”

The secretary repeatedly nodded, Acting almost impatiently. And just when he was about to leave, Hegtel had already called him again.

“What’s the hurry, do this kind of thing later. You have more important things to do now!”

“But father, if I’m a step late, let that What the guy said about this matter…”

Because it’s about the life and death of the owner, the secretary obviously wants to be more important to this issue. But for Hegtel, it was just an insignificant little thing. They have big things to do now, how can they give up the small and forget the big. So immediately, he stared, loudly said.

“I said, stop for me.”

The majesty of father and the authority of the prime minister makes the secretary’s heart even if there are 10,000 unwillingnesses, he can only hold back In my heart. And seeing his honest performance, Hegtel said to him seriously.

“Now you go and contact Rama Mujam again. Just say that I will give him twelve hours, and it is better to take the entire territory of Chhattisgarh for me. If not, , Immediately handed over the affairs of his hand to his subordinates, and he immediately rushed back to New Delhi. I have more important things to explain to him.”

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