Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1278

At this time, it is not a wise move to return the frontline General to summon. Even if it is to deal with the people and religions entrenched in Mumbai, it may be a more appropriate choice to directly issue an order to transfer Rama Mujam.

However, the secretary, who has learned from the past, not at all at this time made his own claim, but in a cautiously manner, he asked Hegtel.

“Father…No! Your Excellency. Isn’t this a bit inappropriate. Even if we want to take back Mumbai as soon as possible, let General Rama Mujam transfer directly to Mumbai. Why? Why let him come to New Delhi. Isn’t it easier to cause some unexpected changes if there is a delay in the middle?”

“What do you know!” Reprimanded, Haigeti Er seems to be worried that this illegal child will be broken again, so he explained it immediately. “If it were in the past, in a small place like Chhattisgarh, as Rama Mujam, of course I can let him go directly to quell the rebellion. But now, Maharashtra is independent. Such an important place. And what we have to deal with is no longer a small role like the Naxal organization, but a difficult opponent like Hydra.”

“Before, we had committed the crime. This huge mistake of underestimating our opponents. And now, we can’t make the same mistakes anyway. At this time, if we want to deal with them, we must use the greatest strength, courage and courage at all costs. And this also means, I must give Rama Mujam more power!”

“Father…” I probably heard what Rama Mujam meant, and the secretary immediately forgot the agreement that oneself should follow. This exclaimed. And he hadn’t spoken yet, he was interrupted again by Hegtyl.

“I know what you want to say, but you can’t stop me. At this time, the only person who can come into contact with the crisis we are encountering is Rama Mujam. He resolves this crisis as soon as possible, and I can only do this.”

“In the previous battle, there were already people who complained in secret, saying that I gave Rama Mujam too much power. They I don’t even look at it. If their group of wine skin and rice bags go up, can they do everything that the person is doing now? They obviously don’t have the strength, but they want to capture the benefits. This is the best Stupid behavior. But thanks to their blessings, I also realized the consequences of letting Rama Mujam take over.”

Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes and A cold radiance came out from it.

“Those who had opinions on him would definitely not be willing to let him wield such a great power again. They will inevitably get in the way of it and do everything possible to embarrass him. And this , Is devastating to our current situation. In any case, I cannot allow such a thing to happen. So I must give Rama Mujam a legal support so that he will no longer be affected by these incompetent villains. It’s troubled by the problem. Let him be wholeheartedly involved in own work. Only in this way, everything can be calmed down at the fastest speed. And only in this way, we can get the glimmer of survival.”

Looking at the own father expressionless saying such things, the secretary who was so frightened by his words that he was so dry couldn’t help but swallowed.

“Then what are you going to do? Your Excellency.”

“I said, let you inform Rama Mujam so that he must come back in twelve hours Here. And I, I plan to find our mascot, the president, and then contact the media for an important press conference. Rama Mujam Sen is appointed as the Three Armies Commander In Chief, awarded the rank of Great Marshal, and is responsible for the management. All domestic war matters. In this case, I believe that those Xiao Xiao who only knows about intrigue, should not have any reason and ability to make things difficult for him.”

“Does it cost too much? Great. Your Excellency, you must know that once you grant him such a rank and position. Then you can no longer be a higher-level status to order him. He will be on an equal footing with you, and at that time, he will still be that way. Do you obediently and honestly listen to you?”

Even though I have guessed, after hearing such a statement, the secretary still couldn’t help but yell. For this, Hegtel just glanced at him lightly, and then responded to him.

“He is a soldier, more pure than you guys. At this point, I have confidence in him. In addition, I can give him these things, and naturally I can take all these things. Come back. You don’t need to worry about this problem for me!”

“Then, I will execute your order.”

It seems that I have seen Hegetel Not wanting to be entangled on this issue, the secretary quickly reduced his lips, and walked out respectfully. Looking at the back of him leaving, Hegtyl suddenly lay down on the back of the hospital bed as if he was drained of strength.

“Rama Mujam Sen, I give you the greatest trust. Don’t let me down.”

In all fairness, Hegtel is really willing to give Is Rama Mujam so powerful? The answer is, if he could, he certainly wouldn’t want to do it. The position of Three Armies Commander In Chief is simply not something ordinary people can enjoy. If it’s okay in normal times, you can treat this position as an honorary title, so that he himself still retains the most Supreme status. But now, this is a fundamentally impossible thing.

Now is the time of war, and during the war, the status of soldiers will be magnified by Infinity. Once the identity of the Three Armies Commander In Chief is established, with Rama Mujam’s reputation in the army, he will immediately become the Great Marshal not just in name only, but also in reality. And such a character is something he can’t control at all now. Therefore, he can only hope that Rama Mujam himself can be in awe of him, the officer who knows how to be promoted.

However, this is basically an impossible thing. Because Hegtel thinks that oneself has the kindness to know and promote him, but Rama Mujam oneself does not think so.

In his opinion, everything he has today is oneself, step by step, struggling to come over. Except for his own efforts, no one has played a big role in everything he does today, so naturally, let alone knowing and promoting.

After receiving the notice from the Secretary of the Prime Minister, Rama Mujam knew what was waiting for him. For him, this is truly a good thing. Because this will allow his power to climb directly to a peak. However, despite saying that this is a situation he is very happy to see. But this does not mean that he must have any gratitude for Hegtyl.

The reason for this is very simple. That’s what Hegtyre would give such an order, and it was simply he and Steve who managed and pushed it together. It’s like gambling at a poker table. You slaughter all sides on it. Do you still have to be grateful in your heart. The person opposite has been giving you money continuously?

This is obviously impossible, because over such gambling, what people really want to be grateful for is often just oneself.

Yes, this is his own credit, and no one can get anything from it. As for Hegtyel’s thoughts, it is no longer an important issue for Rama Mujam.

At this moment, it can be said that he has already made plans in his heart. After he became the Three Armies Commander In Chief of India and the Great Marshal of the entire Indian army. He rushed to the front and discussed the next move with Steve. With such an identity, I believe his behavior will become much smoother in the future. And as long as Steve cooperates well, with the strength of the two of them now, it is probably no longer a distant thing compared to taking the entire India.

With such a confidence, Rama Mujam hastily cleaned up the battle in Chhattisgarh, and rushed towards New Delhi with his own heart. And there, Hegtel, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him immediately when he saw him.

“My Excellency General, I finally hoped you back. I think, this time you are called back for what it is, you should know a similar eyebrow. “

“Yes, sir. I got more detailed information from your secretary. However, I am a little frightened. Is it really appropriate for such an important position to be delivered to me? Also people with higher qualifications than me are right, they are the qualified people, aren’t they?”

Although oneself has full confidence in taking this position, on the surface, Mammujam still put on an expression of humility and even worry. Facing his expression, Hegtyl’s face was slightly relaxed, and then he smiled and said to him.

“Relax, my Excellency General. You are absolutely expected to be in such a position. I guarantee that no one will have any opinion on you. After all, this is a special time. , Besides you, I can’t think of anyone who can take this responsibility.”

“You praised it!”

“No, I did not praise you too much. General Mori , You are the only person in this country who can be entrusted with this important task. Your military talent is obvious to all. It is precisely because of this that I am willing to entrust you with such a position. However, I am a little worried. You can make sure that oneself will bear it. Can you afford this responsibility?”

Hegtel’s face suddenly became awe-inspiring when he said this.

“It’s not a question of ability, but a question of mentality. My general, you have the heart and will to defeat the enemies that destabilize the country and safeguard the interests of this country and this government. And order? This is the most critical question I want to ask you.”

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