Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1288

With such a generous and special bargaining chip, the first reaction of the person contacted by Hydra was not happiness, but fear.

He was so nervous that he simply didn’t care about the benefits represented by this chip, but said very eagerly to these Hydra people.

“Listen, this is not a matter of money or money. You found me and asked me to sell the information to you. I have done it. And we said it was OK at the beginning, and finished this After the ticket, we will never have a second contact. You now not only go back on one’s word, but also want to use this transaction to intimidate me, how can there be such a reason!”

“That’s because from the very beginning, our transaction was not completed. Hegtel is still alive, which is a sign that the transaction has not been completed. What we are doing now is to make up this incomplete transaction again. . For this, we paid a higher price and bargaining chips. Are you also unsatisfied with this?”

Hydra’s reason seems to be very good, but for the trader In terms of it, this is just a strong word. If he could, he really wanted to reject Hydra’s request, but it was exactly what Hydra threatened. Once he refuses, then Hydra will announce the identity of his inner ghost without the slightest hesitation, and with the current level of tension in the Indian government, once the matter of he is an inner ghost is known, then there is absolutely nothing waiting for him Capital punishment only.

In the final analysis, this is actually a matter of no choice, but for this person who has become an inner ghost, he really doesn’t want to do it again, so he only I can beg for it, hoping that these Hydras can leave a way out to him.

“You have killed enough people and made things big enough. For you, haven’t your goals been achieved? This country is already in inevitably chaos When he gets up, even if only one Hegtel is alive, he is absolutely impossible to stop the turmoil in this country. Everything is only temporarily, and when the politicians who have been temporarily suppressed by him start to rebound, he simply can’t do anything. So. , Why you must target him so much. Isn’t it good to just let him go?”

“No, we can’t bet on the probability you said. So there is no room for negotiation on this matter. “Hydra refused stiffly and reminded him kindly. “I think you should pay attention to the time. As I told you before, you have wasted about ten minutes now. If you want more benefits, then I think you’d better give me a reply as soon as possible. !”

“Let me think about it, let me think about it…” There was no voice on the other end of the phone for a while, but the people at Hydra were not worried at all. He would just It disappeared without a trace. After all, that is five times 70,000,000, and a round of nearly four billion is enough for him to enjoy the most luxurious life anywhere in the world.

No one will be indifferent to such a number. Especially for this inner ghost right now. Because there are only two paths before him. Either take the money and go so far and spend the rest of his life in peace; or be exposed to the identity, which brings an end to the own life. Such a choice, as long as it is a normal-minded person, I am afraid that he will know how to choose.

And just as they thought, soon, the inner ghost sent a positive answer from the opposite.

“I have chosen, and I will tell you where he is now. But is there a money problem?”

“400 million, it has been transferred. You can check it! But you have to know, if you dare to deceive us on this news, what will happen to you.”

nodded, he gestured to a certain subordinate of own. In this way, a huge amount of funds was transferred to their designated overseas account through an anonymous account. And soon, the opposite party received the corresponding message because they heard the swallowed saliva’s voice that couldn’t be clearer.

This means that their bargaining chips definitely moved the inner ghost. In fact, it is indeed like this. Seeing the money received, the inner ghost directly put all the scruples behind. He did not hesitate any longer, but quickly told what they wanted to know.

“Old Delhi is located on the river in a temple dedicated to Shiva. The bottom of the temple was hollowed out by the government as a refuge. Hegetal is there now, and all I can tell you is So much. As for the others, how many guards there are, and also traces of his daily activities. I don’t know now, and he won’t tell me this. So, the rest can only rely on you oneself!”

“This news is enough!” Hanging up the phone directly, the little leader of Hydra immediately yelled at his own companions. “You have also heard that the target is there. We must launch a surprise attack there before they have time to build adequate defenses. Here, I want to explain to you. This time is different from the previous one. , The other party must be guarded. Therefore, each of you must be prepared to sacrifice. In addition, don’t care about the lives of the rebel monkeys. Let them take the lead and give us mines. This time They only have so little effect!”

“Understood!” A neat response, followed by busy preparations. Everyone knows that this is a tough battle, so they are impossible to walk into the battlefield casually. Preparations are inevitable, and while they are making such preparations, on the other side, there are also people making hurried preparations.

Salman Khan. The first assistant to the office of the Prime Minister of India, and his other identity is the illegality child of Prime Minister Hegtel. Because it is an illegal child, he is not at all eligible to inherit the wealth of his father. As the prime minister, Hegtel, his huge political capital can only be left to his direct descendants. Although Salman’s big brother is an incompetent trash, this kind of thing is definitely not his turn. All this will be attributed to his smart nephew, the youngster who is destined to inherit everything from Hegtel.

For this situation, Salman naturally complained. But it was just complaining. Because for he himself, he is not without hope. Although an illegal child, he is favored by oneself father. Under his care, he climbed up the government department step by step until he was 40 years old and finally climbed to the current post in the prime minister’s office.

This is definitely a very remarkable thing for a person his age. It is conceivable that as long as he can continue to maintain such a momentum, even if Hegtyre steps down in the future, he can rely on the political capital accumulated over the years by oneself to serve as a pivotal influential figure in the entire Indian federal government. .

This is already a perfect result for him. As a illegitimate child who is not valued by others, being able to climb to such a position can be said to be heaven’s favor. He originally thought that the owner would develop so smoothly throughout his life. But until that happened, he completely cut off the probability of his future development.

For personal reasons, he intercepted that order from Hegtyre. He almost lost all his points in Hegtyre. Although Hegatell didn’t say it clearly, he had already guessed what Hegatell was thinking. He has planned to cut off his own official career. Because in his eyes, oneself has become a guy who achieves nothing but fails. Originally, Hegtyre nurtured him to find a helper for his nephew in the future. Now that he is so useless, he will naturally kick him away ruthlessly.

Although this is only a guess by Salman, as the work of the Prime Minister’s office changes and oneself is becoming more and more marginalized, he naturally becomes more affirmative of this guess. And such a result is obviously not acceptable to him.

After severing his official career, his future can only be a businessman at best. And even if he becomes a businessman, he can only be the kind of businessman who serves the oneself family. Not to complain, almost all the money he earns will be given to his brothers and nephews who must enter the political arena in the future. Not only does it mean how little can really fall into his hands, but he has to be ridiculed by those who reap without sowing. This was definitely not the result he wanted, and just under such circumstances, he encountered the turning point in oneself’s fate, the correspondent who sent emergency information.

Salman, who originally wanted to secretly kill him to prevent oneself from assuming responsibility, never thought that the correspondent would actually be from Hydra. What he didn’t even expect was that he actually took out a lot of benefits and made a deal with oneself. Tens of millions of funds, that is a figure he never imagined. Only need to sell some information to get such a large amount of unexpected wealth. For him who has already lost everything, it is naturally a turning point in his life.

He seized this turning point and found another way out for oneself. What he didn’t expect was that before he managed the own retreat well, Hydra’s people had already used his intelligence to brazenly launch a devastating attack on the core high-level leaders of the entire federal government.

They almost succeeded, but they also pushed him to the limit. Knowing that oneself made a big mistake, he originally thought that the matter could be ended in this way, but he didn’t think about it, because of the existence of a substitute that he didn’t even know, everything was going up again.

Hydra’s people once again found oneself and offered a higher price to buy his father’s life. For the money and for the future of own, Thurman was ignorant of own conscience and made a choice he thought he could not make oneself at all. He chose to stop himself from being in this country. So he must escape from here as soon as possible.

Escape from this country, then naturally there will be a brighter world. However, how could things be so simple.

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