Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1289

Salman’s idea is simple. That is to evacuate from this country as soon as possible when no one like him would notice him.

In his capacity, it is absolutely impossible to buy a plane ticket to leave this country just and honorable. If he dares to do this, not to mention his father, even the highly vigilant Intelligence Section in this country will desperately get him back. At that time, even if he was covered in mouth, it was absolutely impossible to say clearly.

So, he can only get out by smuggling. And smuggling requires a way. Not everyone can find a way to get you out completely smuggled out, but fortunately, Salman happens to know a guy who can do this.

That was a classmate of his high school, and his family had a background in the underworld. Because until now relies on the care of own, he has mixed up the business of the oneself family more and more, and even has some meaning to sweep the country. In his business, pornography, gambling, drug trafficking and even human trafficking are everything. Because there are enough money and relationships to manage, even if the government knows his existence, it is impossible to do anything to him. And almost every once in a while, he can smuggle a boat of low-cost labor abroad.

If he can get on his boat, then Salman can also disappear from this country secretly. In fact, Salman did exactly that. After he ended his deal with Hydra, he immediately got in touch with this old classmate, and through his relationship, he got a special spot on his smuggling boat. If nothing happens, he will be able to leave India’s high seas tomorrow morning, and fly directly to Europe on the high seas. At that time, he had more than 400 million Renminbi in his overseas private account, enough to live a happy life of oneself yearn for something even in dreams.

According to his plan, things should look like this. But just when he was about to start acting, things had already changed.

As soon as the others appeared on the dock, a group of black clothed persons had already rushed up, and without a word, they had already captured them and squeezed them directly into a car. And when Thurman came back to his senses and woke up from the coma, he found that oneself was already locked in a secret room.

At this time, he already had a guess in his heart. However, he was still full of luck, who was unwilling to believe the facts. So at this time, he yelled immediately.

“Anyone? Let me out, let me out quickly. Do you know who I am? Capture me, no matter what status you are, you will not end well. Let me out quickly! “

His yelling clearly told some people that he had woken up, and after receiving the news, an old man was immediately accompanied by several guards and walked away. come. And until this time, I saw the existence of this old man. Salman stopped yelling as if he had turned off the fire like, and yelled to the old man.


“father?” Hearing this call, Hegotel’s face twitched. He forced it forward, fiercely slapped Salman, and then fiercely yelled at him fiercely like a stranger. “You also call me father in your face! See what you have done to me!”

“Father, I didn’t do anything. I was wronged!”

At this time, Salman knew very well that once oneself admitted everything that oneself did, then oneself, a pure politician father, would never let own. So he can only scream innocent with a grievance on his face, hoping to use this way to avoid his doubts about own. Faced with his aggrieved behavior, Hegtel simply looked like remaining unmoved.

“Are you wronged? Really ridiculous. If you are wronged, then can you tell me why you are there and want to go the same way as your old classmate, from this Smuggling out of the country. If you didn’t do anything wrong, do you have to do it?”

“Father, I just…” murmured, Salman was already thinking quickly in his heart. And soon, he had found a reasonable explanation for oneself. “I’m just a little scared.”

“Afraid? What’s so scary about you. In your capacity, would you still worry that someone will target you and fail?”

“Father, what I am actually afraid of is the future of this country. The current situation has become like this. The people of Hydra have even used the means of beheading and assassination. It’s how much confidence I have. And as far as I feel, I feel that we are unlikely to be opponents of these Hydras.”

“In case, I mean just in case. If those Hydra are really If we defeated our army on the front line and thus occupied our entire country, then I will stay here with only dead end. So for the sake of my little life, of course I will want to leave this country now and go Watch the changes. Father, I’m really innocent!”

“Hmph, Salman, I’m not mistaken. You are indeed a smart guy. It’s just a pity that you have It’s only cleverness. Do you think you can fool me by playing this little trick casually? Or, do you think your little actions can fool me also the staff of Intelligence Section?”

With a sneer, he said such words, and the expression in the eyes of Hegtel looking towards Salman became cold. For him, if Salmanken admits that own is wrong, then he might still choose to let him go. But since he refused to admit his own mistake, the relationship between them was naturally cleared.

He is not loyal to oneself, so oneself does not need to talk to him. In this case, he naturally has the means to let this guy tell the truth one after another. At the moment, he no longer thinks about father and son, but directly speaks to the men around him.

“I left them to you. I tried everything I could, and I must dig out everything he did. I don’t care about his identity or my feelings. I just have one Ask, that is as soon as possible, understand!”

“Yes, sir!” At this time, these Intelligence Section agents certainly know what oneself should do. And the means they can come up with at this time, of course, is also impossible what kind of gentle means. Severely torture and so on, at this time, are already common practice. And if it is to go a step further and use any chemical medicament, it is not impossible for them.

Anyway, what Hegtel asked for was just a result. He didn’t care about the process anymore, so naturally these agents and intelligence agents were also impossible to care about the process. And it was precisely because of this situation that the screams of Hu continued to be heard since Hegtel left the room.

It can be seen that the methods used by those agents have already made Salman unbearable. And listening to his screams, Hegtyl not only didn’t have a little pity, but he also became inexplicable.

The very good situation in this country has become what it is today because of the personal desires of such an unfilial son. For him, I really want to peel off his skin and dismantle his bones to get rid of what he hates. However, this is the own son after all. If he is allowed to do it himself, then he really may not be able to do it. So if these people come to do it, then he is naturally happy to see it happen.

For the agents and intelligence personnel of the oneself government, Hegtel still has certain confidence. Maybe it can’t be compared with those guys in Hydra, but trying to pry out an answer from a guy who is not so strong in itself is not a difficult question. He believed that as long as he waited for a while, he would naturally know how this unfilial son colluded with Hydra. With the exact information, Hydra’s killer in Delhi naturally has nowhere to escape.

For Hegtel, Hydra’s lurking assassin in Delhi is like a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. They exist for one day, and he can only hide in this all black, no daylight place. This is a very depressing thing. Over time, the reputation of the entire India in the international community will drop a thousand zhang in one fall. So he must find a way to stand on the surface again as soon as possible, and if he wants to stand on the surface, he can only completely eliminate these dangerous killers.

The news is critical, and he didn’t wait long before he got the results of the interrogation of the intelligence personnel. Only facing such a result, although he had already been psychologically prepared, he still gave birth to a kind of anger and hatred of being betrayed. And this feeling is so strong that it can’t be added.

Not for anything else, just because Salman is his son. As a father, I was betrayed by my own son, which is a bit sad. Of course, sadness is inevitable, but Hegtel already wants to understand. He is unkind, I am unrighteous. Since he doesn’t think about this kind of father and son feeling, then he doesn’t need to pay attention to it. Although tiger poison does not eat seeds, being a politician is obviously much more sinister than Old Hu.

Higtel had already put his mind on another issue by suggesting that he was going to solve the unfilial son. Hydra knows the position of the owner, so if they think about it, they should also move quickly. In this case, should oneself do something?

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