Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1290

Hegetel is still figuring out how to give those Hydra killers to catch everything in one net, while on the other side, Hydra’s people are already doing a good job He made preparations, and secretly killed him towards the temple where Hegtel was hiding.

For them, the assassination of Hegtel has become very important. Even if they pay a high price, they must complete this plan. Therefore, after realizing the tight guarding of this temple, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​quietly acting before and started to prepare for a frontal attack instead.

The battle started quickly, and as before, the sniper’s first move directly knocked out the sight of the guards of this temple. The thunderous offensive instantly made these guards completely unprepared. And just when they didn’t know where oneself came from and who was attacked by them, the Hydra had already ordered the anti-government armed personnel to directly launch a general attack on the entire temple.

As militants who have been rebelling against the rule of the Indian government, most of them are ordinary persons who have been forced by this country to survive. And it is precisely because they are forced to have no way to survive, they can increase their resentment for everything this corrupt government has brought to them. So, if they can give them a chance to end the rule of this corrupt government, then even if they put it all together, they will do it desperately.

And now, what the people at Hydra are telling them is this. In Hydra’s description, Hegtel, who represents the supreme power of the Indian federal government, is the core of everything. It is the key hub for maintaining the existence of this government. Only by eliminating him can this government have the possibility of disintegration. Only in this way can they give this country and the people living in this country a bright future.

The future of this country and people will become bright, these anti-government fighters do not know. However, the elimination of Hegtyre could deal a fatal blow to this decadent government, which they confirmed. Because what they did before is a good verification of this point.

Because of their assassination at first, this country is indeed in chaos. Those originally organized and orderly government departments, without the leadership of the leadership, have become a bunch of headless flies. And a group of flies are impossible, especially when facing a powerful enemy like Hydra, they are even more impossible and have the hope of victory.

So, they believe this statement of Hydra very much. They also firmly believe that as long as oneself solves this last remaining culprit, then the entire Indian government will fall apart. And what they have been looking forward to will also become a reality within reach.

Faith can bring infinite power to people, especially at this time, faith is to urge these members of the local rebels in India to give up their lives and face them. This temple launched an extremely powerful attack. No matter how fierce the firepower of those guards is, and no matter how serious their sacrifices are, no one can stop them from moving forward. And under their desperate behavior, the first direction of the whole temple was broken by them in an instant.

Things seem to go extremely smoothly, but things should not go so smoothly either. In any case, Hegtel has already experienced a terrorist attack. He has gained a lot of wisdom. Even if he is stupid, it is impossible to arrange a few guards to protect his own security casually, especially But he still knows how important the existence of own is now.

So he must have a back hand. And just as those in Hydra expected, when the anti-government militants went deeper into the temple, they immediately encountered these counterattacks.

It was just a moment of time. In the tallinn and the attic around the temple, the guards had already opened up the own camouflage cover. In front of them, there were a lot of machine guns full of ammunition. There was hardly any hesitation. The guards who had been ambushing here had already transferred the spear tip and designed it indiscriminately against the anti-government militants who rushed in. And under the large-caliber bullets of those machine guns, these energetic soldiers who had just chanted slogans were immediately devastated.

So many years of war history of mankind has illustrated a very serious problem, that is, the flesh and blood of mankind can’t resist the ultimate weapon that they researched out by themselves. During World War II, the German MG-42 general-purpose machine gun was called a cloth tearing machine, because it can tear a person’s body like a piece of cloth. And now, the weapons used by these guards are far more terrifying than the cloth tearing machine of World War II, because they not only tear people apart as if they are tearing cloth, they can also tear apart people like biscuits. The people broke into pieces.

Not only for one person, but for a group of people. With full firepower, all the people struck by bullets have become like this. Flesh and flesh flies, bits and pieces. Lots of pieces of meat are stacked together, and it is simply impossible to tell who is who. The thick pieces of meat laid a thick layer on the floor tiles in the entire temple, and the smell of blood was even more instantaneous, and it was already rich and wanted to make people sick.

The anti-government militants were stunned by such a counterattack. They did not expect to encounter such a counterattack under such circumstances, and they were already completely overwhelmed and unable to stand up. In an instant he lost the courage and confidence to continue fighting.

There is no doubt that if Hydra’s offense would end here. Then they will not only not get the results that oneself wants, but they may also lose the local power of oneself overwhelming majority here. And this was a situation that they absolutely couldn’t accept, so immediately, the elite of Hydra joined the battle.

Of course, even the elite of Hydra can do nothing to deal with such unreasonable fire suppression with conventional weapons. They want to end this situation, so they can only use unconventional means. And immediately, a Hydra took out a syringe from his close-fitting pocket, and slammed it into the owner’s neck.

With the injection of liquid inside, the Hydra immediately changed its appearance. His body began to pull up and his muscles began to swell. In just ten seconds, his whole person has become a tall giant three meters away. Layers of thick muscles make him look very strong. And that thick layer of dark scales shining with metallic luster made him look as powerful as a humanoid tank.

This is a biochemical weapon developed by Hydra, which is specially used by elite soldiers who have undergone special genetic modification. Because of the modification, this biological medicament developed from the T virus can undergo controllable changes. And it is precisely because this change is controllable that the transformed Hydra warrior can maintain the own rationality, so that even the own companions are not included in the target of the attack.

It can be said that since the advent of the T virus at first, Hydra has invested a lot of energy in it. The T virus has achieved such a rapid development, from a dangerous and impossible biochemical disaster to a biochemical weapon that can be controlled by humans and is truly valuable. Hydra’s help is absolutely indispensable. Of course, this is also because it has the value of being developed. And this value is reflected in the present, it is a decisive force capable of breaking this inferior battle situation.

Thick scale armor and muscles make this changed Hydra elite simply not afraid of those machine guns. Allowing those huge-caliber bullets to make potholes in their bodies, wiping out one after another spark, this Hydra elite directly ignored it and rushed towards a stone tower with a machine gun in large strides.

Raise your shoulders and give up a pile of 50-60 meters high stone tower simply can’t withstand the impact of his immense power. Almost in an instant, the entire stone tower collapsed. The machine gunner guard hiding inside was also silent in a rush of calling.

Get the next level, but it is still not enough. Feeling the continuous impact of the bullet on oneself’s back, Hydra’s elite immediately picked up a huge rock about one meter in diameter from under his feet, and threw it towards a distant attic that was constantly spewing flames. past.

Maybe he has practiced the skill of throwing the discus. His accuracy is very good. There is simply no deviation. The huge stone he throws has already hit the target he wants to attack. Human beings cannot survive such a heavy blow, so immediately, the awe in the machine gun also spewing gun flames was also in an instant, there was no movement.

After winning two firepower points in a row, the suppression of firepower suffered by the entire rebels was suddenly much smaller. This made them couldn’t help but let out a long breath. After seeing that their own companions were so brave and invincible, the fighting spirit in their hearts exploded like a blowout.

Victory is right in front of them, as long as a force is added, they can completely end all this. There is really no reason for them to continue to stay here.

So immediately, these rebels shouted slogans and held up their weapons. And Hydra, the big man who had been transformed into a monster, charged into the temple again. Looking at this situation, the guard who had been stuck in the temple immediately picked up the phone and called anxiously.

“Headquarters, headquarters! This is the Eagle’s Nest. Our second line of defense has been breached. We need support!”

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