Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1296

“Aksha, I have a mission to give you. I want you to help me contact Rama Mujam and tell him that I have a deal to talk to him !”

The word “transaction?” has a very deep meaning, which made Aksha immediately ask Hegetel. Faced with this kind of rhetorical question, Hegtel was definitely nodded and said.

“Yes, transaction. It is not an order, but a transaction. I will pay him some of the price he needs, and he only needs to return me with a promise. It is enough. You tell me exactly what I said He, if he says he is willing to accept my terms, then he will directly bring him to me. If he is not willing, please find a way to tell me the answer. To you, it should be no It’s a problem.”

Although he knows that own requirements are a bit difficult for others, Hegtyl still spoke out. In response to his request, Akshay was silent for a while, and then said firmly.

“No problem, sir. I’ll tell Marshal Ramah Mujam after you finish your words.”

After saying this, Akshay is already It disappeared above the ground. And his answer, also action, gave Hegtel great confidence. Because if he is willing to help the owner, it is simply not a problem to contact Rama Mujam. And based on his understanding of Rama Mujam, as long as Aksha clearly said what oneself wanted him to take, Rama Mujam would not choose to refuse.

And once he accepts the own transaction, things will eventually become simpler. Although oneself will lose a lot of things, but this country will not be pushed into the abyss by a group of idiots. It will have the opportunity of rebirth and the hope of becoming rich and strong again. Although this didn’t happen in his hands, it happened through his push. So in any case, he can be regarded as retiring from the position of prime minister.

Of course, if there is a choice, he is not willing to choose such a way. Because this is not the best solution for his in mind. In his in mind, he hopes that oneself will be the protagonist of all this as it should be by rights. It’s just that the cruel reality has told him an obvious truth, that is, he is basically impossible to dominate all this. So he can only take second place and choose Rama Mujam as his successor.

As for the successor of Rama Mujam, Hegtyre has investigated. Although he was a soldier, there are few unbearable bad habits in the Indian army, and it can even be said to be a model in the entire army. At the same time, he also has good political wisdom, which is commendable for soldiers. And it is precisely because of this that he is willing to promote him step by step and promote him to his current position.

For Hegtel, he has already planned to hand over the position of Prime Minister to Rama Mujam after oneself, but this time may extend to ten years later. When his aging body can no longer bear such a heavy burden, he will naturally put everything into his hands. And like now, when he is still in good health, he actually doesn’t plan like that at all.

It’s just that this is just his wishful thinking. Driven by the cruel reality, it is already impossible for him to continue sitting in this position for another ten years. However, he almost accepted the fact that if Rama Mujam accepted his deal and proceeded according to his original policy, then in fact he is already one in this position. It doesn’t matter anymore.

Because Rama Mujam will continue his political ideals, and judging by his luck, he should do better than oneself. Laughing self-deprecatingly on this issue, Hegtel has already begun to imagine the future belonging to his own.

“I’m already this age, so let’s find a better place to take care of my life. Maybe I can go to the Maldives to buy a small island as a place for oneself to cultivate for the rest of my life. It must be known as the sea The world of paradise should be much better than the smoky India.”

Under such imagination, Hegtel wasted a lot of time. And until he realized that oneself was wasting time, it was already very late. The sun was quietly hidden on the horizon, and only the light in the dim room was holding the last piece of light.

It’s hard to imagine that such a long time has passed since it was just an imagination, and what makes Hegtel feel surprised is that it has been so long and Aksha hasn’t come back. It’s just to deliver a message, how could it take so much time. This abnormal situation gave Hegetel subconsciously a bad premonition.

He started to struggle to get off the bed, but because of the injuries he suffered before, it is really difficult for him to do such a thing now. And just when he was secretly anxious about it, a heavy breathing suddenly came from outside the door of the room.

“Who is it, who is there!”

Hegetel couldn’t help but asked loudly. And just after he asked, a bloody figure staggered open the door, and fell directly onto the floor in front of Hegtel.

Although the whole body was almost soaked in blood, Hegtyre still recognized his identity from his figure and appearance. This was the Aksha he had just dispatched, the Mutant guard with superhuman abilities. It’s just that he didn’t think about it. It was just a short period of half a day that he actually became this look. This is a strange and disturbing thing no matter what.

What happened? This question has now become the question Hegetel most wants to know, and in such a situation where he desperately wants to know the answer, he is already ignoring the oneself injured body, and struggling to get out of the bed. .

“Aksha, how are you Aksha? Wake up, wake up. Tell me what happened!”

Shaking Aksha’s body , Hegetel yelled at him like this. As his movements intensified, Aksha also coughed violently and opened his eyes with difficulty.

“Your Excellency, is that you? Hehe…it looks like I am back safely!”

A long sigh was taken, and Aksha I couldn’t help but vomit a few mouthfuls of blood, and at this time, Hegtel discovered that the injury on his body was so serious.

The densely packed bullet holes almost all over his body, and this is not the most serious wound, the most serious is that there is a huge hole in his left chest, and through this hole Hole, he can clearly see the broken bones and internal organ fragments inside.

If this kind of injury appears to an ordinary person, I am afraid that this ordinary person is already dead. And even if Akshay is a Mutant with stronger physique and resilience than an ordinary person, such wounds are still fatal to him.

And just seeing his fatal wound, Hegtel turned out to be a bit speechless for a while. In any case, Akshay is also his life saving benefactor. Seeing the appearance of own life saving benefactor, Hegetel naturally gave birth to a bit of sorrow in his heart. Of course, this sorrow is not only for him, but also for oneself.

if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves is his current mood. Because he doesn’t know what happened, let alone whether this kind of thing will spread to the owner. And if there is real danger approaching oneself, then what should he do to ensure own safety!

The panic also rushed to her heart eagerly, causing him to ask Aksha quickly.

“Aksha, what happened? Why did you become like this? Who attacked you. Tell me, tell me!”

It’s obviously not easy for Aksei to answer this remark of Hegetel. But he still struggled to spit out the blood foam in oneself’s mouth, and then hoarse his throat, and said to Hegetel very weakly.

“Your Excellency, we are all wrong. Ramammujam, Ramammujam is simply not a trustworthy person. He is from Hydra, and there is Hydra’s ambush by his side. I was wounded like this by him!”

If Akshah’s injuries were just shocking to Hegetel, then now, everything Akshah said is for Hegetel. As far as you are concerned, it has become a real bolt from the blue.

Rama Mujam is from Hydra, how is this possible? If he is from Hydra, what is oneself? Hydra’s accomplice? Or was he a fool who was playing with him?

Anger and shame instantly defeated Hegtel’s sanity, he immediately scarred his own eyes and screamed at Aksha.

“This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I have investigated the identity of Rama Mujam. He is an orthodox Indian military officer and has never been in contact with any outsiders. How could he be from Hydra? You I’m mistaken, you must be wrong!”

“I’m not mistaken, sir. In front of me, Rama Mujam summon came out with a group of strange powers Soldier, and he himself has become a terrifying monster. They want to catch me, they want to force your news out of my hands. It can be seen that he simply does not intend to make a deal with you, and I want to completely wipe you off at this time. Your Excellency, don’t have any illusions about him anymore. If this continues, everything is already too late!”

Almost It was after exhausting all the strength of his body, Ak’say yelled such a word. After he said this remark, he immediately softened and lost his breath completely. And it was not until this time that Hegtyre believed what he said, but he did not make any response to it.

Because everything is already too late!

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