Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1297

“Have you found them?”

Sitting at his own desk, although Ramah Mujam still looks like Motionless As Mountains, he The small movements of tapping fingers can also be seen by his free eyes, and his heart is far from being as calm as he is on the surface.

Hegetel is still alive, which is incredible to him in itself. Hydra paid so much energy and price to achieve this step today. If Hegtel is still alive, it means that everything they arranged before has become a joke, and even that this is already a great situation for them, and it may be turned over.

This is something that absolutely cannot be allowed, so immediately, Rama Mujam had a murderous intent on the life sent by Hegtel. Not only did he want to kill him, but he also wanted to find Hegetel along the way, and even get rid of him. But I didn’t expect that the cunning guy was actually a Mutant, and even though he was injured so badly, he still let him escape.

Think about how terrifying it would be if Hegtel appeared in front of the public and revealed the true identity of the owner. So he couldn’t let him do this in any case, and in any case, he had to dare to wipe him out before Hegtyel exposed him.

Of course, this is not an easy task. If only based on the ability of him and those under his hands, I am afraid that they are basically impossible to seize this time difference. However, with the existence of Hydra, the result will naturally be different.

The guy named Aksha thought that oneself could escape the top secret, but he simply didn’t know, his whereabouts were completely under Hydra’s control. Just use some biopheromone also to locate the special bullet, and soon, his position can be grasped by Hydra.

It can be said that it is as simple as that, and after waiting so long for a while, this question of Rama Mujam finally got the answer oneself wanted.

“Yes, we have confirmed where he is now. And our frontline intelligence personnel have already passed by to confirm the situation. What is certain is that our target should be there. , And haven’t left. So, do you want to clean up them now?”

“Clean up work, of course! Only, this time I don’t worry about letting your people come . You have tried twice, and both times have problems. Under such circumstances, I have no reason to give you a third chance.”

Looking at Hydra who was talking, After recognizing from his appearance that he belonged to the Delhi Operation Squad, Rama Mujam immediately showed him a disdainful smile. “Come on this time myself, I think only if I kill him in front of me, I can completely relax. So lead the way, we don’t have much time!”

This Hydra’s elite face twitched, but he didn’t at all refute something, but obediently and honestly obeyed Rama Mujam’s command, and led him to the place where Hegtail was hiding.

At this place, Hydra’s elite has completely surrounded this place, ensuring that any fly is impossible to fly out, and there is also impossible to have any other people waiting to come in.

Of course, such an action will definitely attract some people’s attention. However, with the cover of Rama Mujam on the surface, their actions can only be understood as special actions by the military. In the eyes of this joint, no one would take such a big risk to offend an influential figure that might soon hold the authority of this country.

Rama Mujam came to the door of the room where Hegtyel was sitting unimpeded all the way, and when the Hydra elite behind him was about to open the door, he went up first. Stopped him one step at a time, and then spoke to the Hydra elite.

“Just keep me outside and don’t let other people in. The guy inside, myself will solve it.”

This request is a bit unreasonable. Because fundamentally, Rama Mujam is not Hydra’s leadership, he does not have the power to command him as an elite. However, thinking of the appearance of Rama Mujam’s transformation and the existence behind that changed form, the Hydra elite finally made a wise choice.

“Of course, sir. If you need anything, please call me loudly, and I will obey your orders outside the door.”

The respect shown by this Hydra elite Rama Mujam was still satisfied, and just after he patted his shoulders with a smile to show his encouragement, he had already pushed the door of the room open and walked in strode.

In the room, Hegtel sat upright on a chair, with an opened suitcase in front of him, as if he had seen Rama Mujam for the first time His eyes stared at him tightly. Then, without waiting for Rama Mujam to speak, he asked him coldly.

“Since when did you collude with Hydra?”

“Collusion? It is not appropriate to use such a word. My Prime Minister, you should be clear “Winner is the king, loser is the villain. For the communication between winners, it may be more appropriate to use positive words like cooperation.”

Tucked oneself’s necktie Some Rama Mujam, who was not accustomed to this way of speaking, responded with a smile to Hegtail, while sitting carefree on the chair opposite him.

Now he is not the first time he met. At that time, he was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of position. If Hegtel didn’t speak, he didn’t even have the qualification to sit down. . But now it’s different. Hegetel doesn’t need any expressions. He stands and does what he wants. With his current status, he doesn’t need to worry about those formal things anymore, because he himself already represents this form.

Hegetel himself understands this, so he does not at all mean entangled with Rama Mujam on this issue. He just stubbornly asked him the first question, wanting to know from his mouth the answer that puzzled oneself the most.

In line with the arrogance of a winner, and a mentality of not returning home like a beautiful night, Rama Mujam just smiled twice and told the answer To Hegetel.

“My cooperation with Hydra started from the mission issued by Skyhammer. Maybe you don’t know that the end of that mission has nothing to do with us. Because that represents the power of Hydra The biological mothership is simply not an existence that can be confronted by our military strength. We are just to deliver food, just like those stupid Koreans. They happily went over to grab the credit, but immediately, they It became the residue in the teeth of the credit. It is really ridiculous.”

“Of course, I was actually quite ridiculous at that time. Because I also had that idea. However, Fortunately, Goddess was looking after me. An unknown powerful existence wiped out the biological mothership of Hydra and let me escape by luck. At that time, I was actually very worried about the loss of the fleet, so I started to make up lies and put Everything is attributed to myself. This is a very risky move. However, Hydra helped me at that time and helped me get through the difficulty smoothly, and I also rely on this Everything is slowly growing up. How about it, didn’t expect! My Prime Minister, in fact, I am the same. At the beginning, I couldn’t think that everything would develop to the point where it is today. I can say that destiny really likes to play with each of us. In contrast, I may be more favored than you.”

Rama Mujam’s answer made Hegeta Er could not help shaking. If a person knows that everything oneself until now firmly believes is nothing but a lie, and knows that all the trust of oneself has been given to a wild beast in human skin, his reaction will probably be as intense as that of Hegtel. The difference between this is that Hegetel’s age is there, and an old man who is nearly 70 shows such a fierce reaction, which naturally makes people look a bit too much.

However, Rama Mujam did not at all respect the old and cherish the young at this time. He didn’t mind adding another one under the mentality that had passed the fire. Firewood and pour a bucket of gasoline.

“Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you, also many things were also contributed to by my cooperation with Hydra. For example, the massacre in Mumbai. Do you actually know? Under the circumstances, Things have turned for the better. If you come to negotiate with the pacifists in person, you might really be able to win them over. For those who were not determined at that time, this is really true. It was a great opportunity that might cause them to break up and Disassemble. It’s just a pity that you didn’t do it at all, but you gave everything to me as Mr. Steve Rogers expected. Naturally, I also cooperated with him in such a good show, which directly pushed the whole drama to a climax.”

“How about it, sir. This is something you didn’t expect. Looking back now, Do you think I was like an actor at that time. In fact, I think so too. If the taste of power is not too tempting, then I might really be an actor now.”

Rammah Mujam has been stimulating Hegtel, because in his opinion, if the old man can be stimulated to death by stimulation, then it will not only be very interesting, but also not dirty him. Hands. It’s just a pity that things didn’t develop as he thought, because at this time Hegtel had already calmed down and smiled inexplicably at him.

“A wonderful performance. But, Marshal Ramah Mujam, have you forgotten something. Do you really think you have the winning ticket? You really think that I will not Is there any chance to come back, or even perish together with you?”

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