Sun God Marvel

Chapter 141

Umbrella’s people dropped a lot of manpower near the hotel, and they carried out a carpet search like crazy, not even letting go of any corner. But they never found the target they were looking for.

Zhou Yi seems to have completely disappeared, not to mention his presence, there is not even a clue about him.

This made Raymond extremely anxious. He was worried about Zhou Yi’s safety, or that Zhou Yi might encounter things that he could not discover in this city. Once that kind of thing appeared in front of Zhou Yi and hurt him, let alone investment, even Umbrella’s high-level punishment and Zhou Yi’s revenge were enough to make him feel good.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but let out a chill in the bones. Umbrella’s cruelty to losers is enough to scare the coldest people, and he is no exception.

“Let the security department assign manpower to completely block all the passages from the suburbs to the city. Don’t let anything of that kind slip into the city. In addition, clean it up in the city and clean it up for me as quickly as possible. Infected. Also give me 24 hours to monitor satellite images and find him before he finds out the problem.”

He quickly issued orders to make the entire Umbrella branch operate. . And beside him, his deputy began to suggest.

“Sir, maybe we can start from his secretary and find a reason for the miss secretary to contact her, so that we can determine his position.”

” Then, tell him that we are watching him and let him leave in a rage. And the higher-ups are throwing fire on me?” Raymond said with a cold face. “Don’t think of others as idiots. A guy who can start from scratch and have this kind of achievement is not something we can measure.”

“Don’t give me extra branches at this time. If I get planted because of this, then you Don’t even think about being able to go back alive. Understand?”

“I understand, sir.” The deputy replied in a cold sweat. He knew that Raymond was serious, and that made him even more scared. However, for the sake of his own life, he still had to mention another important thing.

“Sir, should we postpone the headquarters request to open Hive. If there is an accident at this time…”

I heard this, Raymond couldn’t help but twitch on his face.

Hive is Umbrella’s greatest secret here, and it is also the highest-ranking research institution in Laken. However, a huge accident occurred in this research institution, and the entire underground laboratory was blocked by Umbrella’s artificial intelligence red queen. And passed the crisis message of the highest level to the headquarters.

This means the complete fall of Hive, and it means that all the researchers inside have been killed. After receiving this message, the headquarters immediately issued the highest priority order to him, asking him to restart Hive and the red queen, and take out the research results inside.

As a senior in Umbrella, he naturally knows what’s in Hive. Umbrella’s masterpiece is a biochemical weapon that can change the world. But this weapon is very dangerous, so dangerous that they are already difficult to control. One carelessness may cause a huge disaster.

He was already fully prepared to start Hive in accordance with the orders of the high-level. But now, because of Zhou Yi, he has to mobilize the manpower already arranged. This made his plan completely unable to proceed normally.

“Hive’s affairs are temporarily slowed down, let’s focus on what I just said.” After thinking and thinking, Raymond finally made a decision. With his authority, Hive’s affairs can be delayed for two days, and no matter how bad the situation is, it is just a reprimand. But if there is a problem with Zhou Yi. He is completely finished.

In this case, the choice is already obvious.

While Raymond was still worrying about Zhou Yi’s affairs, Zhou Yi’s silhouette has quietly appeared where Raymond didn’t want him to appear at all, Laken City’s In the outskirts of the forest.

This has now become a forbidden place in Laken City, and even those loggers and people who often hunt here dare not appear here again. Because there is a terrifying wild beast.

There have been no less than 20 wild beast attacks in this forest, and there are even rumors that the recent outbreak of madman bites in Laken City also spread from here. Almost overnight, this forest became a protagonist of terrifying urban ghost stories.

If it is said that there are no deliberate actions, it is absolutely impossible. But since such rumors can circulate, there will be some suspicious circumstances no matter what. Zhou Yi even suspects that some of Umbrella’s experimental products are hiding here.

After all, a lot of time has passed since Alfred passed the message to him, and the guys he mentioned last time must have done some shameful things.

Thinking of this, he began to scan the forest, hoping to find something useful. And soon he discovered something strange.

A group of walking carrion, wandering aimlessly in the mountains and forests. From their appearance, it can be clearly distinguished that they have been rotten for a long time, and they must have become like this after being attacked by something strange. Because most of this group of corpses can only be described as wreckage, even the few one or two that are relatively healthy, they are still lacking arms and short legs.

As soon as he saw them, Zhou Yi thought of the information he had seen before. Umbrella’s evil experiment, and only those deformed creatures can cause such wounds, and only the virus can turn corpses into these walking corpses.

Something must have happened here, after making this judgment in my heart. Zhou Yi immediately ran towards the group of wandering carrion corpses. He wanted to find more information from those corpses.

The wandering corpses operate according to oneself’s most original instinct. The sole purpose of their activities is to eat, and oneself provides more energy with its broken body. Therefore, as long as it is alive, they are all their targets.

So when Zhou Yi appeared in front of these corpses, they immediately rushed forward. Like a real beast-like.

However, there is almost no need to think about what will happen. After all, the corpse is nothing more than what people have turned into. Even though they have become this ghost, their power will not change much. To deal with this group of corpses, Zhou Yi didn’t even need to do anything.

The telekinesis with no difficulty broke their necks, lost contact with the cervical spine, and they almost became real corpses. Except for a mouth that can keep closing, they have nothing to attack others.

Of course, the head wriggling with the chin is enough to scare many people to death. After experimenting on these corpses for a long time, Zhou Yi found that only by crushing the brains of these corpses can they completely lose their kinetic energy.

This is very terrifying, because for ordinary persons, it is difficult for them to effectively attack these corpses. If a bullet hits the head, there is no meaning, and the divine archer that hits the head with a gun , How much can this World have? It is almost conceivable what would happen if an ordinary person faced such a monster.

even more how its most terrifying thing is not the characteristic that transforms people into monsters, but its terrifying contagiousness. Bites, body fluids, and even through water and food can spread among people, and the probability of airborne transmission is not ruled out. Once this thing breaks out, it is devastating. The fragile social system of mankind cannot withstand his impact at all.

Fortunately, before all this happened, someone had already started to stop it. SHIELD has realized its harm, they will not let this thing explode in the world, naturally, he will not.

Turning over the guys who have become real corpses, except for one or two guys in the uniforms of the special police belonging to STARS, most of them are just civilians. And it seems to be either a lumberjack or a hunter. However, the name STARS is already the clue Zhou Yi wants to get.

STARS, special tactics and rescue team. An elite special police department.

Although this elite combat team on the surface belongs to the local police department, it is actually under the United States Federal Security Department. So in terms of administrative power, they are independent of the police station. Every STARS member can be said to be an elite, because they themselves are elites drawn from various departments.

So under normal circumstances, they will not be dispatched, and they will take action to solve them only when they encounter extreme criminal activities and terrorist activities. In nature, they are almost indistinguishable from the United States Special Forces SWAT.

Since the bodies of STARS members have appeared here, it is almost certain that they have launched an investigation into this area. However, it seems that their actions ended in failure, and there have been many sacrifices. These corpses are proof.

What happens next can be woven by imagination. The people of STARS will certainly not be willing to own their companions in such a strange place and die so miserably. They will definitely want to come back here and find the real murderer behind the scenes to avenge. But in Umbrella’s city, even they can only be suppressed.

All actions were banned, and all reports were intercepted. It may even be diagnosed with mental problems. With Umbrella’s ability, this can be done. The rest of STARS had no other way except to complain. Even if they say such a story, Umbrella will be pinched to spread rumors.

They have no ability to fight Umbrella and can only warn others by spreading this kind of news through the Internet.

I have to say that Zhou Yi deserves to be a true capitalist. Because everything he thought and Umbrella did exactly the same. Of course, Umbrella did it more ruthlessly, because in their plan, STARS was originally an experiment. So their experience is far more complicated than Zhou Yi imagined.

However, this has nothing to do with Zhou Yi. He has got the clues that oneself wants, and the rest is much easier to do.

Find STARS, as long as they don’t have too much ties to Umbrella, then they will definitely find ways to avenge their own partners. If this is the case, Zhou Yi doesn’t mind borrowing their power. But before that, he also has one thing to do.

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