Sun God Marvel

Chapter 142

The terrifying roar from the depths of the forest came from the sound between two different creatures.

One of them is a huge cat, with well-proportioned and toned muscles under its shiny fur, and its graceful figure is like a noble dancer. There is no trace of variegated color all over its body, only pure black like night. This makes it a perfect killer in the dark.

A rare black jaguar. However, compared with its kind, apart from its rare black fur, its body shape is even stranger. It is almost five feet tall at the withers, making it look almost inferior to an adult bull. From this point alone, it has become a giant of its kind.

In this world, it is almost impossible to have a jaguar larger than it, and even to say that it is impossible to have a larger cat. Even if Siberian Tiger is in front of him, he is just a little short.

And now, this huge black jaguar is pressing a figure on the ground in a weird posture, and it is rushed towards that figure, and the figure is roaring at it. Another terrifying roar came from his mouth.

That is a strong adult male. His head is bald, and his body is full of explosive muscles. The tall figure and the entangled steel-reinforced muscles make him look more impactful than the so-called bodybuilder. But he is a crazy wild beast.

From just now until now, he has been yelling, desperately trying to attack the jaguar on him. Use both hands and feet, and even want to bite with your mouth. You can’t see any sapient intelligence in his eyes, crazy, bloodthirsty, and extremely aggressive. There is no difference from those zombies.

And he is actually a zombie. A zombie that has been treated.

The invisible Telekinesis concentrated on his head and shattered everything there. This struggling guy suddenly stopped his own madness, his huge body twitched a few times, and soon lost his movement. After the movement under the feet disappeared, the big black cat began to shake his head and looked towards the person standing by.

After finishing all this, Zhou Yi now shook the head to the corpse with a regretful expression.

Originally, he placed his hopes on the power of his own, hoping to turn zombies into humans again with the healing power of the sun’s gift. But he found that oneself was too optimistic.

Although the gift of the sun can turn a life into the healthiest state, it is only physical. In essence, zombies are not just physical collapse, but more of their brain collapse. The moment they become zombies, it actually means that their brains have already died, and even the power of God cannot bring them back to life.

At best, it is nothing more than turning them into stronger zombies.

To be honest, Zhou Yi was a little disappointed with this result, but not surprised. He had been prepared for this a long time ago, and the current situation is just a bad estimate that has become a reality. Even more how, there are still some surprises.

With a whistle, the huge black jaguar walked gracefully and quietly came to Zhou Yi’s side. Its huge head hit Zhou Yi’s chest, and then gently rubbed it up. Like a coquettish domestic cat.

Zhou Yi lightly scratched the big cat’s chin to make it purr comfortably.

For Zhou Yi, this big cat is today’s unexpected joy. Like the zombie just now, it was also an animal infected with a virus, but before it was completely transformed into a zombie animal, Zhou Yi rescued it and used the gift of the sun on it.

The virus was stopped before it destroyed its will. And a miraculous mutation occurred on its body. The virus not at all destroys it, but instead causes its body to undergo evolution-like changes. Its body is larger, its muscles are stronger, and its brain seems to have been developed.

Zhou Yi can clearly feel that it is far smarter than a wild beast. Because it not only understands the meaning of Zhou Yi, but is also very willing to accept Zhou Yi’s orders. It feels like this big cat is a pet that he has kept for many years.

This means that his power can cure the virus, as long as he can heal those infected with the virus before they are completely transformed. This is not easy, but it is much better than incurable. Because no matter how you say it, this is also a hope, a hope that can save lives.

The big cat is still rubbing Zhou Yi’s chest, seemingly wishing Zhou Yi could scratch harder. But Zhou Yi didn’t at all continue. He pushed the big cat’s big head and said to it in its puzzled eyes.

“Sorry, good girl. Now is not the time to play with you. I also have more important things to do.”

The big cat stared at a pair of brown and yellow eyes. Very humane, a low whimper came out of his throat, just like a little child who was wronged.

Since it was rescued by Zhou Yi, it has instinctively developed a feeling of dependence on Zhou Yi. It’s like the feelings of children towards their parents. This feeling is very pure, because its birth does not contain any impurities. It comes from the most original instinct.

For this reason, when Zhou Yi expressed the intention to leave, it immediately felt a huge disappointment. And expressed it instinctively.

Seeing this big cat complaining to oneself like a little child, Zhou Yi was also a little sorry. To be honest, he really likes this big cat. If it weren’t for what happened here, he really wanted to raise it.

But now, he can’t let this big cat follow oneself so capriciously. A jaguar like a monster appears in Laken, which will definitely cause panic. It’s not a good thing for humans or it. Unless, after everything is over.

But at that time, it is estimated that this big cat had forgotten this feeling. It’s like it forgets its own mother.

Being cruel, Zhou Yi pushed away the nasty cat. His silhouette quickly shuttled through the forest, flying towards the city. At his speed, Big Cat was impossible to keep up with him, so he left with confidence.

But he did not think of the resilience of the big cat. Jaguars are natural hunters, they can even track their own prey through the entire jungle. So when he left, the big cat immediately started to act. The black beast leaped and galloped through the forest. It followed his smell all the way to the past. This is the persistence of animals. Compared with humans, they rarely give up.

Zhou Yi didn’t know that there was a big cat tracking oneself behind him. At this moment, he was in contact with Medusa, hoping to get the information oneself wanted with her help. Information about STARS.

Soon, Medusa gave him an answer. A group of confidential information appeared before his eyes. Seeing this information, Zhou Yi couldn’t help laughing. Everything was almost as he estimated, STARS was simply suppressed at this time.

The leaders of both groups were killed in an accident, and most of the members were in accident. Only a few people survived. The few who survived were not well, they received varying degrees of accusations and Penalty, two of them were even suspended for investigation, and they were published in the media in the name of mental problems.

As for the reason, it is very simple. It is because these two survivors spread rumors that there is a cannibal monster. And it caused a certain amount of chaos in the city of Laken.

Very obvious, this is Umbrella’s method. And the person who can be targeted by Umbrella is impossible to be Umbrella’s. Then, at this time, they have the value of being attracted by Zhou Yi.

While Zhou Yi was still trying his best to push to Umbrella and protect the people in this city.

Raymond, who had been desperately searching for Zhou Yi, stared at a document with a very ugly expression.

That was an order signed jointly by Umbrella’s most core senior staff. This order has the highest authority within Umbrella, and its content is very simple. It is to ask Raymond to restart Hive within today.

Everything that happened inside Hive has been characterized as a spy invasion. The senior officials who feared that their greatest research results would be stolen could no longer bear Raymond’s delay, and their words were harsh. And repeatedly stated the deadline for this matter.

Hive’s restart is already an irreversible thing. If Raymond perfuses like this, he will get the most severe Penalty.

Seeing this command, Raymond became gloomy and angry. He wanted to fiercely scold them fiercely in front of these cores, but this was just his fantasy, he did not have the courage. The cruelty inside Umbrella is enough to turn a bloodiest person into a shivering little quail. even more how he was never a bloody guy.

So in the end, he chose to compromise.

“Let the order go down, today 0.666666667, start Hive on time! Move our manpower as far as possible, and prepare for all protection.”

Hearing this order, his The deputy was taken aback.

“Sir, now we are less than three hours away from four o’clock, we are short of manpower, and now is it a little too late to prepare.”

“Lack of manpower, just mobilize from here , As long as you have experience in this area, all will be dispatched to me. In addition, the preparation work will start now, no matter what, restart Hive must start on time. This is the command above, the highest level. I don’t think I need to give it. Explain what this means.”

Hearing this, the deputy also complexion changed. He rushed out to issue Raymond’s orders. The highest order is like a knife hanging over his head, so he has to fight his full strength. Because he knows that if this thing fails, there is absolutely nothing waiting for them. He was Raymond’s deputy, and to some extent, they were tied together.

Seeing the deputy running out like being chased by a mad dog, Raymond’s eyes once again gave birth to a haze. He has been dissatisfied with the damn Old Guys in the headquarters for a long time. Now, these dissatisfactions are like explosives piled up in everything, just waiting for a little fire star to light them.

Will there be fewer fire stars in Umbrella?

Thinking of this, his face became more and more ferocious. A low roar leaked through his teeth.

“Don’t let me find a chance, you damn old bastards. Otherwise, when the time comes is your death date.”

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