Sun God Marvel

Chapter 143

Jill Valentine was once a member of STARS, and of course she has been suspended for investigation.

But for her, it doesn’t matter if she stops working. The Laken City STARS team is already In name only, and she has no interest even if she continues to do it.

What she wants most now is to avenge her own teammate.

However, when she thought of this, she couldn’t help feeling depressed. The huge gap between ideal and reality made her feel a deep despair. Umbrella’s giant shadow made her feel difficult even to breathe. As for bringing it down, even she herself felt it was idiotic and dreamy.

When people are depressed, they always like to use alcohol to relieve their sorrows, and Jill is no exception. In fact, she has spent quite a while in this bar. Only here can she forget the depression in her heart.

“Old Josh, give me another glass.”

Bar Boss shook the head, he reached out and held down the glass in front of Jill. Sighed.

“I know you are sad, Jill. But drinking can’t solve the problem.”

“Damn it, when did you become a pastor.” Jill pushed away his hand , Grabbed the bottle directly from him. “I am consuming, I am creating income for you. You should fill me obediently and honestly instead of being here like my mother.

“If it wasn’t because of your father Being an old friend with me, I don’t bother to say such nonsense to you. “Old Josh took back the bottle with emotion, but still poured her a glass of wine. “The last glass, today’s is my invitation. Otherwise, you can just settle the accounts of the previous few days. “

“I know, I know. “Jill waved his hand boredly, but focused on the news broadcast on TV.

“The current number of mad attacks in Laken City has increased again. To this day, there have been Dozens of cases occurred. The police station stated that it would be full strength to prevent these lunatic patients from causing more cases, but for the time being, the form is not optimistic. “

Looking at Jill being so concerned about the news, Old Josh also waited and watched. Then he said with emotion.

“This World is really chaotic, a while ago. There was a Mutant who almost demolished Paris, and now our small place is also a bunch of lunatics running around. I really don’t know where to put people at ease. “

“If I were you, I would stay away from this damn city. “Gill took a sip of wine and warned faintly. “These lunatics are likely to kill you.” “

“Don’t think of me as those soft guys who can’t even hold a gun! “Old Josh retorted immediately. “Even if I was walking home, I would carry a shotgun in my bag. If a madman dared to bark my teeth, see if I don’t take off his body. Pieces. “

“Unless you break their heads, it will be useless. “Jill chuckled, lit a cigarette. “A shot in the head before they touch you.” Otherwise, you will be dead. Whether it was bitten or scratched. “

When I heard this, old Joe Xu choked abruptly, and it took him a long time to speak.

“You are cracking a joke with me. Seriously, it’s not funny at all. “

“Do you think I am cracking a joke?” “Jill’s expression in the smoke is very serious, so serious that Old Joe Xu can’t understand her. But he still insists on owning.

“Then I think you must be drunk, listen to me. Advise, Jill. You are still young, go back after drinking this glass. Some things will naturally be forgotten after a while. “

Jill sneered. She spit out smoke, so that the own expression was covered.

“You thought I was crazy, you all thought I was crazy. But it’s not me who is crazy, you will regret it in the future. “

Old Josh was shrugged, and he didn’t take seriously for Jill’s warning. In his eyes, this old friend’s child must be depressed because of being suspended, and she will be well after a while. Get up. He started to get busy with the things at hand, and Jill didn’t want to talk nonsense to him anymore.

She has been treated as a mental illness by too many people these days. , A lunatic with lies and rumors. She is used to how these people think of her.

She is just silently drinking the strong wine in front of oneself, trying to use these things to pour oneself Get drunk so that oneself can forget about the nightmare. But no matter how she administers oneself, it is impossible for oneself to forget those things. Those things have completely changed her life.

Jill is still drinking, but There was already one more person beside him. The person looked at her for a while, and then asked after a long time.

“Jill Valentine. It should be correct. “

Jill squinted at this strange Asian man, with a tall figure and an unfamiliar face. He was completely someone oneself didn’t know.

“Do we know?” “

“No, I just want to confirm. Are you? “The stranger looked at him, and there was a single fluorescence on the black flat eyes.

“I think you found the wrong person. “Jill’s drunk eyes are dim, but still very alert. She quietly stretched her hand behind her, where she put a pistol.

“I think I did not find it wrong, unless in this world there are two who look The exact same people. “Stranger laughed.” But if you need to confirm it. So, are you Jill Valentine, a former STARS player. Is there a famous madman detective in the city now? “

As soon as this was said, Jill immediately stood up from the chair, she drew a pistol from behind and aimed at the stranger. There was even a cold question in her mouth.

“Are you from Umbrella? “

I have to say that she is very lucky. Because there are no other customers in the bar at this time except her. Otherwise, she can be on TV again by threatening with guns alone. .

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. “The stranger shook the head and wanted to get closer. But as soon as he moved, Jill pulled off the insurance.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. “She said the same thing, but the meaning was completely different. “Answer me, who are you?” “

“Seriously, shooting at such a close distance is really unsafe! “The stranger shrugged and sprinted forward. Before Jill could react, he held the barrel with his hand. Although Jill had subconsciously pulled the trigger, the bullet did not hit the target at all. Instead, it was broken. The chair on the side.

This made Jill immediately feel very bad, she hurriedly punched the strange man’s wrist, trying to get him to release the own pistol by hitting the wrist joint. . But the stranger’s reaction was faster than her.

He directly bent his arms and elbows against Jill’s shoulders, causing her to lean on the side. But he himself was close to his body with one hand. Grabbing her fist, while pushing gently. Jill, who had already drunk a lot of alcohol at this time, couldn’t balance her own at all, she fell behind her whole body.

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, the stranger yanked her again. He pulled her into his arms. However, his posture was not ambiguous, but full of intimidation. Because his arms were all around her. On the neck, the other hand is holding Jill’s gun against her back.

“The closer the gun, the less threatening it is. Because you don’t have much time to react at all. “The stranger’s laughter sounded in her ears, which made Jill’s heart burn with anger. She desperately tried to break free from the stranger’s hold, but she couldn’t break free from his arms.

It seems that She can only choose to be obediently surrender. However, you must know that she is not alone here.

A shotgun was stretched out from the side and aimed at the back of the stranger’s head. Old Joe was fiercely fiercely. The voice followed.

“Let her go, bastard. Otherwise you will taste the deer bomb. “

“Okay, okay. Don’t go wrong, otherwise this beauty and I will have to sort out our remains. “The stranger slowly raised his hand with the gun, and put the gun on the bar little by little in the watchful eyes of old Josh.

Old Josh stared closely. He, but when the pistol passed by his eyes, his attention was inevitably distracted. And just this, the stranger seized the opportunity.

The pistol suddenly fell on the table. , Made Old Josh’s eyes jump. The stranger took the opportunity to wave his backhand and hit his arm directly on Old Josh’s shotgun. The muzzle of the shotgun shook suddenly. At this time, the shotgun was naturally aimed at no longer The original goal. And just taking advantage of this small interval, the stranger has already pulled out a revolver.

The huge and delicate revolver was held up before Old Josh moved the muzzle back. He cut his chin and made him obediently and honestly stop the own action. The stranger was lightly laughed.

“Although I don’t want to say it, it seems that I won, so I just sit down and talk. how about it? “

Jill is still struggling. She has tried to elbow strangers on the ribs, but the effect is not very good. It feels like gestures with the special forces fighting Instructor. All your attacks are It didn’t work as it should. On the contrary, under his attack, you are like a boat in howling wind and torrential rain, unable to find the direction.

So in the end, she could only ask discouragedly. Tao.

“What do you want to talk about? If Umbrella asks you to seal it, I mind you better kill me. Unless I die, I will always be impossible to shut up on that matter. “

The stranger sighed, he motioned to Old Josh to throw away the shotgun in his hand. After he did so, he put the revolver in his hand away and released the controlled Jill at the same time. .

“I’m not at all malice, Valentine Young Lady. I want to talk to you about STARS. I think maybe you need some help. “

As soon as she left the arms of the stranger, Jill immediately backed away and distanced herself. She looked at the stranger warily and asked.

“Help, can you give me What help? “

” Revenge your comrades and protect the residents of this city. Isn’t this help enough? “

Revenge. Hearing this word, Jill’s tired heart is like a fueled engine. This is what she has been thinking about. She knows that if she can’t avenge her dead teammates, I’m afraid she She has never had peace in her whole life. So whether it is for she herself or for the dead comrades, she must agree to it.

But at any rate, the reason has not disappeared from her, she will not unconditionally believe A stranger. Unless he comes up with something that oneself can believe.

“Who the hell are you and why help me? “

(Sorry, I’m getting busier and busier near graduation, and I have to go to the job fair today. There may only be one update.)

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