Sun God Marvel

Chapter 148

“Perfect plan, but you are the biggest beneficiary. What a disgusting behavior!” Jill stiffly confided oneself’s view of Zhou Yi, which is like seeing filth The look of things makes Zhou Yi unfathomable mystery, and very upset.

He frowned and asked.

“Valentin Young Lady, I’m very surprised. Why do you think of me like this? If it’s just the previous question, I can swear it’s just a misunderstanding!”

“and That has nothing to do, Mr. Regal!” Jill interrupted him with a wave of his hand. “You want to know why, I can tell you directly. I hate you because of everything you do.”

Zhou Yi sat up straight, posing an ear-listening look.

“You know everything Umbrella has done, and you can reveal them earlier. Why do you have to stand up until now? You just saw a profitable bastard waiting for the prey The dead vulture wants to get a share of Umbrella’s wreckage that’s all. What you did is for your own benefit. You never thought about how many people died because of your sitting and watching.”

This is the truest language in Jill’s heart, and it is also her truest feeling after knowing that Zhou Yi has mastered Umbrella’s secrets and his identity. She hated Zhou Yi in her heart, which was originally something buried in her heart, but after having a special experience, she no longer concealed this feeling, but directly exposed it to Zhou Yi.

A strange thought drove her to do this. She wanted to know how Zhou Yi would face her inner resentment.

As for the naked feelings shown by Jill, Zhou Yi’s reaction was very flat.

“Done? When you are finished, you can clean up and get ready to start your mission. Time is tight, and Umbrella can no longer hold the group of rare beasts they raised.”

After speaking, he stood up. Seems to want to leave. But this behavior was totally unacceptable to Jill. She had imagined many situations, but she had never thought that Zhou Yi would be so calm, so calm as if everything had nothing to do with him.

This situation made her feel angry, perhaps because of Zhou Yi’s indifference, or perhaps because of oneself’s dead comrade. Either way, it was enough for her to stop in front of Zhou Yi and blame him.

“Don’t you feel a little guilt, don’t you feel ashamed for what you have done?” She stared wide-eyed, her expression is as compelling as a sharp sword.

“Shame? Why? Just because I stood up and said I know all this?” Zhou Yi finally changed his face, not the anger that Jill had imagined. It’s a joke like watching a farce.

“Do you really think that only I know this? I can tell you that there is far more than me. Just because I appeared in front of you and told you all that I know. You can be with me Say this kind of nonsense. If I don’t say this, what qualifications do you have to question me?”

“If you say sin, many people are guilty. At this time, Valentine Young Lady, you should be thankful I, not hate me. Because among these insiders, I am the only one willing to save you. As for those who have died, I am sorry. But if I say guilt, then I can only be more sorry. .”

After all this, Jill’s expression became very strange. She stared at Zhou Yi stubbornly, as if she wanted to see a trace of psychological change on his face. But this is just in vain. So in the end, she could only turn her head around.

“You are a cold-blooded devil!” This was her last condemnation.

“But I, the devil, can save the rest of the city!” Zhou Yi didn’t care about the language attack, he just opened the door. Signals Jill to keep up with oneself.

Gill followed Zhou Yi silently, even though she still hated him in her heart. But at this time she must also follow him, because just as Zhou Yi said, following him can save more innocent citizens.

Umbrella belongs to the branch, and the once bustling floors have become much deserted. Umbrella evacuated a considerable part of the important personnel in order not to arouse some people’s suspicion. They even give all employees two weeks of paid vacation.

This makes those unknowing employees thank the company for its generosity. They simply believe that this is because of the chaotic situation in Laken City and the protective measures the company has taken to them. Ignorance is sometimes bliss, but sometimes it also means being closer to Death. These employees are like this, they are all Umbrella’s abandoned sons. It’s something abandoned with this city.

However, the building is far from empty. In the central laboratory of the building, a group of people are monitoring a bunch of sophisticated instruments. What the instrument shows is the structure of a human body. If you look at the outline of the chest, it is a woman.

Women, one of the two major categories of humans. But she lost her meaning here, because no one here would regard her as a woman. Everyone here only regards them as experimental objects, and they are on the same level as guinea pigs. They have tested many such existences and have long ignored her true identity.

“There is no problem, you can start the experiment!” Such a voice rang from the group of people. Soon someone responded with something like “ready, experiment started”. The instruments began to work, and with the work of these instruments. At the other end of the building, a place like an operating room made a noise.

The lights were turned on and various medical equipment began to operate. A special medicament was injected by a robotic arm into a woman lying on a hospital bed within the body. As this strange medicament began to work, the woman in the hospital bed slowly regained consciousness.

She first looked at the situation of all around with some confusion, and then immediately screamed, holding her head. The intense pain invaded her brain, making her recall everything that oneself had in this pain.

But this painful cry also attracted some people’s attention. Two Umbrella special forces armed with guns pushed open the door of the emergency room. They looked a little surprised when they saw the woman who had recovered. But soon they came forward, trying to subdue her before talking.

Which one will have the advantage, a fully armed soldier or an unarmed woman. It seems obvious at a glance, but in fact the opposite is true.

As soon as the soldier’s hand pressed the woman’s shoulder, her backhand clasped her wrist. The curved joints made the soldier have to leave his own body, and at this time. The woman had been ejected from the hospital bed and hit the soldier’s waist with a knee bump.

The sound of broken bones is very clear in this ward, which means that even if this soldier is undying, he will never want to walk on his feet for the rest of his life. And this voice obviously frightened his companion.

He quickly picked up the gun and shot in the direction of the woman. But the woman squatted down very cleverly and shrank behind the paralyzed soldier.

The soldier who fired the gun was unwilling to injure his own companion, and quickly removed the gun. But the woman seized this opportunity and pulled out the pistol tied to the soldier’s thigh.

One burst shot, and the bullet directly penetrated the soldier’s head. Let the guy with the gun fall into a pool of blood.

Fixed the threatening guy, the woman reached out and put her hand on the neck of the soldier with a broken lumbar spine. With a sudden force, the soldier also stepped onto the back of oneself’s companion.

The woman who had done all this grinned her teeth. The movement just now was too big, causing the needle inserted in her body to tear her veins. I didn’t feel it when I first faced the enemy, but now the pain is coming up immediately.

She hurriedly pulled out the needles, but was surprised to find that the own wound was healing again at a speed visible by a naked eye. This kind of weird scene made her eyes instantly clouded. At the same time, there was a very bad feeling in my heart.

She hurriedly searched for own, and soon, she found a strange pinhole on own’s arm.

The evenly distributed pin eyes, like plum blossoms, made her face pale instantly. As a member of Umbrella, especially the kind who knows the inside story. She naturally knew what this pinhole meant. She has become an experiment, a monster that may change at any time.

This kind of thing makes it difficult for her to accept, but she has to accept it. Because a more serious problem lay before her, own life safety.

The sound of intensive footsteps came from outside the door, and that kind of thick sound made the woman who has stood the test of battle immediately recognized that this was a fully armed team running. Obviously, the gunshot just now has attracted enough attention.

Being able to solve two soldiers easily does not mean she can handle a team of well-trained soldiers. Without surprises, she was completely unconfident that she could survive the line of shooting.

So without a word, she pulled up the bed sheet under oneself. Hit the floor-to-ceiling window directly to the side. The glass windows couldn’t stop the collision of the woman at all. In an instant the glass shot off, and the woman had already rushed out of the building wrapped in sheets, and fell straight down from the fifth-floor high.

A boxed truck was directly below the woman. Her body hit the top of the truck and immediately sank the truck’s compartment. The trucks have become like this, and women will naturally not be much better.

Her arms twisted into a strange posture, and a piece of skeleton even stuck out of her forearm. This is because she took a bit with her arm when she landed. And her internal organs were obviously shocked to a certain extent, because a large amount of congestion came out of her nostrils and mouth.

For the average person, this is definitely a state of death. But it didn’t apply to this woman, because she had already pushed her body over from the truck and walked like flying, and soon disappeared into the street.

I have to say that fortunately, Laken City has been deserted at this time, and most of the people have been hiding at home. Especially the street in front of Umbrella, there is no one. Otherwise, the way a woman is now will definitely scare many people.

And just after the woman disappeared on the street, a soldier leaned out from the top of a building not far away. He also held a sniper rifle with a large caliber in his hand. If you look closely, you will find it. The cross of his sight has been locked on the woman.

But instead of shooting at all, he watched this woman get into a shop. Until this time, he pressed the communicator next to his own ear and said.

“Sir, the target has entered the experimental area. Repeat, the target has entered the experimental area.”

Edward’s voice came from his headset.

“Very well, you can return to the team.”

“Yes, sir!” The sniper replied, and he had retracted into the shadow behind him with the sniper rifle. It’s as if he doesn’t exist at all.

And when he left the place, the woman suddenly turned her head. Through the shop window, he stared at the place where he had just watched her. Although she found nothing, she still knew that someone was staring at her just now.

This made her feel uneasy, so she quickly opened the back door of the store. Quietly left from the alley.

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