Sun God Marvel

Chapter 149

The roar of the propeller is so loud that it numbs the brain, and it has been hovering in the sky in Laken. As long as you look at lifts the head, you can see police helicopters with the Umbrella logo flying over your head from time to time. Umbrella sent own soldiers to various points of Laken City, occupying traffic arteries and commanding heights, which seemed to protect the city, but in fact it was to control the order of the proving ground.

Most of them are not to protect the people, but to allow Umbrella to control all the conditions in this test site at this last time.

However, there are also some exceptions in these forces. Umbrella’s most elite mercenary organization UBCS is also ready to go. They are an emergency response force specially set up to deal with biological and chemical experimental weapons. And now they will work with the police in this city to rescue the innocent citizens.

A tough battle is about to begin.

“Help, help! What the hell are you! Don’t come over!” A citizen screamed and was chased by a group of “people” running around. Those people could no longer be called human beings.

The dilated pupils make the white eyes scarcely scary, and the rancid smell on his body can be smelled from far away. Looking closer, you can see the rotten muscles and the gray and necrotic skin tissue.

Some people even have maggots growing on their bodies. Those maggots burrow around in terrifying and hideous wounds. The sight of them is enough to make many people feel sick and unable to eat. And now what they have to do is far from making people unable to eat, but to treat people as food and swallow them into their never satisfied stomach.

These crazy zombies have surrounded the citizen. With their organs severely decayed, they made a wu wu cry, like howling a hungry ghost. With a simple desire for food, they have stretched out their own sharp claw and teeth to this bad luck guy.

“no! No! Don’t come here! Who will save me! Ah…” After the terrible cry, a human fell to the ground. It didn’t take long for a corpse with wild beast bite wounds to stand up gradually. It dragged its dull body and joined the own compatriots. Start looking for all living things to fill its never-filled belly.

In today’s Laken City, he is not the first such bad luck guy, nor will he be the last.

A large number of citizens are running in horror. They have given up their own private cars, and the congested traffic at this time has become a fatal thing. In order to survive, the legs became the last means of transportation. But they were still surrounded by a large number of these terrifying creatures. The outbreak of the Resident Evil quickly reduced this place to a ghost, and the huge group of zombies almost made people shudder.

Some citizens with weapons in their hands began to fire in a panic, but they couldn’t stop the sea of ​​corpses from advancing at all. In the end, they could only make a scream of miserable despair, because in their eyes, survival was already Becomes an impossible thing.

At this moment, several police patrol cars and SUVs carrying explosion-proof police stopped at an intersection not far away. Wearing bulletproof vests, headband bulletproof helmets and holding G36 automatic rifles and MP5 semi-automatic rifles, the explosion-proof policemen who were almost armed to the teeth quickly jumped out of the police car. Relying on the police car as a cover, they launched a fierce attack on a large number of zombies opposite attack.

“If you want to survive, come here!” A police officer yelled to the group of escaped citizens with a tweeter. He looked at the crowd of zombies that were crushed by a large number of at least a thousand. He couldn’t help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. The tremendous pressure made his legs tremble, but watching the group of citizens dragging their children and girls, he still clenched his teeth and persevered, and at the same time he faced his own men. yelled: “Fire! Free fire!!!”

The narrow streets have been crowded with countless zombies, and their silhouettes are everywhere, the kind of terrifying that lingers in the ears all the time The sound of wu wu and the annoying crying and shouting around are enough to make any policeman feel suffocating power, and the shocking scene of endless zombies hiding the sky and covering the earth is also enough to destroy the fragile confidence of these policemen .

A gunshot sounded, and a huge blood flower burst out of the chest of a zombie walking in the front. Then, the gunshot sounded continuously, and the golden bullet shells kept falling to the ground, and the bullet seemed to be unnecessary Money poured into the sea of ​​corpses, trying to block the advance of these zombies. But with the exception of individual zombies, most of the zombies still flooded like a tide.

This terrifying scene shocked all the police, because if an ordinary person had been shot several times, they would have already returned to heaven. But these terrifying monsters only if not shot in the head, even if they are torn to pieces, they will crawl towards the police little by little. Although these corpses were slow in their actions, they brought everyone an unspeakable fear. Not everyone can withstand this terrifying pressure. Some of the top police officers have already approached. On the verge of collapse.

Someone was tremblingly shouting: “What kind of monster is this? Undying!” But no one had time to respond to his words. Every policeman was not full of sweat on his forehead. They kept aiming, pulling the trigger, and then changing into bullets, but the crazy consumption of ammunition could not effectively stop the zombies from advancing.

As a last resort, a policeman took out a high-explosive grenade and threw it at the sea of ​​corpses. Fragmentation grenade bombs exploded in the dense zombies, except for a few zombies whose heads were exploded. , The other zombies still marched towards them.

However, the sound of the explosion always has some effect, and it has regained some confidence in these collapsed policemen. Then one after another grenades were thrown at the zombies. The zombies exploded one by one, and it seemed that the casualties were heavy, but the number of zombies that were really eliminated was not at all. And soon, the police were in a situation where they had run out of ammunition and food.

Without ammunition, how can humans compete with such an undying monster. This kind of question lingers on almost everyone’s heart. The tired police officers could no longer resist. Finally, when the officer in charge of the operation gave the order to retreat, the police team began to retreat in a panic.

But the zombies encircled from all directions made their team impossible to move a single step, especially the citizens who were trapped among them, which greatly hindered their actions. They can drive away, but at that time without the drag of the people. Now, they can only rely on own feet.

The team moved slowly like a staggering old man. Suddenly, a policeman who was changing a magazine was pushed to the ground by a zombie that came from the side, and several zombies immediately followed him. , The police made a terrible scream, and soon the voice fell silent.

He was the first policeman to fall, but he was not the last. After him, the police line of defense finally collapsed. The outermost policemen were overwhelmed one by one by the tide of zombies. Their screams stimulated the nerves of all the survivors. The tremendous pressure broke the psychological defenses of many policemen. Some policemen began to desperately move towards the place they thought was safe. Some people even dropped their guns in despair. The line of defense was broken and zombies swarmed in. The blood-stained bulletproof helmets mirrored faces that were distorted by terror.

Death is close at hand, and it is more terrifying than imagined.

Despair and madness have made everyone lose hope, and at this time. The roar of the truck came over, and a huge truck roared towards the tide of corpses. The huge horsepower allowed it to smash everything along the way, and it crushed countless zombies into disgusting pieces. And when it slammed its head against the wall, the huge body that came across completely blocked one side of the street.

The survivors got a chance to breathe, but the situation is still grim.

“Come here, there is a way!” At this time, a person suddenly rushed out of the lane on the side of the street, and Jill stood there waving to all the survivors.

It was as if they had caught the last straw. Both the police and the civilians rushed towards the lane frantically at this time, and all the order was in a mess. Jill screamed desperately, but the effect was almost ineffective.

On the other side, the zombies followed these survivors. The truck blocked the path of the zombies on one side, but could not stop the zombies on the other side. Seeing these zombies getting closer and closer to oneself, various strange screams immediately exploded in the crowd. They desperately pushed the people in front of them, wanting to rush into this fairly safe shelter faster. But apart from causing greater chaos, they couldn’t even move forward.

At this moment, a huge gunshot suddenly came, and then the whole head of the zombie who rushed in the front turned into scum, convulsing and fell to the ground. Then, a tall man carried a car door and rushed out. He smashed the car door hard on a zombie’s face, smashing it into a pile of mud. Wielding a short sword at the same time, he cut off the heads of four or five zombies in an instant.

For a time, no zombie can stand within a foot around him.

“Anyone who can still hold a gun, shoot in the head. The women, the elderly and the children go in first, and the policemen are broken!” Zhou Yi holding a dagger and carrying the car door as a shield yelled. The subordinates kept clearing up these zombies that kept coming up.

One after another zombies fell at his feet, even if he was alone, these zombies could no longer rush into this lane. Such a sight is surprising and inexplicable.

Some police officers spontaneously stood up, relying on the only remaining ammunition to help Zhou Yi remove these zombies. Also the police began desperately to maintain order here.

Democracy and freedom at this time don’t work. They use their fists to teach those desperate to rush in, and at the same time protect the old and weak, women and children, so that they can get into the tunnel faster. Door.

The fragile order has been established, and this has become a rope that maintains the lives of all the survivors here. The voice of opposition was suppressed, and the panic remained, but the pace could not stop.

Everyone watched nervously at the guy standing in the front. His efforts are related to the lives of everyone here. If he persists for a moment, there will be more hope of survival.

Whether it is a policeman or a civilian, at this time, all hope is placed on the brave man. And the brave did not let them down.

The crowd gradually disappeared into the escape gate, Zhou Yi and the police were also fighting and retreating. Soon, he and these broken guys rushed into the gate.

The moment the door closed, everyone breathed out. But before they were finished, the crazy clapping sound from behind the door made them lift their hearts.

The voice is telling them that this is hell and you can’t escape.

(Finally, an editor took pity on me and talked to me about signing the contract. Hey, let’s not say anything. Thank you for your support. Without your support, I can’t hold on for that long. The Red Sea is extremely here. Thanks! In addition, the editor in charge requested to change the title of the book. From now on, this book will be called “The Glory of Sun God”. I hope you will continue to join in. People are always growing. I will let the protagonist rise.)

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