Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1529

Seeing that Tathagata Buddha opened his mouth like this, Taibai Jinxing was naturally impossible again.

It can be said that he has made up his mind. If the conditions of the Tathagata are reasonable, then it’s all. Looking at the crisis facing Celestial Court today, it is acceptable to suffer a little loss. However, if he is lion’s big mouth, then even if he goes back to live and die with the Jade Emperor, he will pay loyalty. He definitely can’t make this precedent here.

He also understands the so-called non-my race. In any case, he is impossible to bear the name of a sinner through the ages, allowing Buddhism to completely win the Heaven Realm. Not to mention that he disagrees, as long as he wants to come, the Jade Emperor will not have this age. After all, history is like a knife, even Divine Immortal is afraid that oneself will be poked in the backbone.

Tathagata Buddha seems to have seen Taibai Jinxing’s thoughts, or in other words, he is very aware of the scale. Therefore, he did not at all put forward any particularly excessive conditions, but put forward a request that Taibai Jinxing considered to be unattainable.

“Lao Na’s request is very simple. If I can live in the Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerate and capture this ancient god, then I will also ask the Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerate to open my favor, and let me Buddhism transform this person into the West. One more Buddha will be added to the Heavenly Paradise.”

Duhua, this is a very powerful method of Buddhism. On the surface, it is said that it is the wide-ranging and profound influence of Buddhism to let the world understand the way of detachment from Buddhism, so as to let go of everything and go to the other side of bliss. But in fact, this is confusing.

Wisdom is something to be seen, not let down. Obsession with this thing is the root of human nature, Seven Emotions and Six Desires are inherently human. If you put everything down, cut everything off, and be a monk with all four empty ones, then what is the difference with being a hollow puppet?

It’s very simple, but some people don’t understand it because of thinking. For the so-called Pure Land of Bliss, I don’t know how many people are willing to let go of everything around oneself and cut off all the desires in oneself’s heart. Dare not love, dare not hate, dare not think, dare not resent. What’s the point of such a person who can live for hundreds of millions of years even if he lives in the world of bliss?

There is love and hate, and there is delusion and resentment. This is what a real person should look like. Like Buddhism, the four are empty, and everything can be put down. simply means walking corpse. From this point of view, Duhua has actually entered the evil way. But it is undeniable that even if this is an evil way, its formidable power still cannot be underestimated.

So far, the highest record of Buddhism is Indra.

Indra is the main god of Hinduism, the god of the gods, the god of rain, the god of thunder, and the war god. At the same time, he is also Emperor Shitian, a Celestial Emperor. Even in the entire complex Indian god system, he is also a pivotal existence, and his status is high, which can be said to be only under the three main gods.

Of course, Indra has more than one role. Buddhism is only one of the successive Indras. However, even if it was only one, it was also the Celestial Emperor, and it was an act of nakedly beating the Brahman god on the skin. It can be said that before this, Buddhism and Brahmanism can still live in harmony, then after this, they can only be a life-and-death situation.

The decline of Buddhism in India is probably related to a certain degree. And this is enough to prove that Buddhism is powerful. Being able to save Indra may not be able to save the eight main incarnations of today. Once this matter takes shape, then the strength of Buddhism will definitely double.

As the master of the Western Heavenly Paradise, now the Buddha of Buddhism. Tathagata’s heart is very clear that the power development of Buddhism has reached bottleneck. Avalokitesvara, Kṣitigarbha, it is impossible to become a Buddha without aspiration. And as long as they can’t become a Buddha in one day, then they are absolutely impossible, like oneself, to open up a world of bliss.

Elysium is the root of Buddhism. When Buddhism was strong at the beginning, the three Greater Worlds stood side by side. Even in the face of attacks from many gods, they were able to stand firm, and even said they did not fall behind. As a later man, this is why Shakyamuni allowed Buddhism to grow and develop. The way of Buddhism is indeed not to be underestimated.

It’s just a pity that they were a little overwhelmed at the beginning and gave the Brahman and other Gods a chance to implement the plan of defeating them separately for the entire Buddhism. And when the oriental colored glaze world collapsed, the central whirling world died with the passing of Sakyamuni. He was the only one who took his own Paradise to preserve the remnant forces of Buddhism and traveled far away.

For so many years, Tathagata has been planning this to restore Buddhism to its oneself state. Because only in this way, Buddhism can truly stand against the Daomen and Celestial Court, instead of being dragged by the second child against the boss like a little brother. It’s just a pity that this idea is good, but in practice, it may not be so easy.

Buddhism pays attention to sermons. Anyone who is a bodhisattva can make great aspirations to prove the way of himself, and finally achieve the Buddha status in practice. When Buddhism was prosperous, there were thirty-five Buddhas, but judging from this number, we can know that this process of preaching is not difficult. As long as you find a tricky method, you will eventually become a Buddha.

However, Buddha and Buddha are also different. Monkeys who became monks halfway through their lives are not counted as being named. For example, it is normal, Jin Chanzi’s reincarnation of Tan Tan Kungfu Buddha. The ambition he made was to teach the Fa, and the process of proving his oneself ambition was so-called difficult.

Sounds a lot, but careful calculations are not so difficult. There are four disciplines guarantee and protect, and there are also a pile of Divine Immortal Bodhisattvas on it. After all, it was just a thrilling, but safe and secure trip. The whole process cannot be said to be easy and casual, but it is definitely not extremely difficult. Compared with Kṣitigarbha, the hell is not empty, the ambition of not becoming a Buddha, and the dao road of Avalokitesvara to save all living beings, it is definitely a worlds apart.

And this is the reason why Jin Chanzi has obviously become a Buddha, but Jin Chanzi has no chance to show his face here. His Buddha has too much water, and the big one can’t take the stage. This is the same as when American held a security meeting for the Department of Defense, and impossible included some cultural and religious association chairpersons. You simply do not have this qualification.

What the Tathagata wants is not this kind of Buddha. What he wants is a Buddha, a holy Buddha that can open up a world and become a Buddha as an ancestor. In the Western Heavens today, only Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva and Guanshiyin Bodhisattva have this qualification.

It’s just that, although these two people are qualified, they can’t count on them in a short time. To open the gap in this regard, he must find another target. The appearance of Zhou Yi obviously gave him hope.

The Eight Lords are the Lords of Heaven and Earth in this world, and he knows this very well. And it is precisely because of this that he moved such thoughts. For him, as long as Zhou Yi can be included in Buddhism, then he plans to plot against. It is entirely possible for Zhou Yi to refining this world, making it his own Buddha country.

As long as this world becomes a Buddhist kingdom, then the prosperity of Buddhism has become a foregone conclusion. At that time, whether it is Celestial Court or Daomen, under such a general trend, there will be no other choice except to obey the acknowledge allegiance and follow the trend.

This is Tathagata’s plan and his biggest plan. As for his plan like this, Taibai Jinxing is definitely not aware of it. However, although he didn’t know the plan of the Tathagata, he knew very well that this guy who seemed to laugh at the world must have a plan.

This kind of thing is big or small. To be smaller, Xitian is nothing more than a terrifying Buddha. With the partnership between Celestial Court and Buddhism, it will only be the door, not them. But going bigger, the situation is different.

Taibai Jinxing will never forget the identity of Buddhism outsiders. Maybe now, Buddhism and Celestial Court are a cooperative relationship, and the two sides are harmonious like honey mixing oil. However, this is based on the premise that the Dao Sect is strong. Once the incarnation of the Eight Lords settled in Buddhism, the three-way stand of the Celestial Court of Buddhism and Taoism turned upside down. Taibai Jinxing didn’t think Buddhism at that time was still willing to continue this cooperative relationship with Celestial Court.

Furthermore, Buddhism is even less recognized by Celestial Court than Taomen. No matter how you take advantage of one’s position to bully people, it is an owner person after all. Even if the Celestial Court is set up by the door, they will be the worst Free and Unfettered Powder fairy. But if Buddhism took control of Celestial Court, it would be different. Anyway, Taibai Jinxing doesn’t want to be a monk at this age.

Of course, these things cannot be said explicitly. The Ether Platinum star hesitated for a while, then cupped his hands and said.

“I understand the meaning of the Tathagata. It’s just that the matter of the Eight Lords is very important. Even if the Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerate wants to make it, the elders of the Taoist sects and the ancient gods may not be nodded to agree . Therefore, I advise the Lord not to have too much illusions.”

“It’s okay, as long as Taibai Jinxing can make the Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerate accept this. As a hindrance, Lao Na will naturally solve this matter. Lao Na only needs a promise. Believe this, Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerate should not be stingy.”

“This…” After assessing the stakes, Taibai Jinxing bowed and said. “If you want to come to Great Heavenly Venerate, you won’t be stingy with a promise. If the Buddha asks for this, Taibai Jinxing is willing to guarantee this and try his best to make it happen. If something goes wrong, the heavens and the man will kill together.”

” Okay, then it’s a deal.”

Haha smiled, the Buddha looked towards the monkey with an impatient face under oneself, and then commanded.

“Wukong, you have some magical powers, you can follow Taibai Jinxing one step ahead, with the heart of Anyu Emperor. When I order the soldiers and horses, naturally follow closely from behind, for the Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerate clears away this karma.”

“Well, my grandson has long been impatient!”

With a crazy laughed heartily, the monkey has already jumped off the lotus platform, pulling Taibai Jinxing’s sleeves jumped out of the Holy Land of Spiritual Mountain. Looking at the back of these two people, Tathagata Buddha smiled together, and he had already recite the scriptures.

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