Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1530

Taibai Jinxing non-stop, drove Taibai to escape with the monkey fast as lightning back to Celestial Court. As soon as he entered South Heaven Gate, everything he saw immediately made this The eyes of the loyal ministers and righteous men were dark, and they almost fell down from the clouds.

South Heaven Gate is naturally safe and sound. On the surface, this seems to be a good thing. But a closer look reveals that outside South Heaven Gate The guard of the heavenly soldiers has been completely changed. Even the leading heavenly general has changed from the four kings to the Vermilion Bird of the twenty-eight stars.

Taibai Jinxing will not forget, Twenty-eight Constellations, together with the Sifang Gods, created the Jade Emperor’s rebels. Now that they have appeared in this position, it almost means that they have occupied the vital part of the Celestial Court. /p>

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for Taibai Jinxing to have any optimistic views on the safety of the Jade Emperor. Because of the victory of South Heaven Gate, the road to Rising Firmament Palace is already unimpeded. He didn’t think that the Divine Immortal in Lingxiao’s great hall would be able to escort the king and protect the Jade Emperor. So immediately, he yelled at the monkey beside him.

“Great Saint, rush in quickly. One step at night, Great Heavenly Venerate is afraid of life worry!”

“No hurry, no hurry, look at my grandson. “

Although he was very afraid of the Vermilion Bird, who guarded the South Heaven Gate, the monkeys calmed Taibai Jinxing calmly.

He quietly pulled Taibai Jinxing aside and hid in the dark, then he pulled out a bunch of monkey hair and blew it hard, turning these monkey hairs into monkeys with sticks and armor. Head image, then shuaa~, the moved towards South Heaven Gate hiding the sky and covering the earth attacked the past.

As soon as such an image appears, anyone with long eyes can tell that this is the trick of the monkey. As the guard of the South Heaven Gate, Vermilion Bird is now complexion changed, and then hurriedly ordered the heavenly soldiers under oneself to yelled them.

“Quickly, guard South Heaven Gate, don’t let these monkey heads rush past. Also, call me clairvoyance and wind ears. That monkey must have ran over to make trouble, don’t let him disturb the adults Actions.”

The twenty-eight stars are twenty-eight or humans or spirits, and the practice is successful, and then the Divine Immortal of the divine force of the stars. The seven places in Vermillion Bird of the South are Jingmuyan, Guijinyang, Liutu Roe, Xingrima, Zhangyuelu, Winged Fire Snake, and Water Earthworm. Among them, the single-wheel battle strength is naturally led by the star horse and the winged fire snake. However, the other five star Star Gods also possess great magical power.

These seven Star Gods work together to set up a big star net directly on South Heaven Gate. Although it cannot be said that all the monkeys are caught in it, it is already enough to clean up almost. . As for the other monkey heads, naturally they don’t need to do it themselves, and the heavenly soldiers who obey their orders can do it for them.

I saw hundreds of heavenly soldiers grabbing knives in their hands, busy making a group. It’s almost messy, looking for the trouble of those monkey heads everywhere like a nest of ants. As monkey Avatars, these monkey heads are not talkative guys. They inherited the oneself deity’s unrestrained character by nature, so they are basically impossible obediently surrender, but directly fought these heavenly soldiers with sticks. .

The Monkey’s hand-plucking Avatar spell is also numbered in the entire Heaven Realm. Although single-round mana, these monkey heads are far less than these heavenly soldiers who became immortals, but they inherited part of the copper skin & iron bones of the monkeys themselves, and they have good martial arts. When they really face these heavenly soldiers, But it doesn’t let the wind fall at all.

You come and I go with you. Either the Avatars of a few monkeys were beaten into smoke and scattered, or some heavenly soldiers were beaten with bloody nose and swollen face and defeated. Seeing that the heavenly soldiers under oneself hadn’t taken these monkey heads down for a long time, the winged fire snake, who was already grumpy, couldn’t sit still.

He hurriedly stood out from the crowd, stood on the South Heaven Gate and revealed the fire snake phantom on the back grows a pair of wings, and then yelled “Get out of the way!” , Is already spitting out the infinite fire from the mouth.

This fire is not a normal fire, but a Southern Bright Trigram Fire. This fire is the origin of Vermilion Bird, burning the heaven and boiling the sea nothing difficult. And this kind of driving out, immediately, is to make the monkey heads who are still messing up to ashes.

Then the Winged Fire Snake collected the Southern Bright Trigram Fire, and the entire South Heaven Gate was immediately Haiyan Heqing. Except for a hundred gray-headed, painful heaven soldiers on the ground, There is no other natural phenomenon.

This made Qixu’s heart of Vermilion Bird, who was waiting for him, immediately uneasy. They knew by guessing that this was the trouble caused by the monkey who wanted to come and like to do things. As for why he jumped out to cause trouble, most likely someone moved his rescuer.

This is not a problem for the Vermilion Bird Divine Immortal, because they are confident that if the monkey dares to jump out at this time, they can let him know why the flower is so red .

The hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Celestial Court are not as simple as when he made a big fuss in Heavenly Palace. It was these people who were instructed that they could not take action, otherwise there would be no room for this monkey to escape from Celestial Court. I didn’t know if I had stuffed him in that crack.

Although it has been said that for so many years, monkeys have entered Buddhism and practiced Buddhism Dafa, which has greatly increased their abilities. But in their opinion, the result is not much worse. Don’t forget, they are seven people, and 21 brothers can be called out at a critical time. As for the monkey, even if he called all his brothers, it might not be enough for them to stuff their teeth.

It can be said that the twenty-eight stars is a monkey. But the problem now is that the monkey simply didn’t jump out. He played a trick, and the whole person was gone. And this is much more serious than if he jumped out to do things directly.

Compared with the threats that on the surface can solve, the ones that are invisible, or even those who don’t even know where they are peeping at the owner, are the most terrifying. This point, even Divine Immortal is no exception. So since realizing the existence of monkeys, Vermilion Bird has been straining its own nerves, guarding against possible unexpected changes.

But they can’t wait for anything. It’s like monkeys just to make them play, except for the missing monkey Avatars that were beaten and the wail like ghosts and howl like wolves who were beaten in that place, he didn’t even leave a single monkey hair. .

And this is really confusing and disturbing. Especially when the sounds of ghost cry and wolf roar are accompanying him, it is even more difficult for Vermilion Bird to calm down.

Irritation, that’s for sure. In order to be quiet, the grumpy winged fire snake was immediately instructed.

“Come here, take these shameful guys to me take along to withdraw. It’s really a bunch of trash, I can’t even beat a small Avatar!”

In Yihuo In the eyes of an immortal like a snake, a guy who can’t even beat a monkey’s Avatar is naturally waste. Because it is just a hair after all. Even the root hair is not an opponent, what do you mean by your life?

But for the Low Level Divine Immortal of the overwhelming majority, things are not so calculated. Although this is just a hair, it is the monkey’s hair after all. If you can tie the monkey’s hair, or save your life, shouldn’t you give a bonus to comfort and so on?

There must be no comfort and so on. Fortunately, they don’t need to continue doing this dangerous work at this time. The boss in the head gave them a fake, and this kind of good thing is not always possible. So immediately, those heaven soldiers with bloody nose and swollen face that were beaten are already you supporting me, I supporting you, and walking towards the position of the heavenly soldiers’ camp.

In a place where everyone did not notice, the two heavenly soldiers supporting each other have already left the position of the large army. They quietly disappeared in the buildings of the Heavenly Palace.

“Hey, these idiots, Vermilion Bird Qisu, my grandson just made a little trick and fooled them. What’s the use of high ability, the brain is the most important thing. Connect a brain No, I deserve to be someone else’s lifelong brother.”

Entering the secret ground, the two soldiers immediately manifested their original form. The official monkey and Taibai Jinxing are two. At this moment, the monkey is obviously still On the typical Lei Gong’s mouth that was proud of his own strategy, he simply kept taunting the Vermilion Bird he teased at Qixu.

When I heard his remark, Taibai Jinxing’s face But a weird expression appeared on the top.

When did even this monkey perform this kind of trick? Shouldn’t his personality be cutting people, or on the road? ?Or I brought a fake monkey, which is actually a fake of Buddhism?

Just looking at Taibai Jinxing’s face, the monkey can guess what he is thinking. And this really made him grinning, and he showed a big smile.

“Good old man. My old grandson worked so hard to help you get in. You actually arranged it in your heart. My old grandson? This is too loyal, right!”

“Victorious Battle Buddha calm down, I’m just a bit uncomfortable for a while.”

Now I also need to ask. Where the monkey is, Taibai Jinxing is naturally impossible at this time. He hurriedly begged for mercy, but when he saw his appearance, the monkey was curl one’s lip and said directly.

“Called My Sun Great Saint, or directly called I Wukong. This is not in Xitian, no need to call this name. I know what you are thinking, but I tell you, you think too much. My grandson is willing to help you, not because of the order of the old man, It’s because you are my old grandson’s friend. Even if the old Tathagata does not speak, I will come to help you. So, don’t underestimate me, and don’t let me underestimate you!”

“Many thanks…” These words immediately silenced Taibai Jinxing, and after a long silence, he was already holding his fists with both hands and bowing deeply to the monkey Bow. “Wukong!”

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