Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1570

More than thirty years ago, this was a very delicate number. Because more than 30 years ago, it was when Zhou Yi was born, and it was also when the reincarnation of this life of Smith Zhou began to plan the layout. Stuck at this particular point in time, it is difficult for Zhou Yi not to associate some things with Smith Zhou, just when he was going to ask the truth. Huang Di saw his intention, and directly addressed him so clearly.

“I know what you are thinking, but I can’t give you a definite answer. If you want to know the answer to this kind of thing, I am afraid you can only look for it from Chi Songzi himself also Ancient One Now. All I can tell you is how to find Ancient One.”

“So, how can I find her?”

See, I can’t ask him Things, Zhou Yi can only follow his words to ask this question. Anyway, all the questions can be answered from Ancient One, but he no longer plans to continue pestering Huang Di and the others.

“It’s very simple. Didn’t you put the incarnation of the Spirit Stone left by Nuwa under your command? He is the way you find the Bodhi Sect Founder. Call him and let him take you to Xianyue Samsung Dong, if Bodhi Sect Founder wants to see you, it will naturally open the door to you.”

An unexpected answer, which makes Zhou Yi wrinkle uncontrollably. Own brows. Regarding Huangdi’s statement, his first subconsciously feeling was that it was so pompous.

They are all guys who are asking for life on the own site, but the owner of oneself is going to pass, but the door may not even be opened. What does this mean? Does the dove occupy the magpie’s nest? Or do you plan to turn the customer first?

With such a sneer in my heart, Zhou Yi’s face also turned cold. He looked at these people in front of him, and said with a smile while pulling his mouth.

“So, I, the Celestial Emperor, didn’t necessarily see him in the past, did he? It’s such a big show. He regarded the Celestial Emperor as something, and what he regarded as oneself? I really thought he was. Can he ignore everything if he possesses great magical power? Or does he think that in this world there is no who can cure him?”

Although it can be seen that this is Zhou Yi taking the opportunity to vent Angry, but individuals like the Four Royal Emperors really can’t blame Zhou Yi for this. In the final analysis, this is the plan to keep up with the changes.

If the Jade Emperor is sitting in the position of Celestial Emperor today, then no one can say that there is something wrong with Bodhi Sect Founder. Because what qualifications does he have. Moreover, even if the Jade Emperor was dissatisfied, there was nothing to do what he wanted to do.

He is not Zhou Yi. Although he is the Celestial Emperor in name, the power he holds does not match the name of the Celestial Emperor. Let alone manage these tenants as the owner. Even if it is to use the power that belongs to the owner, he needs the assistance of others. With such a premise, who would take the so-called Celestial Emperor seriously? If you don’t rebel against you, it’s considered polite to you. If there is something wrong, you should hold it obediently and honestly.

For these powerful people, there is nothing wrong with having such an attitude to face the Jade Emperor. He is the Jade Emperor if you give him face, and if you don’t give him face, he is just a puppet, there is nothing to be afraid of. However, the same attitude will not work in front of Zhou Yi. Because Zhou Yi, as the Jade Emperor, has enough ability to exercise his own power. Once he exercises the power of oneself Celestial Emperor, no matter who it is, he must be ready to be kicked out of the door.

To be reasonable, the Bodhi Sect Founder is correct. If he insists on saying that he is wrong, then it can only be said that he was wrong in using the same method to different people. To deal with Zhou Yi in the same way as the Jade Emperor, it would definitely not work. And it must pay a heavy price afterwards.

This, the four imperial emperors know this well. As Bodhi Sect Founder’s old friendship, they naturally impossible to let Zhou Yi’s anger fall to Bodhi Sect Founder, so immediately, they persuaded Zhou Yi to solve it.

“Your Majesty calms down your anger, Your Majesty calms down your anger. This matter is not entirely the responsibility of the Bodhi Sect Founder. You must know that after teaching the monkey more than a thousand years ago, Bodhi had already closed the mountain gate. No longer communicate with the outside world. Bodhi has never intervened in all things big and small for more than a thousand years. Even more than 30 years ago, we personally went there, and he received Ancient One into the mountain gate. He who wants to come to this moment is very interested. All changes in the outside world are completely unknown. The ignorant is not guilty. If he knows that Your Majesty is the man of heaven, how dare he be rude to Your Majesty.”

It is very pleasant to listen to, and Zhou Yi himself snort disdainfully for their pleasant saying.

“You said he didn’t know about the big changes between Heaven and Earth, then the messengers I sent out were also fake or impossible. I said, above heaven under earth, as long as they are qualified Everyone must be sacred on the Celestial Court. is it possible that said that the messengers on the Celestial Court are wine skin and rice bags, and even people like Bodhi Sect Founder don’t know how to summon them? And if They have conveyed my order, this crime of disobedience and disrespect should not be able to escape.”

“Your Majesty rest assured, this must be the fault of the immortal official. They must have not given Your Majesty a message. Pass it to the Sect Founder of Bodhi.”

Speaking of this issue, Huang Di and the others almost certainly confirmed the reason. For this, their explanation is this.

“If you want to come to Your Majesty, don’t you know the true identity of Bodhi Sect Founder. Bodhi Sect Founder was born before the Qin Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Its name is Wang Xu, also known as Wang Chan. People call it Guiguzi.”

Guiguzi, this is a near-Legendary figure in ancient Chinese history and culture. He himself, like Confucius and Laozi, is just a thinker and educator. Not at all the feats of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, and there are no strange things that people talk about. However, from the perspective of the various schools of thought and even the evolution of the entire Chinese civilization, this is an existence that is impossible to be bypassed by people, a special person who will inevitably be remembered.

Why do you say that? This also starts from the disciplines he taught. If Guiguzi is a Qianlong who lives in seclusion all his life and does not care about world affairs. Then its dísciple is a flying dragon that walks among the world and exhibits oneself’s grand vision. As the saying goes, the flying dragon is in the sky. It can be said that as long as the dísciple produced by Professor Guiguzi, none of them are mediocre, and each can be regarded as Dragons Among Humans.

For example, Sun Bin and Pang Juan, this is a great power among soldiers. 36 Stratagems have been passed down through the ages. Although they were made by Sun Bin, there is no such thing as a powerful shadow of Gu Guizi behind them. Proficient in the theory of the military, this is certainly no doubt for Guiguzi.

Besides the military strategist, Guiguzi is also the founder of Zongzhizhi. On this point, Su Qin Zhang Yi is the proof.

“Historical Records · Biography of Su Qin” contains, “The people of Su Qin are also from Luoyang in Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Eastern affairs are taught by Qi, and learned from Mr. Guigu.” It is also stated in “Records of the History · Biography of Zhang Yi” , “Zhang Yi, Wei Ren. First tasted Mr. Guigu with Su Qin, academic. Su Qin is not as good as Zhang Yi.” From this point of view, Su Qin Zhang Yi is indeed a Guigu dísciple. And who is Su Qin Zhang Yi? Most people’s impression of them is probably just a strategist, the creator of the term Hezonglianheng.

Such a statement is not wrong, but only one-sided. Too monotonous. Can not highlight the ability of strategists. If you really say it seriously, these two people use such a sentence to describe it is the most appropriate. That is, “With the body of a commoner, the court speaks of the princes. With a three-inch tongue, retreat from a million heroes.”

It sounds a bit exaggerated, but it may not be necessary to care about it. Because this is the case for strategists. As for any political strategist, the so-called strategist is to know the overall situation and be good at contemplating; through argumentation, opportunities will change. Wisdom, courageous, strategic and decisive. Nothing goes out, nothing goes in, nothing is impossible. There is a degree of opening and closing, vertical and horizontal freely. As far as today is concerned, it is an excellent strategy strategist, an excellent tactician, an outstanding lobbyist, and a perfect diplomat.

Those who think that strategists are just going to swindle with the advantage of their tongues are totally prejudiced.

Su Qin can unite the five kingdoms, and the three kingdoms of Pei Qi, Zhao, and Yan are printed together, and the forces of the six nations force Qin to abandon the throne. Zhang Yixiong was a general, and he used a few words to get six hundred miles of Chu Chu. This is great wisdom; Tang Ju did not humiliate his mission and directly rebuked the King of Qin and kept the land of Anling. This is a heroic act; Lin Xiangru returned to Zhao with great righteousness.

Having such an ability, but still being accused of being the advantage of the tongue, then it really can only be said that there should be nothing more profitable than the tongue in the world.

The politician is so brilliant, but it still comes from the Guigu sect, coupled with the tactics of the strategist in the Guigu sect, Guigu’s own Taoist thoughts, and the method of health and medical treatment, he can completely say He learns from others and is proficient in a hundred schools. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a strange man.

And I am afraid that only such a person can be worthy of the name Bodhi Sect Founder.

I believe that everyone who has seen Journey to the West has thought about this question, that is, who is the Bodhi Sect Founder. Some people say that he is a member of Buddhism, Venerable Subhuti. But this statement is not tenable. Because Subhuti is only a cultivation bodhisattva, I am afraid that the strength alone may not be as good as the monkey, so how can it be possible to teach the monkey who possesses great magical power?

Furthermore, Bodhi Sect Founder is proficient in three hundred and sixty side gates in Journey to the West. Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Yin-Yangism, Mohism, and physicians have everything. You know, Buddhism entered the Eastern soil and it was after the Eastern Han Dynasty. Before that, Dong Zhongshu had already dismissed a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism. He has great ability, and it is impossible to learn the theory of Hundred Schools of Thought Contend during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.

So the so-called Bodhi Sect Founder is not at all a dime. On the contrary, the probability of Guiguzi is even greater. The originator of Vertical and Horizontal was supposed to be an open-minded person. He learned a little bit of interpretation and changed the name of Buddhism, nothing wrong.

And if he is really Guiguzi himself, then many things will make sense.

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