Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1571

Why do you say that if Bodhi Sect Founder is Guiguzi himself, then everything makes sense? This still starts from the identity of Guiguzi.

Although Guiguzi is the originator of the political strategist, the Great Saint of the military strategist. But if you really want to talk about the root cause, he is still a man in the door. The book “Guiguzi” written by him has a very heavy shadow of Taoism. And if you want to talk about works, then his “Seven Techniques of Yin Fu in the Classics” has to be discussed.

Yin talisman is a synonym for Taiyi, Strange Sects, and Liurenzhi in Taoism. It is an exaggeration to say that it can know all the changes in the past and the future. But reversing yin and yang, and so on, is nothing difficult at all. As the highest academic of Huang Lao Taoism, Guiguzi, one of the representative figures of Taoist Huang Lao lineage, is definitely proficient. And if he really intends to close the mountain gate tightly to prevent all interruptions from the outside world. So based on his attainments in this area, I am afraid that the ordinary Divine Immortal really has no way to find this powerful mountain gate.

But despite saying that, this is not the reason Zhou Yi can easily let go. The most is to look at the face of Si Yudijun, temporarily letting him go.

Anyway, he has found Ancient One. Therefore, visiting this Guiguzi, Bodhi Sect Founder is already on the agenda. Although he wished to start acting immediately, he knew the priorities but he didn’t do it at all.

The fairy Buddha and the universal Monster King have all gathered on Celestial Court. If oneself releases their pigeons at this time, even if they are frightened by the majesty of the owner, they may not dare to say anything. But privately, that kind of resentment is definitely not rare.

Mencius said that the emperor treats his ministers like hands and feet, and his ministers treat him like his heart; the emperor treats his ministers like a dog and horse, and his ministers treat him like a countryman; the king treats his ministers like earth and mustard, and his ministers treat him like a man Such as Kou Chou. In the final analysis, the rule of the ruler is based on mutual respect. Zhou Yi not at all regards them as chess pieces and thinks that they should be completely at the mercy of oneself. So at this time he took out what an emperor should have, respect for oneself ministers.

Temporarily let go of oneself’s most anxious thing, Zhou Yi intends to follow the plan. Go to Celestial Court to entertain the officials. Before that, he still needs to warn Siyu and Laozi.

“Several emperors, let’s put this matter aside for the time being. The time is almost the same. I think those guests should be impatient too. So, should we also show our way and go with those When the guests meet? I think at this time, the opinions of several emperors should be the best reference for many vacillating people. After all, not everyone can see the situation clearly. Instead of seeing the situation clearly. , Standing in the wrong direction, leading to some unnecessary sacrifices in the end. So it’s better to take advantage of a few to be an example and point out a clear path for others. It’s just to create a killing for Celestial Court. Oneself has accumulated a lot of merit. I don’t know how many, what do you think!”

Such words are not so much discussion, as coercion. But in the face of this kind of intimidation, even if they are the Four Emperors, the people with the highest status in this World are simply unthinkable. A powerful Celestial Emperor can coerce the heavens. Moreover, Zhou Yi’s own power is far above those of Celestial Emperors in the past. No matter from which point of view, they are unlikely to resist. Therefore, at the moment, they can only agree with a little helplessly.

“What Great Heavenly Venerate said is extremely true. It is supposed to show them a clear way out.”

“Well, let’s take a ride. Old gentleman, you and I can sit together For a while, I happen to have a lot of questions that I need to ask Lao Tzu first.”

The Lao Tzu, who has been pretending to be deaf and dumb, watched Zhou Yi and burned the fire on the owner’s head. He was taken aback for a moment, then He smiled immediately.

“Great Heavenly Venerate, please, the old naturally obeys. I just don’t know, what is the matter with Great Heavenly Venerate, do I need to consult my old fogey?”

“This, later Besides!” After hitting haha, Zhou Yi called the left and right messengers.

As the Celestial Emperor and the Four Emperors of the Celestial Court. The ostentation that a few people should have is naturally indispensable. After all, this is about the majesty of Celestial Court, God’s orthodox authority cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy. So all of a sudden, I saw the bell ringing and the gongs were ringing. In front, Asgardian Heavenly God opened the way, and behind Asgard Jiao’e held the umbrella cover. True Dragon pulls the cart, flying phoenix support. Driving with colorful clouds, golden rainbow clears the way. A vast expanse, even if it is a hundred miles away, it is enough to show its majesty.

The pomp that has evolved over the past thousands of years is really good, but Zhou Yi has not put his mind on it at all. Because at this moment, he is already focusing attention completely and staring at the old man next to oneself, as if watching him outweigh the countless in the world.

This is a bit ridiculous. After all, as long as a healthy man will not have such a view of such a dying old man. However, if this old man is the number one wise man in Chinese culture for thousands of years, and is known as the founder of Saint Taoism, Lao Tzu, then everything is over.

If you regard wisdom as the greatest wealth of mankind, then Lao Tzu himself is undoubtedly the richest person in mankind. In philosophy, he is totally a transcendent existence of a glance at the many mountains that seem small. The three thousand words of morals written by him can be said to be vividly and thoroughly expounding the truth of the world. All-encompassing, all-inclusive, talking about this wise man, and facing such an existence that should only exist in history, Zhou Yi said that he was not curious that it was impossible.

He was very curious, and it was because of curiosity that he dragged Lao Tzu to his own chariot. Of course, part of the reason for this is that he wants to use this method to let those in the sect take a good look and see his strength and energy. Some people in the province will be confused and stand on the wrong team. But the more reason is that he wants to have a good chat with this ancient wise man.

It can be regarded as a solution to the confusion in my heart. Although Zhou Yi doesn’t have much expectations for this, he still wants to see if Laozi himself has some unique views on some things.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi didn’t hesitate anymore, he already asked Laozi.

“By the way, I haven’t asked for advice yet. How did the old man go to Heaven Realm back then? I remember that he was from the Spring and Autumn Period, and he was different from the Ancient Immortal of the Huangdi. Could it be that you too What immortal teachings have become immortal dao?”

“What is immortal? It’s just a kind of personal sublimation. If everything is taught by others, then in the first place, who How about teaching that person again? Learning this kind of thing sometimes does not require the help of others. As long as you can see the essential existence, everything is a matter of course.”

Lao Tzu is not as good as Zhou Yi As expected, he is so serious and expert who always likes to play mystery. He was just laughed, and pointed to oneself.

“At first, I was the guardian of the Zhou royal family. The ancient books collected by the Zhou royal family for 800 years, even with some ancient things, I have read it. At first, I knew a little about it. . And then slowly, get acquainted. At the end, when I found that oneself had completely forgotten what he had learned, he had already walked the path of ascension of immortal change. It sounds a little weird, but if you think about it carefully, not at all what is good It’s strange. Whether it’s Magical Powers or spells, it’s just the crystallization of wisdom born. If wisdom is reached, everything is just a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed. Therefore, it’s not strange that the old gods are formed by immortals. . Not strange!”

Isn’t it strange? I’m afraid it’s ninety percent of Divine Immortal will not think so. Think about how much they have suffered to become immortals, and then look at Lao Tzu, the gap between them is really impossible to calculate. It’s not surprising, just because he is Laozi. After all, not everyone can reach this level of wisdom, even things like becoming immortal and attaining Taoism can naturally change.

Although Zhou Yi admires this kind of thing, he is not envious. After all, he himself is a person who sits on his feet. This Heavenspan’s skills and Magical Powers are more casual than Lao Tzu. So he really is not qualified to say anything on this issue.

It’s better to care about other issues than this. So at the moment, Zhou Yi’s second question is already coming one after another.

“I admire the wisdom of the old man. I just don’t understand. Since you are a superman of wisdom, why didn’t you give pointers to those people in the door when the Jade Emperor was in charge of Celestial Court? Is it to make Buddhism, an external force, continue to grow, so that in the future it will be somewhat coercive?”

“How does Your Majesty know that pointing them would be a good thing?”

chuckled, Lao Tzu said bluntly in front of Zhou Yi.

“My disciples and grandchildren say they are monasticism. In fact, the overwhelming majority are nothing more than mortals struggling in the mundane world. Mortals can’t escape a word dispute, which is understandable. After all. Heaven and Earth are not benevolent. If they don’t fight, it’s hard to get a head start. But the so-called extreme sorrow turns to joy. If you fight too much, there will be catastrophes. So instead of giving in, come out. first. When the catastrophe is imminent, set fire to the body. Then it is better to let them eat up their small losses normally. In this way, even if they suddenly undergo major changes later, although there will be some losses, they will not hurt the bones.”

“Indisputability is the way to the best. The old gentleman’s way of dealing with things is indeed profound and thought-provoking. It’s just that I still don’t understand. If the catastrophe doesn’t come, I will guide you step by step. When people grow bigger, watching oneself fall away step by step, and being restrained by others. If this is a deadly opponent, wouldn’t it be a pity?”

“It depends on how Your Majesty understands it. It’s not a dispute. It’s not inaction. It seems like water, the virtue of water, stretches as you tune, it seems to be manipulated, but in fact there is a degree. How to grasp this degree is what an honest and intelligent person should learn. There is a degree, In order to benefit all things without fighting, to fight with incompetence, softness can overcome the world’s rigidity. If you can’t hold this degree, the old saying is nothing but shit and worthless!”

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