Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1572

“Accommodating the degree of residence? This requirement is not easy.”

Zhou Yi just sighed, and Lao Tzu laughed at him as Hehe.

“Of course it is not easy. If it is easy, how can this be the unbreakable truth of life? The key lies in a change of words. The way others apply may not be suitable for you, in the past The method here may not be suitable for today. Water is an intangible thing, countless changes, and this change is the essence. If you want water to be like oneself, in the hope that softness can overcome rigidity. Then this change of water is not easy and has to be The skill of learning.”

“Change, how to change.”

Zhou Yi frowned, continue to ask. Faced with his question, Lao Tzu twisted his beard, and he answered with a smile.

“I give Your Majesty two tips. One is to understand the general trend. How can the general trend be unclear, how can it follow the song, like the change of water? The second is to keep the bottom line. Water countless changes can be deep in the valley. Pass the pass. But no matter how low it is, it won’t fall to the ground. No matter how high it is, it won’t spread to the sky. If it is low, it loses its spirit. If it is high, it loses its spirit. Both, no matter which one is missing, it will be a disaster. The image. So, I have to check.”

“The old man’s principles are profound, I have been taught.”

Closed his eyes and digested Lao Tzu’s remarks, Zhou Yi opened again. When I saw it, I realized that the chariot had already arrived in front of the Sun Palace. The immortal officials who accompanied him had already begun to sing trumpets, and the layers of “Your Majesty are here!” made Zhou Yi no longer have time to think carefully. He could only cupped the hands to Laozi, gave a polite voice, and took the lead to walk to the great hall of Towards the Sun Palace.

What is Zhou Yi like, this time he was called to Celestial Court, and the Monster Kings who were going to meet in the Sun Palace did not know. But watching the group of immortals bow their heads, Heavenly God opened the way. They also knew that this man who walked slowly under the support of the Divine Immortal guards was the protagonist of this banquet. The new master of Heaven and Earth, the Celestial Emperor, has personally visited him.

The name of the human shadow tree, even the original Jade Emperor, can bluff many people in such a pomp. What’s more, Zhou Yi is the Celestial Emperor of the genuine. So at the moment, regardless of whether it is a serious etiquette, these lower realm Monster Kings have already stood up one after another, can hold their fists together, and can pay respect for paid respect. It’s also a lively scene.

However, even though the Monster Kings consciously showed their utmost sincerity, in the eyes of the Divine Immortal, they still lost courtesy.

In the end, it is a group of beasts with fur coats and armours, drinking their hair and drinking blood. Such indecent, there is a place for them to suffer. A group of Divine Immortal sneered in their hearts, sitting and waiting to watch their jokes. What disappointed them was that Zhou Yi, the Celestial Emperor, didn’t seem to have much opinion on these Monster King’s rudeness.

He just got into the seat straight, and introduced the four imperial emperors who came along with Lao Tzu himself into the seat, then raised his hand and said to these Divine Immortal Monster Kings in the great hall .

“All the Qings, please be flat. Today’s banquet is not a meeting at Rising Firmament Palace, so there is no need for too many vulgar courtesy. You are welcome.”

The words, with obvious partiality. It really made many people who were waiting to see the jokes feel unhappy. But looking at Zhou Yi’s own expression and the silence of the four imperial emperors and even the old prince Heavenly Venerate around him, there really is no fool who has the courage to jump out, and at this time sing something against him.

So, the Divine Immortal could only say “Thank Your Majesty” with the Monster Kings, and then they all took their seats. And looking at such a picture of the rising of the world, Hai Yan Heqing’s performance. Zhou Yi haha ​​smiled, and asked the day-serving Cao beside him and stood up.

“Gong Cao, are all the Monster Kings of the lower realm here? Can you also not listen to summon, or did you not have time to be there?”

“Replying to his Majesty, The monster King in the lower realm has received the imperial decree. Those who do not listen to Your Majesty summon, the True Martial emperor has already led his troops to kill. I want to come to this moment, these evil evildoers should be given the first, True It’s time for the Emperor Martial to lead the crowd back in triumph.”

“The clairvoyance, the wind ears. Let’s see where the Emperor True Martial is. Such a feast, if he can’t be there, then it’s not too much. It’s a bit of a taste. I think everyone here shouldn’t mind waiting for him for a while.”

Faced with Zhou Yi’s words, naturally no one would object to it. opinion. Those Divine Immortal are happy to see it, and those Monster Kings are keep quiet out of fear. It’s not a fool, who can’t hear the beating on them in Zhou Yi’s words. Thinking about the fate of those who disobeyed, these Monster Kings who made the right choice couldn’t help being in the heart. Fortunately, oneself made a right choice. Under such a situation, who would mind such a small request from Celestial Emperor?

There is no objection, and the clairvoyant will go out immediately. The two looked around and cupped his hands and said Zhou Yi.

“Reporting back to Celestial Emperor. The True Martial Emperor has passed the South Heaven Gate, and he will be able to come to the banquet within one and three minutes. According to my observation, the Emperor’s imposing manner is vigorous. Want to come to this campaign, it must be a hearty victory. The two ministers congratulate Your Majesty and the Emperor of True Martial.”

“With such an energy minister as the Emperor of True Martial, it is indeed Fortunately for me. I don’t know, in this Celestial Court, where is the second True Martial Monarch?”

After saying this, Zhou Yi put his eyes on At the entrance of the great hall. At this time, outside the great hall, the True Martial divine light resembles the sea. But it was Zhenjun Erlang who led the generals and returned as promised.

It is not to send troops to fight, but to see you in the court. Of course Yang Jian is impossible to bring his iconic three-pointed two-bladed gun, to the great hall with a dog. He just wore a black armor robe, with the True Martial sword symbolizing the identity of the True Martial emperor on his waist and hips, and he had already come to the temple with a dignified appearance.

A divine force is majestic, coupled with the awe-inspiring majesty set off by divine light. For a while, the Monster Kings haven’t recognized him. Of course, not recognizing it for a while does not mean that it has not been recognized. Yang Jian’s appearance is too special after all. When these Monster Kings recognized the gods in his forehead and Meishan six generals behind him. They immediately recognized Yang Jian. Many Monster Kings were surprised by this recognition.

Yang Jian is who they don’t know. Whether it was the feat of punishing the four evil spirits in the past, or the filial piety of breaking the mountain to save his mother, they are all relished. Even these monsters, when they mentioned Yang Jian, they would give a thumbs up with the acknowledgement allegiance and praise him as a good man, a real man.

Such a hero, no one knows the last sentence, it is not an exaggeration to know to everyone. And it is precisely because of their understanding of Yang Jian that they are more surprised at Yang Jian’s current identity. After all, in the eyes of the overwhelming majority Monster King, Yang Jian, although he has great skills, is still the true monarch of Erlang who does not entertain him, the so-called Zhaohui Xian Sheng Renyou King. This sounds loud, but it has a nameless title, even in Demon’s circle, it is a famous joke.

until now, there are quite a few monsters using such an example to warn those Demon who want to move closer to Celestial Court. Tell them about Celestial Court’s stinginess and bias. Even the resounding Erlang Zhenjun can only be reduced to such a fate, even more how it is them.

But now, Yang Jian has suddenly become the emperor of Celestial Court, the divine might of True Martial. This makes them feel shocked that they cannot accept it.

When was Celestial Court so generous? Or is this the courage of the Celestial Emperor today?

Those who already know more or less the inside story are already hot in their hearts. Just like those bandits in Shuibo Liangshan are expecting the imperial court’s move. Many of these Monster Kings on the ground are also expecting that they will be recruited by Celestial Court and will be an official in Celestial Court one day.

It is the so-called water seeks its own level. Compared with the high position and great wealth in Celestial Court, the days of King Lower Mountain are not worth mentioning. With such an opportunity, who would not have such an idea. In the past there was no such possibility, and they would not have such delusions. But now, this possibility is clearly showing signs of a little bit. Under such circumstances, who wouldn’t be tempted?

Seeing a crowd of Monster King begin to stir, their expressions became eager. Zhou Yi also laughed secretly in his heart. Such a situation is naturally what he would like to see. Letting so many Monster Kings come to the Celestial Court for a banquet, isn’t it just an idea to solicit them, so that they can expand their own power through their power!

However, even though he said that, it doesn’t mean that he intends to take everything and get all the Monster Kings. The unevenness of good and bad has always been a taboo for a new force. Zhou Yi didn’t want to stir up own Celestial Court because of his greed for growth, so that he would plant some irreversible bane. People, he still has to solicit. However, this kind of solicitation has to be selective.

These people follow oneself’s orders, knowing that they are only in awe of First Layer screening. The purpose is to get rid of those who are not obedient to discipline and tyrannically abuse power. At this point, Yang Jian did a good job, which made him worry. He only needs to beat him again, and he will be able to make these unruly monsters obediently and honestly acknowledge allegiance down.

But this is not enough. If you want to recruit monsters that can really be used by oneself, you have to go through the second layer screening. And this heavy, the question he has to consider is character.

The reason why monsters are called demons and ghosts is mainly because of their behavior, many of which are outrageous. Many monsters have inherited the habits of those Ancient Ominous Beast Demon and have the habit of treating humans as blood food. And this is absolutely unacceptable for Celestial Court.

Celestial Court is, after all, the Celestial Court where Human Race is re-established. If the safety of Human Race cannot be protected and they are allowed to be preyed by Demon, then such Celestial Court would not exist. This is the bottom line of Celestial Court. It is also Zhou Yi’s bottom line. Although he wants to expand the power of own, this does not mean that he can accept a bunch of murderous Demons into the command of own.

Doing this is not just a matter of being unconvincing, even he himself is afraid it is also difficult to rest. So at this juncture, he already asked Yang Jian directly.

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