Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1580

The enmity between Nezha three brother and Celestial Emperor is absolutely irreconcilable. After all, it is the enemy of killing the father. There is such a barrier. No matter what happens, who says from it, it is impossible to shake the position of the three brothers. Loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, a word of filial piety is placed on their heads, and they cannot tolerate any other choices.

And this also makes, in Zhang Daoling’s eyes, these three brothers are already dead. To oppose such Celestial Emperor, but it is not a dead person. Even if it is not now, sooner or later. Since they are all dead, wouldn’t it be the best choice to use them while they are also using value?

Be aware that the identities of these three brothers are very unusual. Except that Nezha is the dísciple of Taiyi Heavenly Venerate, which has something to do with Daomen. Others, whether Jinzha or Muzha, are all roots of Buddhism.

Jin Zha is a Direct Disciple under Manjushri. And Muzha is also the dísciple of Avalokitesvara, and even a title of Huian Traveler in Buddhism. Such an identity, if not used to plot against it, would be too wasteful. And unceremoniously, as long as the plot against is good, the identities of these three people can create an even worse situation for Buddhism today and make them unable to eat.

To combat Buddhism, no matter when it is an outdated choice. Of course, it is not the most important thing to do this kind of thing now. The most important thing is how to break the current situation and reshape the relationship between them and the Celestial Emperor. On this issue, Zhang Daoling already had preliminary ideas. After all, we still have to rely on Nezha’s three brothers to open this situation.

Encourage the three brothers to assassinate the Celestial Emperor, and then secretly reveal the news. By doing so, we got rid of such troubles and also took the opportunity to show our loyalty to the Celestial Emperor. If everything goes well, maybe the impression lost in front of Celestial Emperor can be saved.

The idea is very simple, but the simpler the idea, the more likely it is to be realized. At this juncture, Zhang Daoling didn’t dare to do anything too coquettish. So immediately, he was already determined.

“From the perspective of the current situation, the Celestial Emperor’s determination to suppress my wait is almost certain. If this continues, I am afraid we will not have any good end. In this case… .”

The meaning of this remark is still unfinished, but the implicit meaning is visible to anyone with a discerning eye. And hearing him say that, many Divine Immortal who came to the rally were surprised. Only Nezha’s third brother was the only one who showed an expression of excitement.

The three of them are not stupid, knowing that with oneself alone, even if they endure another 10,000 years, they may not be able to avenge Zhou Yi, the Celestial Emperor. Not to mention Zhou Yi, I’m afraid Yang Jian, that guy is not something they can fight against. If you want to avenge your father and teacher, you still need outside help in the final analysis. And this help, Buddhism today cannot give them.

Today’s Buddhism is a lion whose teeth have been pulled out, and an eagle that has unloaded its arms. Even if it is too late to lick the wounds, how can they have the ability to avenge them? Not to mention that they do not have this ability, even if they do, with the current relationship between Buddhism and Yang Jian, they will never show any disrespect to the current Celestial Emperor because of the three of them.

I even said that as long as oneself dared to show this meaning to Buddhism, as the current Buddhism Celestial Emperor henchman, fearing that he would not give them any opportunity to explain, he would directly tie them to the Celestial Emperor. The Nezha three brothers don’t want to come up with such a scene where the finished apprenticeship dies before the victory, so naturally, they will not have any intersection with Buddhism on this issue. And through the entire Heaven Realm, I am afraid that only Taomen can have this ability to help them achieve this goal.

Nezha is an impulsive person, but his two big brothers are not such people. Although not comparable to those wily old fox guys, there is no problem seeing the situation clearly.

They know very well that, unlike Buddhism, which has been surrendered, Daomen is now the biggest obstacle in front of the Celestial Emperor. Celestial Emperor wanted to completely control Celestial Court, and sooner or later he had to attack the door. This is just a question of sooner or later and whether the means are tough. And Daomen, as the biggest power of the Celestial Court, they are absolutely impossible to easily accept the kneading of the Celestial Emperor.

What they want most is definitely the Celestial Court, where the Daomen are in charge of everything. No matter how bad they are, they still have to maintain the status quo. They have to hold most of the priesthood on Celestial Court. This kind of thing is okay now, but in the future, when the Celestial Emperor has own power in his hands, it is simply impossible.

Even Celestial Emperor like the Jade Emperor can’t help but plant his own power in Celestial Court. Even more how is Zhou Yi, an extremely powerful guy. It is conceivable that as time progresses, the Celestial Emperor will inevitably withdraw the power of the Celestial Court from the hands of the door step by step. At that time, the contradiction between the two parties was almost impossible to avoid.

This can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, and Nezha three brothers don’t believe Zhang Daoling, the founder of the Taoist school, would not see it. And the reason why they hooked up with him is also here. Rather than their three brothers retaliating for this almost impossible revenge, it is better to join forces with Daomen and look for this in case probability from them.

Daomen is bound to conflict with Celestial Emperor. This is something their three brothers had foreseen long ago. And this kind of conflict should be sooner rather than later, because the later, the better it is for the Celestial Emperor. The best time for Daomen to attack is now, when the Celestial Emperor has an unstable foothold. Is it just that Daomen will have an attack at this time? This is the question Nezha three brother dare not determine.

In all fairness, if they were sitting in this position of Zhang Daoling, they would never make such a reckless decision. Daomen developed more then 2000 years, and its influence has already extended to all corners of Celestial Court. The so-called touches the whole body, no matter how reckless it is, it is impossible to make such a decision that can affect the overall situation in a hurry.

They can say that they have made a long-term plan, but they did not expect that Zhang Daoling would say such a meaningful word at this time. This made them subconsciously surprised, and of course inevitably ecstatic.

Wait, they can certainly afford it. But if you can avenge your grudge right in front of your eyes, who can endure those hundreds or thousands of years of suffering? Therefore, even if Zhang Daoling’s remarks are a bit abnormal and a bit strange. The anxious Nezha third brother jumped in without hesitation and asked him.

“Heavenly Master, what do you mean?”

“It means it literally. The Celestial Emperor is too powerful, and it is not good for anyone. Buddhism The lesson from the past is here, can I still watch this door follow the footsteps of Buddhism? Obviously not. The door is my life’s hard work, and I must not watch it fall like Buddhism and become someone else’s A running dog. So, instead of waiting for others to become powerful and unable to fight, it is better to take advantage of the present and try hard that’s all!”

This remark is reasonable, but it is not tolerated. Careful consideration. After all, the Dao Sect is such a powerful force, it is impossible to cut off one’s means of retreat so casually.

But Nezha three brother can’t think of so much. They have been completely occupied by the desire for revenge, but now they actually don’t have any basic reason at all. As long as there is a chance for revenge, they won’t care if oneself is being used as a knife. Now the only person who can give them this opportunity is Dao Sect, so when Zhang Daoling showed this intention, they naturally stepped in desperately.

“Heavenly Master, please also look at the friendship with my father in the past, and help us brother. As long as we can get revenge, our brother is willing to do what we can do and die!”

Speaking, these three brothers already knelt down in front of Zhang Daoling, and in this way they put him up.

Kneeling is always the best way to coerce. As long as you are asking for someone, and the person you are asking for is not a hard-hearted guy, there is almost an 80% chance that this method will force you to bow your head in the right direction.

Especially their brother’s action in the name of revenge for the father, can bring this kind of coercion to the limit. If this is changed to a soft-hearted person, I am afraid that the mountains of daggers and seas of flames are difficult to say without a word. And if you are a sincere person, you might be scammed to death.

Zhang Daoling is naturally impossible, what a softhearted and honest guy. If he had no special intentions, even if the three brothers knelt and died in front of him, he would not even blink his eyelids. But now because of any special intentions, this coercive method just gave him a chance to pretend to be a good person.

So immediately, he put on a helpless look, quickly helped the three brothers up, and then said to them kindly.

“It’s serious, it’s really serious. In fact, I am a bit sorry about Li Tianwang’s affairs. Originally, Li Tianwang didn’t at all, and it’s okay even if it blocked the Celestial Emperor’s way. It’s light. It’s just that we didn’t think that Celestial Emperor’s methods were so tough, and True Martial emperor was so merciless. Hey, I’m also the words of the lowly carry little weight, which can’t help much. I can only watch Li Tianwang’s head in a different place. I feel so sorry for him to think about it this way.”

Nezha didn’t feel anything about what Zhang Daoling said. Jinzha and Muzha have already heard their eyes flushed red, and resentful gnashing teeth arose. Unlike Nezha, the relationship between the two brothers and father has always been very good, so the death of Li Tianwang hit them the most.

The ancients said that the hatred of killing the father and the hatred of taking away the wife is the biggest hatred. This is no exception for them, so when Zhang Daoling removed the scars on their bodies in this way, they also lost heart and went crazy immediately, and pleaded bitterly to him.

“Heavenly Master, please show us a clear road!”

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