Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1581

“A clear road? Where can there be a clear road?”

Bitterly laughed, Zhang Daoling dare not say at this time what a big deal is easy to achieve. Stupid words come out. He just shook the head and said to the three brothers with hesitation.

“However, we still have to come up with some countermeasures. In my opinion, the only thing we can do at this time is probably the only way to risk danger.”

The soldiers are in danger, what is the danger, even if it does not need to be clarified. Most of the people present were able to guess and understand almost. This makes many people subconsciously discoloration, and even move their steps involuntarily. It’s like being afraid of being contaminated with something right and wrong. But for Nezha three brothers, this was the best and most agreeable voice they heard.

So immediately, as if for fear that Zhang Daoling had changed his mind, Jin Zha and Mu Zha had already knelt down again and bowed their heads at him.

“Please also Heavenly Master for advice, please also Heavenly Master for advice…”

“Well, I will tell you my thoughts. “

To help the two brothers up again, Zhang Daoling was already in trouble, and directly talked about own plot against.

“For today’s Celestial Emperor, I have almost understood it. It is said that the power of one person is to oppress the heavens, not just in name only, but also in reality. Not an exaggeration. But I believe that everyone present should also have a common question, that is, why this Celestial Emperor Your Majesty is so strong. Even if it is the ancient eight masters, facing Taiyi Heavenly Venerate also Tathagata Buddha like this It’s impossible to have such an overwhelming strength.”

“For this point, I am also puzzled by the old ways. However, after reading some old classics recently, I feel that I have found Some clues.”

“The so-called eight ancient masters were originally the gods of nature, the incarnation of Heaven Realm, and Paragon, who controlled the laws of Heaven and Earth. These eight powers were gathered in one person in Celestial Emperor On his body, impolitely said, he is the master of this world, the real messenger. With such an identity, I don’t think anyone who dares to be an enemy in this world will have no good end. This is not just against him, but against the entire world. Just look at the fate of the Tathagata Buddha and you will know how unwise this is.”

“So I I feel that if you want to fight against this Celestial Emperor, you can’t do anything in this world anyway. The time and place are not in me, even if the people and the people are united in one mind? And with the methods of the Celestial Emperor today, I’m afraid it’s people and the above. , It’s hard for us to have any advantage.”

“Does it mean that just watching him grow step by step, we will never get revenge anymore.”

Fiercely smashed Fist, the violent Nezha yelled at show one’s ferocious appearance. But when he heard him say this, Zhang Daoling had a long beard with his hands twisted and smiled confidently.

“That’s not what I said. The three Crown Princes need to know that no matter how strong the opponent is, as long as he knows his heels and feet, he will definitely find his weak spot. At this point, even It is the same with our Celestial Emperor. If you want to defeat him, you have to start from his heels, and it just so happens that I have come up with a way out of the old way!”

“Heavenly Master Got a plan? I wonder if Heavenly Master plans to settle it out?”

When Zhang Daoling said this remark, the three brothers were all pleasantly surprised. For a powerhouse like the Celestial Emperor, they must be helpless. With them alone, even if they were given ten thousand years, I am afraid that they would not be able to avenge this revenge. They can only count on people like Zhang Daoling to give them advice, and what they worry most is that even Zhang Daoling can’t help them.

Now, Zhang Daoling says that oneself has a way. This is undoubtedly the best news they have heard. So naturally, they became too excited at this time.

In the face of their excitement, Zhang Daoling sneered in his heart, but his face was warm.

“This plan is still to start with Li Tianwang.”

“Although Li Tianwang suffered misfortune, I think, Li Tianwang’s housekeeping magic weapon, the golden Exquisite Pagoda It should be there anyway!”

“This is natural.” Jin Zha’s words, the gold Exquisite Pagoda has been revealed from his palm. “Although my father has suffered, he still has some prestige on the Celestial Court. Even if the Celestial Emperor today is so powerful, it is absolutely impossible to be so casually greedy for his father’s relics. If Heavenly Master wants it, this treasure My brother is willing to hand it over. As long as I can get revenge, even if it takes the lives of the three of my brothers, it will be at no cost.”

“Hey, how can I fight from your brother.” The idea of ​​Li Tianwang’s relic, you too underestimate my this Zhang person.”

Seeing that Jin Zha offered such a treasure without saying a word, Zhang Daoling waved his hand repeatedly to stop him. Of this behavior. It’s not that he is hypocritical, but that he really didn’t have the idea of ​​playing this treasure. Even if it is mentioned, it is because of its own effect, and it is definitely not the mind that gave birth to what the hell. In this regard, his explanation is this.

“The reason why I mention this treasure is because this treasure is likely to be my chance to break the game. If I want to deal with the Celestial Emperor, I am afraid it is necessary.”

“It?” Looking at the exquisite Pagoda with divine light in oneself’s hand, Jin Zha was surprised and said to Zhang Daoling with a wry smile. “Heavenly Master did something wrong? Although Exquisite Pagoda is the treasure of Buddhism, even the Black Tortoise among the four gods is unlikely to surrender. How can it be possible to deal with a character like the Celestial Emperor?”

Jin Zha’s words are very pertinent, and it’s not that I haven’t seen King Li Tian use this treasure, Divine Immortal who is present does not know how capable this treasure is. Said to be able to claim to be a world, suppress all evil monsters. But in the end, there is an upper limit. Even the Black Tortoise in the Four Directions of Gods can’t be captured, so how can it deal with the Celestial Emperor, which is deeper and unmeasurable?

Seeing that everyone around was nodded, they seemed to agree with Jin Zha’s statement, but Zhang Daoling had a long beard, and the old god laughed on the ground.

“You don’t know so much about this as the old-fashioned. This Exquisite Pagoda of Li Tianwang is not a magic weapon for waiting. It is in the hands of Li Tianwang, but it is even 10% capable I haven’t done it yet!”

There is no basis at all for this statement, it is really difficult for people to believe. But the person who said this was Zhang Daoling, so Jinzha and the others did not believe it. In any case, Zhang Daoling had no reason to lie to them at this time, so he could only question him suspiciously.

“Heavenly Master, how do you say this?”

“The qualifications of the Great Crown Prince are not so clear. Some things may not be known so clearly. Let’s put it this way, Great Crown Prince. Do you know the origin of this treasure?”

“My father said it was bestowed by the Buddha, and it is the treasure of Buddhism. As for the others, Jin Zha doesn’t know it!”

Look in surprise After taking a look at Zhang Daoling, Jin Zha answered obediently and honestly. Seriously, even now, he doesn’t think Zhang Daoling can give any satisfactory answer. After all, this is the treasure of Buddhism. How can you, the founder of Taoism, know so much about it? It’s just that all the hopes for the moment are pinned on Zhang Daoling, and he can only hope that he can say something miracle from his mouth.

Since he dared to say such a thing, Zhang Daoling had already predicted everything. And he must be confident. So at the moment, he just haha ​​smiled and said to Jinzha.

“The Great Crown Prince thinks that the old way is just a man in the door, so he has no way of knowing the secrets of Buddhism? This idea is not necessary. You must know that the person who knows you best is not necessarily the owner person, but probably yours Enemy. The old way and Buddhism have been dealing with for 2000 years, do you still know that some special secrets are not possible.”

It seems that there is some truth to this, so naturally, Jinzha brother and the others The hope in my heart is also suddenly bigger. If it’s like what Zhang Daoling said, there might be some secrets in this Exquisite Pagoda that they don’t know.

With such a longing, Jin Zha has already bowed his hand to Zhang Daoling.

“Please also Heavenly Master teach me what is the magic of this Exquisite Pagoda!”

“The Great Crown Prince must know what the so-called pagoda itself is used for. In the end, it is just for worshipping Buddhism Relic. According to what I said, the Exquisite Pagoda of Li Tianwang itself is the most precious treasure brought by Buddhism during the eastward crossing. It was used to worship Sakyamuni Relic. It is just Relic. Lost and incomplete, this Exquisite Pagoda can hardly show its greatest effect.”

“It is precisely because of this that this Exquisite Pagoda was given to King Li by Buddhism as King Li. It is a thing standing on the Celestial Court. The Great Crown Prince wants this treasure to exert its full power. After all, it is necessary to work hard on the missing sarira.”

” This treasure has a 7-Layer tower, plus the top of the tower, which means that the Great Crown Prince needs to find all the eight missing sariras. As long as you can find all the eight sariras of Shakyamuni back then, I believe the power of this treasure Yes, even if the grand occasion of the Western Sky Greater World cannot be reproduced, it should be able to trap the Celestial Emperor for one to three minutes.”

“With this one and three minutes of time, as long as I can find all the experts, it will still Are you afraid that you can’t fight the Celestial Emperor?”

“sarira? But the sarira of Sakyamuni died during meditation has long been lost.”

I heard this remark , The third brother didn’t doubt that he had him, but got entangled in this issue of Sarira.

According to legend, Sakyamuni passed away and gave birth to a skull, three finger bones, and four teeth sarira. The sum is exactly the number of Exquisite Pagoda 8-Layer. But now there are only three in Buddhism’s hands. Even if you add those left in the world, it is only five or six. Where can you get these eight? Besides, Sakyamuni’s Relic, how could the three of them be able to get involved. I’m afraid it’s too slow.

Three brothers, look at me and I look at you, but I can’t think of a clue. But at this moment, Zhang Daoling smiled slightly and said to the three brothers.

“Don’t panic the three Crown Princes, I can show you another way out here!”

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