Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1606

As a man, Zhou Yi certainly admits that oneself is impossible. And this also made him choose to comply with Chang’e’s meaning and leave her in the own Heavenly Palace temporarily.

This is a symbol of turning her into oneself. Even though he himself is not at all such an idea, for the people in the Celestial Court, things have already become like this. This naturally broke the dreams of countless people, and may even give birth to deep hatred for the big winner Zhou Yi.

However, the benefits of Celestial Emperor Paragon are here. No matter how jealous they are, they will not have the courage to oppose him. This is different from when Zhu Ganglu was accused of molesting Chang’e. After all, it’s one thing to offend Marshal Canopy because of a woman. And if Paragon of Celestial Court is offended because of this, that’s another matter.

Although Marshal Tianpeng has a lofty status, he can’t make everyone sell his face. In the officialdom, there are naturally people who look at him unpleasant and want to pull him off. And Celestial Emperor? Do you dare to try this? Is it really hard to own?

To covet a piece of meat that has not yet been served on the table and covet the meat on the Celestial Emperor’s plate are completely different. It’s a matter of the owner’s wealth and life, and no matter how beautiful the country is, it is necessary for them to weigh the own weight. And this weight, I am afraid that except for a few guys who not know the immensity of Heaven and Earth, the overwhelming majority will put the idea of ​​own out.

And if things develop to this point, then it will really be as bad as Zhou Yi worried about Chang’e.

I just let go of Tian Tiao, it is the time to let everything break free from the shackles and return to nature. Zhou Yi doesn’t want to see who loses this opportunity because of oneself.

He sits in the Miluo Palace, and even the maids who serve daily have been released, in order to let them catch up with a trend, so that they will not be broken for life because of oneself. Such an obvious intention, as long as it is a female fairy, it should be obvious. But I don’t want to, among them, also an alien like Chang’e, has to swim upstream to oneself, forcibly to ruin the reputation of own.

This makes him very helpless and helpless. After all, this is her own will, and it is also a necessary means for the current plan. Of course, he impossible willfully refuses all of this. And if they cooperated, Zhou Yi really didn’t know how to cooperate with them for a while.

The key to the problem is Chang’e. Faced with such a fairy who is enough to make anyone sway in mind, it is really a torment to see or not eat. For this kind of suffering, although Zhou Yi can choose to indulge oneself and let oneself be dominated by desire, he does not intend to do so. Because this is an extremely irresponsible move, both for Chang’e and he himself. He still didn’t want to become such a scumbag, so at this time, he could only say this to Chang’e in an invisible attitude.

“If Fairy Chang’e is fine, go and rest. After the dust settles, I will give Fairy a clean and free one.”

“Concubine many thanks Your Majesty’s kindness. But now that this head has been opened, if tiger’s head, snake’s tail, don’t make a lot of fanfare, wouldn’t it be suspicious of life? Concubine is not talented, good at dancing, and I am willing to dance for Your Majesty. Please Your Majesty’s approval.”

Chang’e’s request is really rejected, and Zhou Yi can only nodded to agree. And just after he nodded, a group of musicians had already filed in from both sides of the palace following the summons, and within a short period of time, they laid out their posture.

As soon as the chime struck, Yao Jean stroked it. The prisoner cows that live on these Heavenly Palace instruments are already chanting and rap. A diffuse sound filled the entire Miluo Palace like mercury pouring. As Confucius said, the meaning of walking around the beam for three days is endless.

And in the midst of such fairy music, Chang’e is already wearing this neon feather coat, dancing lightly and gracefully. As the saying goes, Yingying Miaowu has a soft waist, and she rushes into the neon clothes. Slowly drooping Xia sleeves, rushing towards the lotus, advancing and retreating wonderfully. Whatever it is, devastatingly beautiful. Looking back temporarily, thousands of people have heartbroken.

Such a beautiful woman, such a delicate dance art, is indeed poetic and picturesque to the extreme, and it is extremely concerning. At first sight, Zhou Yi also inevitably leaked a dizzying and ecstatic expression. He is already immersed in such lithe and graceful dance music.

As he was immersed in it, Zhang Daoling, who heard the dance music in the Miró Palace from a distance, also let out a sigh of relief.

sexual entrapment is not just to let others not know the true identity of this beauty is called sexual entrapment. Sometimes the beauties who are just and honorable with the carriages and horses are more in line with the requirements of sexual entrapment than those who are sneaky and hide their secrets. It is easier to open your heart because you know the roots. As long as the beauty is beautiful enough, are you afraid that others will care about your special identity?

At this point, Zhang Daoling is very confident in Chang’e. With his more then 2000 years of experience, he has never seen any woman comparable to Chang’e.

Even if it is Diao Chan Zhaojun, there is no temperament. Even Xi Tzu has a lack of color. Yang Yuhuan is slightly comparable, but also a little more plump. As the saying goes, slender fiber is in the center, and the length is shortened. Fangze no addition, lead Huafuyu. Eternal age is also a human ear for this. If such beauty can’t impress the Celestial Emperor, then there is probably no woman in this world who has such ability.

Zhang Daoling is not worried about Chang’e, he is more worried about oneself. Because what is in front of him right now is a great crisis that must be overcome.

Drive the clouds out of Heavenly Palace, all the way to Xiniu Hezhou. When he came to a Moyun Cave, he joined the gods and Buddhas who had been waiting here.

This Thunder Mountain Moyun Cave was originally the Cave Mansion of the Ox Demon King of Monster Race back then. On the westbound road, Celestial Court accepted the Demon, and the Moyun Cave was treated as a favor and given to Buddhism in the west. Later, Zhu Ganglu became the messenger of Buddhism and set up the own dojo here.

Since this group of people are going to meet here, in fact, it means that Zhu Gang has already got in. Although this pig demon looks foolish, he is actually smarter than anyone else. He is good at war, knows strategy, and has many doubts about Zhang Daoling from the very beginning. And now Zhang Daoling is going to Heavenly Palace to face the saint at this time, which will more or less make him beware of him.

Zhang Daoling also knew this, so he was worried that he could not deal with this level. But when things came, he couldn’t stand him back. Simply put it in place, and directly had to enter the venue to deal with it.

Beyond the guardian mountain god who was guarding the Cave Mansion, Zhang Daoling went all the way to the depths of the Cave Mansion. There, he soon met Nezha three brothers who were gathered together to discuss matters, and a group of people who wanted to rebel. Zhu Ganglu himself was among them, and as the master of this room, he was sitting on the middle hall at the moment.

Although wearing a pig’s head is unsightly, after a thousand years, he is almost used to this honor. Even more how, this respectful appearance was originally the appearance of his practice of demon body to extremely profound. Based on Daomen Magical Powers and Buddhist secret technique, his demon body has almost been repaired to the point of Celestial Demon for more than a thousand years. Such a pair of capital cannot be easily cut off.

For example, if his appearance and strength were put together for him to measure, he would undoubtedly choose the latter. And it was precisely because of such a choice that he appeared different and special among the gods and Buddhas.

This kind of alternative does not mean the change in his appearance, but the change in his temperament. The other Divine Immortal, no matter what the temperament will not be like his wanton indulgence, like a monster. But he is different. After he became a member of Buddhism, he has completely abandoned the original restraint of Divine Immortal. Begin to indulge oneself’s endless greed, lust and appetite, by fair means or foul plundering everything oneself wants.

Such a change, if it is only said that he also has the identity of Buddhism behind him, then I am afraid that if he is described as the heavenly demon in the Buddhism story, some people will be willing to believe it. And it is precisely because of his speciality that he seems to be more and more difficult to deal with.

For Zhang Daoling, if Nezha three brother can only be regarded as a wolf pup who has just fangs, then Zhu Ganglu is a big wild boar that weighs about a thousand catties and weighs about a thousand catties. Liger may not be its opponent, even more how is a general hunter. And generally speaking, a cunning person like him would not be willing to wade into this muddy water. But Nezha three brother offered a very special condition, but it made him join in unwillingly.

This condition is that the white-skinned, exquisite and petite woman he is holding in his arms now, that is, the righteous daughter of King Tota Li, and that golden-nosed white-haired mouse spirit is.

This mouse spirit has stolen the Buddha’s incense sticks and heard the Buddhism Dafa. This is what makes it a different Divine Ability. And because she worshipped King Li Tian as her father, her background became prominent. On the westward journey, she was able to tie Tang Seng, ate six monks in front of the monkeys but had not been killed, but was taken to the Celestial Court to be punished. There was a part of her birth. And since he has such a background, the so-called punishment is actually just a fake.

Containing her in the mansion of Li Tianwang for several years is also called punishment, but what is the meaning of such punishment for the fairy of a thousand years? Of course, she can have such good luck almost entirely thanks to King Li Tian. Therefore, in this season, it is inevitable that he will avenge his daughter as his father.

But what role can a daughter’s family play at this time? Seduction is probably her only choice.

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