Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1607

Looking up, this is the only choice for this golden-nosed white-haired mouse to repay the favor of King Li Tian. And the seduction who can make her achieve this goal, this is a matter that needs to be considered.

If she has the ability to directly seduce the Celestial Emperor Zhou Yi, then this is of course the best result. All you need to do is to see in the warm room, then all the enmity can be ended in an instant.

But unfortunately, this kind of thing can only exist in fantasy, and impossible becomes a real reality. This is not only because the identity of the Celestial Emperor makes her, the daughter of a criminal minister, inaccessible, but also because, with her appearance, there is simply no possibility of seducing the Celestial Emperor.

At this point, even she herself has no illusions, let alone her brother Yi. However, being unqualified to seduce Celestial Emperor does not mean that she is ineligible to seduce others. For example, this is actually a good goal.

Once the pig is a lecherous guy, if there is a beauty like a white mouse who embraces him, then with his temperament, he will definitely be lustful Soul and, dare to agree to anything. The second is his strength, he definitely has the qualification to be drawn in.

Although Jin Zha and Mu Zha don’t like this wanton and indulgent Demon-like guy, at this juncture, any power that can be won is something they will not give up. In exchange for the support of such a guy with a so-called righteous girl, it is very worthwhile in terms of value. As for whether the white mice have any special opinions, that is not something they need to consider.

The eldest brother is the father, and when the father is passed away, the elder brothers of them are certainly qualified to decide her marriage. Besides, revenge for the father is such a magnificent reason, if you have any comments, it is yours.

Although the golden-nosed white-haired mouse spirit is a fairy, he still respects the foster father of own. This can be seen from the fact that she never forgot to worship incense when she was a fairy. It is impossible to do this without realizing the respect for this foster father. And it is precisely because she really took this in her heart that she would be willing to accept this arrangement from the Oneself Brother Yi.

Just serving an ugly demon. This is not an unacceptable thing for them like fairies. As long as there is strength, the appearance is never a problem. Just like the Ox Demon King back then could sit on the iron fan Princess and the jade-faced vixen. As long as you have the strength, these demon and exquisite people will naturally be heartbroken for you. This can be considered a representation left over by the powerhouse is respected mate selection standards of beasts.

There are people who throw in their arms, and they are still such a beautiful beauty. Of course, Zhu Gang is very happy. It’s just that if you want him to oppose the Celestial Emperor based on this alone, then it is actually just a delusion. If there is no hope in this matter, he will swallow the bait without leaving the skin, and then turn his face to deny that he will bury all these guys in the pit.

Of course, the reason why he didn’t do this now is because he saw some hope, and because of this he gave birth to more ambition.

He never knew about Exquisite Pagoda and Sarira. However, when Nezha three brother succeeded in combining Exquisite Pagoda and sarira, and let this treasure of Buddhism come to light again, the kind of formidable power really made him amazed.

Having seen such formidable power, he as it should be by rights would feel that what Nezha they are plotting is not an impossible thing. And if everything comes true, then the benefits of this are not something he can be indifferent.

A trifling is not what he wants. In the past, he also supported him by the Jade Emperor so that he could act wilfully in Buddhism. But with the fall of the Jade Emperor, and the weakness of Buddhism, he wanted to be as free as before, but it was not an easy task.

In this case, he must have enough rank and status to maintain all the things he enjoys today. And how to get this, this matter now became his only opportunity.

Take this Celestial Emperor, what he can get will exceed his imagination. He even said that as long as everything goes smoothly, even becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor will not be difficult for him.

This made him attach great importance to all of this at the moment, and naturally, when Zhang Daoling returned from Heavenly Palace, he must have doubted him unavoidably.

Just like what Zhang Daoling oneself was worried about, at this time, no matter what it is, as long as he has any relationship with Zhou Yi in Heavenly Palace, it is possible to touch their fragile nerves. Therefore, when Zhu Ganglu saw his silhouette, he immediately laughed at Zhang Daoling.

“Heavenly Master is back. Come on, I have great delicacies here. If you don’t enjoy it, it would be a waste!”

” People, don’t love the appetite. The goodwill of the messenger is well received by the old Dao heart.”

He replied faintly. From the address alone, you can see Zhang Daoling’s attitude towards Zhu Gang. Just like many people like to call him Great Saint to monkeys, although this is a joke, there is no lack of respect for him. After all, a monkey can directly hit Celestial Court by virtue of blood courage, which is more or less a kind of ability.

As for Zhu Ganglu, people like Zhang Daoling, it is more of a feeling of despise. Born into a Taoist school, but willing to be a running dog of the Jade Emperor, this was a kind of betrayal. For the sake of greater conspiracy, he was willing to fall into the possession of Demon and even plunged into the embrace of Buddhism, and this betrayal became more thorough.

A person can crave power, but he cannot have no bottom line. And Zhu Gang’s behavior of dropping the bottom line over and over again is really disgusting. He hopes that someone can call him the marshal, but besides those who want to pursue him, who would do it?

Faced with Zhang Daoling’s remarks, Zhu Gang’s face immediately twitched. He patted the waist of the mouse spirit in his arms, and then said to Zhang Daoling without a smile.

“That said, Heavenly Master went to enjoy the feast given by the Celestial Emperor. Of course, it is not something that my little messenger can compare to. It’s just that I don’t know something. , Heavenly Master eagerly ran to the Celestial Emperor, what is it doing? It can’t be said that the Celestial Emperor wants to win over the Heavenly Master, so let’s invite Heavenly Master to go to heaven for a while. If that is the case, Heavenly Master also Do you need to wait for the mob to continue to be mixed together?”

This sentence is slow and careful, but what is revealed between the lines is endless murderous intention. Of course Zhang Daoling was impossible to let him continue to slander oneself in this way. Even if what he said was true, he had to pretend to be innocent at this time. So immediately, he explained to the crowd waiting.

“The messenger was cracking a joke with me. If he was drawn to the sky by the Celestial Emperor, then who among the present can not be drawn in?”

“Heavenly Master said very much. But after all, Heavenly Master and I have different identities. Dignified the sect master. The value of drawing you is much greater than the value of drawing us, isn’t it? So we doubt it, It’s not unreasonable. If Heavenly Master you think oneself is innocent, then you can explain it to us. Why did Heavenly Master go to Heavenly Palace?”

Pressing step by step meant that Zhang Daoling would have nowhere to go. Under such circumstances, Zhang Daoling immediately explained the reasons arranged by oneself.

“The old way to go to Heavenly Palace is to act according to the order. Do you think that the Celestial Emperor has orders, I dare not follow any? If I dare, nothing else, next moment millions The heavenly soldiers will be able to surround my Dragon Tiger Mountain and send me to the Behead Immortal stage. The old way I am also forced to be helpless, what is there to say.”

“So why? Celestial Emperor summoned you, there is always no reason.”

Pig Gang squinted his eyes and asked with a sneer. In this regard, Zhang Daoling also has his own rhetoric.

“The reason is very simple. The Eight Immortals annoyed the Celestial Emperor and was punished by the Celestial Emperor. Wang Lingguan informed me in time, and I went to rescue the distress. This is as long as I see Heavenly Prison Anyone who is moving can testify to the old Dao. Although Lu Dongbin could not save the old Dao, he was thrown into the world and reincarnated for a hundred generations. But the other seven were safe and sound, only suffering from a period of suffering. The old Dao was exhausted. , How come you wait until you wait for it to become a stubborn thing. Is this worthy of the painstaking effort of the old way?”

As Zhang Daoling said, the rebellious generations who belonged to the Dao Sect immediately started Come on. As the master of Dao sect, Zhang Daoling really contributed a lot to safeguarding their interests. It is not surprising that he can do such a thing for the Eight Immortals. And if it was what he said, they were really wrong about what he meant by targeting him like this. This is really not right.

At this time, the opinions of the people in the Cave Mansion are inevitably divided. Someone turned towards him, and naturally some did not believe him. Like Zhu Gang, he didn’t believe Zhang Daoling would be so kind. So immediately, he said with a sneer.

“Oh, the Heavenly Master is such a big face. Why, the Eight Immortals offended the Celestial Emperor, and Heavenly Master can ask the Celestial Emperor to let them go by asking for mercy? Could it be that there is nothing in between What about the hidden information we don’t know?”

“The hidden information? Of course there is.” Zhang Daoling replied unceremoniously as he flicked his sleeves. “Dare to plead with the Celestial Emperor, the old Dao is naturally prepared. Even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beauty. At this juncture, whether it is to rescue the Eight Immortals or to paralyze the Celestial Emperor, the old Dao is naturally prepared Fan. And this time is the time to prepare for using the old way. To tell you the truth, Fairy Chang’e has been inserted by the old way beside the Celestial Emperor and became his forbidden. With her as an internal response for me, I’m waiting for it, and the big event can be expected.”

tone barely fell, it was a loud crackle, and there was a change that no one had expected.

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