Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1609

I have to say that the words of the Nine Spirits Yuansheng really grasped the vitals of Zhu Gang, and made him forget all his previous discomforts. And uncontrollable greed broke out.

Chang’e, Chang’e. He just said the name more then 2000 years.

Since the first meeting at Celestial Court that year, he has never forgotten this gorgeous female fairy. Yearn for day and night, yearn for day and night, I am sick, and it is not an exaggeration to describe him with such words. It can be said that his obsession with Chang’e has reached a morbid level, to the point where he will not give up unless he gets her.

If this weren’t the case, he was simply impossible to promise the Jade Emperor’s condition, gave up oneself’s wealth and power in the Celestial Court, and directly invested in Buddhism.

You know, that is the power of a million heavenly soldiers, the most important position in Celestial Court.

When he was still the marshal of the canopy and the head of the four sages of the North Pole, even the Jade Emperor had to treat him with courtesy. He said a word in the celestial troops and generals that even King Tota Li could only stand on one side. Such a prominent identity, such a powerful power. If it’s not for women, you can’t get anything. But for a woman, he lost everything and ruined.

Become a sordid monster, and can only work with wild beasts. Even on the westward journey, he can only pretend to be crazy and stupid, pretending to be an obese and incompetent trash image. This kind of result is really bleak, but it has already fallen to such a point, and his infatuation with Chang’e has never been less than a bit.

For this, the monkey is the best witness. Because when he was on the westward road, he heard Zhu Gangxu chanting Chang’e’s name when he dreamed back at midnight. One thousand or eight hundred times a night is considered a small amount. From he even heard the cocoon in his ears, you can know how infatuated Zhu Ganglu is for Chang’e.

Of course, infatuation is infatuation. It’s just like how many fans drooling the little fresh meat, making a fuss, but they still don’t dump you and marry someone else. No matter how infatuated, unrequited love is not accepted by others. When Zhu Ganglu was a heroic man, he was not accepted by Chang’e. With a pig’s head now, let alone such things.

This problem, at first, Zhu Gang hasn’t realized it. Because he was also full of joy thinking that as long as oneself had completed the extradition of Buddhism to the east, the Jade Emperor would be able to exchange the own conditions and promise him Chang’e. At that time, although on the surface he was talking about dismissal, dismissal and other discouraging words all day long, but in fact, he was the person with the most determined mind to learn from the scriptures. This can be seen from how many times he pretended to be crazy and behaved stupidly, and said good things to the monkey. If he really wanted to break up, it would be almost the same as the white bone spirit.

Of course, after all the dust settled, he also realized that oneself had been tricked by the Jade Emperor this time. The Jade Emperor had no right to promise him Chang’e, and he had no intention of doing so. At that time, he had been rolling in the world for hundreds of years, and he had no capital to resist the Jade Emperor. He can only accept oneself’s destiny change obediently and honestly, and completely become his pawn.

However, this does not mean that he has given up coveting Chang’e. In fact, this actually made him even more eager for Chang’e, and even said that he had gone from a simple obsession to a somewhat pathological desire to occupy her. However, he himself also knows that with his current status, this is almost impossible. Therefore, when the Nine Spirits Yuansheng said such conditions, his heart was immediately moved.

Of course, nothing is justified. With the experience of being scammed by the Jade Emperor before, now he will not be fooled by others casually. So immediately, he licked his lips and said to the Nine Spirits Yuansheng and the people present.

“In that case, I have to add a condition. I want Chang’e. After it’s done, Fairy Chang’e must belong to me.”

“Heaven Marshal Peng, is it necessary to say that for this kind of thing?”

Their distribution of the spoils has already been stated in advance, and it is difficult to change it. Now Zhu Ganglu came suddenly like this, but it inevitably disrupted their previous plan. It’s not that they can’t afford to make such a promise, but that it really breaks the rules and hurts the interests of some of them. So of course, some people just can’t see it.

But when it comes to this kind of problem, Zhu Ganglu seems very bachelor. In the face of other people’s questions, he said directly.

“My original conditions can take a step back, but on the issue of Fairy Chang’e, I absolutely impossible to make any concessions. Fairy Chang’e is mine, and it can only be mine. If any of you are dissatisfied, you can see a real chapter with me under your hand.”

expression With such a ferocious expression, Zhu Ganglu unceremoniously exploded the awe-inspiring magic power on oneself. Although he had a Buddhism priesthood, how could the trifling Buddhism subordinate deity be worthy of him as the marshal of the canopy. Therefore, simply did not even condense the divine force. He was completely oneself and merged the strengths of the three families in the body of today’s Celestial Demon, and practice developed a mighty and terrifying magic.

In terms of his current level alone, even without the bonus of divine force, he will not be inferior to Erlang Shen before he became a god. And this kind of strength naturally allows all those who have opinions to carefully consider the three points before speaking.

For a Chang’e, is it really necessary to fight this madman?

I am afraid that except for people like Zhu Ganglu, they can all answer almost the same. After all, compared with being obsessed with others, more people may still care more about oneself. So after looking at each other for so long, the overwhelming majority reached a consensus at this time.

“This kind of thing is not impossible. It’s just that, Marshal Canopy, what you said is true, are you really willing to take a step back on the previous conditions?”

Benefits, Of course, it is more real than the beauties who can’t eat, or even give out to a bunch of people. Most people are already impossible to get involved with such a peerless beauty as Fairy Chang’e. In this case, they will of course be willing to choose those things that oneself can touch.

As for this, Zhu Ganglu just grinned and spat, loudly said.

“One spit and one tip, my old pig speaks, it has always been a big deal. But, Zhang Heavenly Master, also Great General. Do you agree with this condition of my old pig?”

Zhu Ganglu knows one thing very well, that is, among the people present, the two people in front of them have the most say. He is now a member of Buddhism, and Buddhism is naturally impossible for him. They even said that they would only support him, but would not oppose him at all. After all, what he gave up was their most vital interest.

So, the only problem will only come from Daomen, and Daomen, after all, these guys have the final say. If they nod their heads, then this matter will be almost 80 to 90%. So of course he will care more about their opinions.

“I have no opinion, as long as we can accomplish our great cause, this little thing is insignificant.”

The Nine Spirits Yuansheng has long been dying, and the personal relationships between men and women are also Already not in his consideration. To avenge Taiyi Heavenly Venerate, let alone a Fairy Chang’e, even if he uses Empress as a bargaining chip, he will not hesitate too much. So he promised quite decisively at this time.

As for Zhang Daoling, he hesitated for a while, and then said indifferently.

“If the messenger has the ability to help us complete this great cause, then I certainly have no opinion. But if the messenger can’t play a big role in our plan, then don’t blame it. I am going back on one’s word.”

“As long as there is Chang’e, everything is easy to say.”

Satisfiedly nodded, Zhu Gang also constrained oneself’s brutality. Demon looks like. Renewed a sense of harmony.

“Come on, everyone, let us forget about the unpleasantness we had before, and drink this cup to the full. This matter is all my old pig’s, I am here to fine three drinks and three drinks. Cup.”

Piggy has somewhat restrained, which is a good thing for everyone present. And just as they laughed Hehe and held up the wine glasses, intending to cater to them, and when they revealed this chapter, Zhu Gang was chuckled and spoke to Zhang Daoling again.

“Heavenly Master, why not drink. Could it be that you dislike my old pig and don’t want to have a drink with me?”

He said this, and the atmosphere has only just recovered. The ice freezes in an instant. Many people hold their wine glasses high, showing an embarrassing expression that they are neither drinking nor talking. And while showing this expression, their hearts were also asking out loudly, what exactly is Zhu Gang doing? Didn’t you say that you want to reveal this chapter?

They dare not ask out loud, but that doesn’t mean Zhang Daoling dare not ask out loud. He didn’t have anything to be afraid of this guy, so immediately, he flicked his sleeves and asked with dissatisfaction.

“Jingtan messenger, what do you mean. Do you want to be hard-hearted and old-fashioned?”

“How dare, how dare.” The skin smiled without a smile In response, Zhu Ganglu had already stared at Zhang Daoling with scorching eyes. “Old pig, I just don’t really understand some things, it’s not deliberately targeting Heavenly Master.”

“The messenger, where do you think you don’t understand?”

Zhang Daoling asked, if you wronged him again, he would squat with you to the end. In the face of his style, Zhu Ganglu didn’t fear at all, and even said to him with interest.

“I’m thinking, what is your motivation for Heavenly Master? Helping these people here and conspiring with them to conspire with such a rebellious thing, what good is it for you, Heavenly Master?”

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