Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1610

I have to say that this question asked by Zhu Ganglu was a different approach. It was so tricky that Zhang Daoling could not respond to it in a short time.

If Zhu Ganglu still questioned him from certain angles like just now, he is of course easy to talk. Randomly broke the two reasons, muddled the water. Judging from his past style, who can be determined that he must be unruly. But when the pig just played like this, the situation was different.

It’s like trying you in court. The normal idea is to find evidence to prove you are guilty. If the evidence is insufficient, of course, no valid accusation can be formed against you. But if you change your mindset, on the premise that you are found guilty, let you prove that you yourself are innocent. This is very blinding.

Self-certification is inherently difficult, but because Zhang Daoling himself has problems, it is of course even more difficult for him to prove himself. A little mistake or omission, I’m afraid they will all come true. And even if the explanation is a little slower, it will inevitably cause some suspicion.

It is difficult. But it can’t be troubled by Zhang Daoling’s old fox. He was thinking about it, he had already figured out the rhetoric in his mind, and without hesitation, he said the rhetoric.

“The Dao Sect is the painstaking effort of my whole life. Seeing that the Dao Sect is going to suffer twists and turns and turmoil today, as the Dao Sect is in charge, what should I do as early as possible to deal with, is there anything wrong?”

“Of course not.” Zhang Daoling’s words made many people nodded to say yes, and they recognized it very much. However, Zhu Ganglu grinned haha ​​and said a completely different point of view. “Heavenly Master Zhang, you can lie to them but they can’t lie to me. In my opinion, your statement is totally untenable.”

“Why? Do you think I would not do this for the old-fashioned?”

I was shocked, feeling that Zhu Ganglu seemed to have discovered and so on Zhang Daoling frowned deliberately, put on an impatience, and asked in a deep voice. In response to this kind of rhetorical question, Zhu Ganglu nodded and said loudly.

“My old pig is a real person, and I don’t know the obscure things. For my old pig, this World has only one unbreakable truth at all, that is, the whole world is good. Come, the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit. No matter what you want to do, it is just a profit in the final analysis. In my old pig’s view, Heavenly Master, you do this, but there is not a little benefit. Say.”

“That’s because you misunderstood. Daomen is ahead. If you can’t see it, then you can only say that you are short-sighted and the pair of tricks under your eyebrows are white and long.”

“Really? Do you mean these unused guys in front of you?”

Indifferently facing those in the cave mansion here People pointing fingers, Zhu Ganglu didn’t care about their emotions and laughed.

“Please forgive me to speak bluntly, it’s not that I look down on these guys, but in my old pig’s eyes, these guys are just a bunch of rubbish. Their interests are considered big gains in the door, don’t follow I was joking. If they can be regarded as Daomen, how should the emperors of the various emperors deal with themselves?”

This is a very realistic topic. Although many people were furious with his remarks, they wanted to fight him immediately. But in fact, they also knew in their hearts that although Zhu Ganglu’s words were unacceptable, they were really big truths.

They themselves are the kind of inability people. If they have the ability, they won’t be here to keep warm, looking forward to overthrowing the tyranny of the Celestial Emperor, so as to preserve their wealth today. Like those heavenly officials with ability, in the general trend of Celestial Court in the future, it is a better choice for oneself to strive for the greatest wealth?

This is a fact in itself, it is not true if they do not admit it. And after recognizing this, Zhu Gang’s suspicion naturally has a foothold. For people like them, is it necessary for Zhang Daoling to take such a risk? Once this kind of suspicion is planted, let alone Zhu Ganglu not believing it, it is because they oneself also have some doubts.

Although no one can just and honorable this kind of suspicion, it is obvious to a sensitive person like Zhang Daoling. He could see the thoughts of these people at a glance, and this also made him anxious and began to think about countermeasures.

He has not had time to think about specific countermeasures. In fact, he doesn’t know how to calm these people’s minds at this time and make them believe in own. But at this time, Zhu Ganglu said this unexpectedly.

“Of course, there may be some errors in my thinking. Because an influential figure like yours, there will always be thoughts that nobody like us could not think of. You have high ambitions, and you deep plans and distant thoughts. Who can say that these wastes in my eyes have no special value in your eyes? Maybe they do have some different meanings, but I can’t see them.”

He would say such a thing, it really makes everyone feel unexpected. No one can think of it. He, who was still aggressive a moment ago, actually spoke for Zhang Daoling at this time. Even Zhang Daoling was deeply confused by oneself, and he felt something wrong.

“What do you mean? Are you going to find a way to blackmail me?”

“no no no, how dare I have such thoughts to blackmail you influential figure?” Haha smiled, and Zhu Ganglu said as if touching oneself’s belly.

“I’m just telling every possibility I know. After all, I don’t dare to make someone like you feel wronged? But, even though I don’t know what you think, But someone will know. If you are really innocent, why not come and do a little test with us?”

“Test? What do you mean?”

Although he was reluctant, Zhang Daoling had to admit that oneself fell into the trap of Zhu Gang, and began to be at his mercy. It is impossible for him to quit at this time. So he could only take a sigh of relief and said frankly to Zhu Ganglu.

“It’s very simple, we just have to wait for one person. Just wait a moment, Heavenly Master, what is your mind, and your motives are innocent. Naturally, as the water recedes, the Rocks appear. I think that in such a short time and three minutes, everyone can still wait. After all, compared with the big plan I waited for, carefulness is the most important issue to consider, right?”

“Who are you waiting for?”

Although there was an answer in his mind, Zhang Daoling asked in the hope of a case. Regarding his question, Zhu Ganglu just frowned, and then laughed quickly.

“Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive. Come, open the middle door. Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva finally visited the door last time, but I can’t let people say that my old pig has lost his manners.”

As the saying goes, restlessness is like the earth, and quietness is as deep as a secret. Even in the eloquent Buddhism, this is a very remarkable comment. Among the Buddhas of Buddhism, there is actually only one that can be called such a title, and that is the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva who sits in hell and vowed that hell will not become a Buddha.

Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva has a special identity in the whole Buddhism. Because he was a great bodhisattva who was specially spotted by Shakyamuni when he passed away. The original intention is that all beings are suffering, and I have not been able to get through it all. When all these beings have not been liberated, you have to take over my burden and transform the world, so that the world can get rid of the five turbid worlds and advance to the world of bliss. .

Of course, this is a beautifying statement. The real meaning is actually very simple. It is to entrust the great cause of Buddhism to him, hoping that he can inherit his own will and lead Buddhism instead of oneself. However, it was just like the past kings determined the inheritance of the throne and established the Crown Prince when they were dying. Although such an idea is beautiful, the possibility of achieving it is very slim.

Because of the great Buddhism, the faction stands in great numbers, how can you allow a Bodhisattva who has just come to power to become a Buddha and become an ancestor? And Buddha like Amitabha is still alive. If you want to ascend to the seat of Sakyamuni, you have to ask his opinion. In this kind of situation where the young lord is newly established and powerful enemies are around, what will the result be? Simply is a matter of obvious at a glance.

According to the experience of the past dynasty, generally speaking, there are only two possibilities for such a young master. One is being manipulated as a puppet and then discarded. The other is to let him directly disappear from the face of the earth, and completely follow the old master. This is the safest approach and the most beneficial approach for the current rulers. However, Kṣitigarbha is not an ordinary person, and Amitabha is not just waiting.

The former is well aware of the way of perseverance. Seeing that he can’t compete with Buddhas like Amitabha, he simply abandons the orthodoxy passed down to him by Sakyamuni, and establishes the foundation that he will never become a Buddha. Impossible to realize the great ambition, and then revealed that oneself has no intention of competing for the position of Buddhism, and peace of mind only means oneself, the bodhisattva.

And Amitabha is not a narrow-minded master. From his ability to gradually grow Buddhism, far better than before, you can see his prowess. Such a person sees the ability and value of Kṣitigarbha, and of course it is impossible to give him up casually. Since keeping him is more beneficial to the great cause of Buddhism, he will naturally choose this more beneficial choice to Buddhism.

In this way, there is one more Bodhisattva like Guanshiyin in Buddhism. Although he is not a Buddha, his strength and status are more respected than the waiting Buddha. And such a bodhisattva might also participate in their grand plan, and personally participate, this is indeed something that no one thought of.

So, no matter who it is, they are all startled responses.

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