Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1613

Piggy thinks a lot. In other words, at this moment, he really couldn’t think of so much. After all, it would be unworthy to take the own life because of such a small bet.

Think twice before acting, which is always good. And it was because of this kind of thinking, but Zhu Ganglu discovered that things might not be as bad as they seemed. He does not have no chance of winning against Yang Jian.

If Yang Jian’s battle with Tathagata really relied on any special means, he would already have a bottom line in his heart. Because, if this is the case, after all, it is nothing more than the means. As the saying goes, you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder. You have the Heaven Supporting Pillar, I have the same Megatron. No one has more means than anyone else. What you have, I may not have it. If you compare it to each other, maybe who will be the winner. Maybe he won, but not necessarily?

With such thoughts in mind, Zhu Ganglu was already hideous and gave the answer Zhang Daoling wanted.

“Okay, I promise you. It’s just a trifling Yang Jian, I don’t believe I will not be his opponent. Zhang Heavenly Master, I have promised your request, what about you? Shouldn’t it be time to accept this test?”

“This is natural, the old man has not the habit of breaking his promise and getting fat. Come on, I want to listen to the truth and act justly, and make the old man fair.”

“That’s nature…” Coldly chuckling, Zhu Ganglu was already going out to welcome Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha. As soon as he entered, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva shook his head at Zhang Daoling and said in a low voice. “Heavenly Master, why is this necessary?”

“Why? Of course it is necessary. I don’t want some people to be so easy to be satisfied.” He looked up at Ksitigarbha and the one under his crotch. Listening to the obvious natural phenomenon, Zhang Daoling was already sneering. “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, are you so sure that I will have a problem?”

“Although the clear one clears himself, the turbid one is turbid. But Zhang Heavenly Master, you know, we are all the same People, there are many things you can think of, and I can also think of them. What you will choose to do, I can also guess. In such a situation, you continue to pretend to be fake, does it also make sense?”

The voice of this sentence was very small, and it was still held with mana protection. Only he and Zhang Daoling could understand. When he heard him say this, Zhang Daoling’s face had already changed, and then he put on a righteous expression.

“That’s you, Kṣitigarbha. Don’t mention me and you on equal terms. I’ve been selfless in my life, so how can I do such an unethical and contemptible thing at this time? You look down on me too.”

“Oh. I am so courageous, but I hope that in a while, you will have the confidence to say such things.” He said this lightly. Kṣitigarbha was already kicking the body under Diying, and shouted at it. “You wicked obstacle, don’t quickly take out Magical Powers, and wait for me to listen to the truth in the heart of Heavenly Master?”

“Follow the decree of the Bodhisattva.” Of course, the truth is about the master’s lust Dare to be angry but dare not speak. So he quickly put down the oneself master, and listened to Zhang Daoling’s heart with his first bow. And this listening is time it takes to drink a cup of tea quietly.

It has never taken such a long time to listen to Yin Yang and distinguish right from wrong. This not only made Zhu Gang a little uneasy, but Kṣitigarbha also became impatient. He used the tin stick in his hand to tap the one-horned horn that made it growl involuntarily. Then he directly reprimanded it.

“You beast. Why did it take such a long time this time? Don’t hurry up and tell the truth about what you heard.”

“Heavenly Master’s thoughts change Fantasy, it takes a little more time to explore clearly. Please forgive me.” Dihe didn’t dare to look back at the Bodhisattva behind oneself. He could only look sideways at Zhang Daoling in front of him, and then raised his head and whispered to him. Said Kṣitigarbha. “It’s clear, Bodhisattva.”

“Say, tell everyone here, Master Zhang Heavenly is loyal or a traitor in his heart, is he a traitor among us?”

Kṣitigarbha is confident in his heart, and he is naturally rude when speaking. But, cautiously glanced at him, Di Listening gave an answer that he didn’t want to hear.

“Reporting back to the Bodhisattva. Zhang Heavenly Master has many thoughts, but on this matter, he did not lie, let alone betrayal. In the current situation, he is indeed the marshal of Tianpeng. I have wronged him!”

“How is this possible?” When these words came out, not only Kṣitigarbha’s face became gloomy, unable to speak a word. Even the pig Gang was completely out of control, and began to roar and make a noise. He dared not question Ksitigarbha, and there was no reason to vent his emotions on Zhang Daoling. So he could only send this evil fire to the truth.

Raising a leg is just a kick, and the calf-like body is already kicked flying by him. Of course, it is a strange beast after all, and this damage is nothing to it. But as the pig Gangna showed a savage demon look, and grabbed its head, and began to squeeze its own hands firmly, it was inevitable to wailing with the ability to bear the truth.

Even monkeys are afraid of how it can withstand the lewd power of the pig. It was suffering from the torment of Zhu Gang, but Zhu Gang continued to increase the strength of his hands indifferently, rubbing his fangs, and growled at him.

“You evil creature, dare to cheat in front of me. Don’t you want to live? Quickly, tell me the truth you know, or I will tear you up!”

“The marshal is forgiving, the marshal is forgiving. In front of the Bodhisattva, I absolutely dare not to fake it. Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, I really didn’t tell lies.”

Thank you for mercy, and Kṣitigarbha Obviously, I feel that my face is not glamorous. As the saying goes, hitting a dog depends on the owner. Although he has formed an alliance with Zhu Gang, this does not mean that he can casually let Zhu Gang hit oneself’s dog. It was his face after all. So immediately, he stopped Zhu Ganglu and said to him in a light manner.

“Enough, Ba Jie. If you listen to the truth or don’t say anything, if you have never said a lie, don’t embarrass it anymore. This time, I’m afraid it’s really not his Wrong. I’m afraid we’re really wrong to blame Zhang Heavenly Master.”

“I don’t believe it!” Fiercely replied, and Zhu Gang abandoned the truth in his hands, and faced with a fierce face. Zhang Daoling roared. “You must have done the trick. Zhang Heavenly Master, you have such a great ability. Even the truth can be concealed by you. But you can deceive it, but you can’t deceive me. You must be a ghost in your heart. “

“You have to pay attention to evidence when you speak.” After a disaster, Zhang Daoling was already high-spirited and vigorous. He gave Zhu Gang a look disdainfully, and then said to him with a sneer. “Why, if you fail to set up a framing, do you have to use these methods? If so, you would be too underestimated. I dignified the Daomen in charge, can I still be coerced by you? I see. The pig’s head on your neck is really not long in vain. Sure enough, it is very stupid.”

When talking at this time, Zhang Daoling naturally suffered from the damage, and when he said that, it was originally Just a Demon’s mind, the pig Gang was so angry that the first Buddha was born, and the second Buddha rose to heaven. He was angry, Monster Qi soaring into the sky. Most of them rushed up without hesitation, directly stripping Zhang Daoling away. However, before he really had a seizure, the Nine Spirit Yuansheng had already stood in front of Zhang Daoling and unceremoniously reprimanded Zhu Ganglu.

“Gang Gang, have you had enough trouble. Do you really think that my Taoist school is good for bullying?”

Thanks to Zhang Daoling to clear the suspicion, then at this time they naturally It also stood behind Zhang Daoling again and became his solid pillar. Looking at the Nine Spirits Yuansheng who stood in front of oneself, Zhu Ganglu felt aggrieved in his heart, and he was so angry that he could only restrain everything obediently and honestly.

He is not yet the opponent of the Nine Spirits Yuansheng. As the Old Ancestor in the lion, the Great General of the hell of the door. The strength of the Nine Spirits Yuansheng was so high that he had already seen the solution when he went west to learn the scriptures. Being able to take him and a few monkeys down with a big mouth, this strength has long been beyond the power of Guan Shiyin.

Although Zhu Gang thinks that oneself is not what it used to be, it is already in the Buddhist Peak Expert list. But he didn’t think that oneself could get anything good from the Nine Spirit Yuansheng. Not to say that there is no hope of winning at all, but it is really not worth it to quarrel with him for such a small matter.

So, after taking a few breaths like a bellows hissing, he already gradually restrained the fierceness of own.

“This time, my old pig admit defeat. Just like I promised you before, Yang Jian, when the time comes, will be dealt with by my old pig. Now you have nothing to say. Zhang Heavenly Master!”

“This is natural. The messenger of Jingtan is very difficult to chase after a word, and everyone here can be a testimony. I think that the messenger will not risk being laughed at by the world. Taboo, do something like go back on one’s word.”

“Okay, okay, okay! You are really good!” With a furious smile, Zhu Ganglu with a flick of The sleeve is already sitting back in the own position in strides. At this time, it was already hard for him to say more about other things. In order to avoid more embarrassment, he can only bring the topic back to business. “Nonsense, tell me about our plan. When are you going to act on it. Don’t tell me to wait and see what happens. If you wait for a hundred years, you and I will not do this kind of rebellious thing. With that kung fu , It’s better to find a mountain lump squatting, and be a mountain king.”

“It won’t take that long, it’s within three days. We have a chance!”


When Zhang Daoling said that, everyone held their breath. Even Kṣitigarbha is the same. But unlike others, before listening with bated breath, he first glanced at his mount without moving an expression. After seeing it nodded, he looked towards the location of Zhang Daoling casually.

And Zhang Daoling, at this time, explained everything oneself wanted to say in detail…

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