Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1614

Three days later, Zhou Yi took the Ancient One as promised, and walked towards the Kunlun Ruins in the Lower Realm.

This time is different from before. Because of the need to beat the grass to scare the snake, he took out all the pomp that Celestial Emperor should have this time. Not only are there Nine Dragons, but also will be accompanied by heavenly soldiers. His confidant Yang Jian personally led oneself’s six Meishan generals and three thousand grass-head soldiers to guard him.

This kind of battle is enough to deter Xiao Xiaozhi and his ilk. As long as they have seen Celestial Emperor and Yang Jian ability, they will not have too much courage to give birth to right and wrong in front of them. And just as their entire group came to Kunlun Ruins unimpededly, Ancient One has already begun to arrange the Kunlun context.

It seems that it will be impossible to complete in a while, Zhou Yi simply called Yang Jian. A throne was set on the chariot, and he started talking to him.

His eyes are sharp and his mind is bright. So I quickly saw a trace of worry on Yang Jian’s face. This made him smile right now, while pouring the wine for Yang Jian himself, while speaking to him.

“I think Qing family seems to have something on your mind! Why, is it possible that you are afraid of doing demons and monsters?”

“clown, what Fear of the feet?” As Zhou Yi’s confidant today, he did not hide these plots against Yang Jian. Therefore, Yang Jian is very clear about what oneself will face next, and this makes him immediately show a contemptuous expression of Zhou Yi’s remarks. “If it weren’t for these people hiding in the dark, it would be difficult to distinguish them. All you need is Your Majesty’s orders, and the ministers can bring the elite soldiers and heroes to capture them all. Why is it so expensive?”

“It’s not a lot of trouble.” Pointing his finger in the direction of Ancient One, Zhou Yi already pointed the corner of his mouth to explain to Yang Jian. “For me, the purpose of this trip is the key. Through the location of Kunlun Ruins, I can sense the location of Kunlun Hill, and pull this Heaven Realm back to the Central Land of the Divine Province. . This is the most important thing. As for the other things, it’s just a matter of grazing and hitting rabbits. Of course, if I can’t do it, then it’s best. And it depends on you. Ability.”

“The minister must be full of liver and brain, and live up to Your Majesty’s trust.” With a fist clasped suddenly, Yang Jian responded with a sonorous force. Looking at his formal appearance, Zhou Yi waved his hand and said with a smile to him.

“You don’t need such politeness between you and me, and I don’t force you to do anything, as long as you make an all-out effort. By the way, you haven’t explained the matter to me clearly yet? Qing family, where did your thoughts come from?”

In the face of Zhou Yi, Yang Jian is certainly not suitable for too much concealment. So he hesitated and said to Zhou Yi like this.

“Speaking of it, it’s not good for the minister to discipline. After listening to Your Majesty’s strategy, the minister secretly explored the situation. Not only was a buddhist in Buddhism involved, but his own The wife’s dísciple is also the first offender. The crime of treason involves the nine tribes. If you count it carefully, it will be the wife of the minister’s family. I am afraid that she will also be included in the calculation. So the minister is having a headache for this kind of thing, really I don’t know how to deal with it.”

“It seems that you have surrendered the Female Bodhisattva. This is a gratifying thing. As for this matter, it is actually simple. Then I will next Zhang imperial decree, only punishes the first offender and does not involve the innocent.”

“Your Majesty has a kind heart, this is the blessing of Celestial Court. But this is not what the ministers worry about. The ministers worry about it. Yes, the back house is uneasy.” With a wry smile, he said this unspeakable conceal enough to make every man feel a headache. Yang Jian just couldn’t help but sighed.

“When I wanted to be alone, it was so easy and comfortable. Today, a dignified man, a nine-foot man, has to beg to be all in front of a woman. This is really true. It makes people feel angry and frustrated.”

Yang Jian belongs to the kind of typical straight man. He has been bachelor all his life. After suddenly having such a family, what he feels is not that. The sweetness of you and mine, but a kind of repressed and suffocated. He loves hunting all his life because he hunted a few tigers and leopards, he was whispered by Guanyin whispering all day. Thinking back to this marriage now, it was the biggest mistake he made in his life.

If possible, he would never agree to Zhou Yi’s arrangement. Of course, a man, a man, spit one nail at a time. Since he had already promised, he was naturally impossible at this time to repent on this kind of thing. And if he can’t repent, then he can only swallow the bitter fruit obediently and honestly into his stomach.

It can be said that as long as he thinks that Mu Zha, the conspirator, will die in the hands of the owner, Yang Jian has foreseen Guanshiyin’s not giving him a good face, and whispering no to him. The way it listens. It’s okay if you don’t want this kind of thing. He couldn’t help but treat the jade liquid jelly in his hand as a miraculous medicine for sorrows, and poured it into his stomach without hesitation.

Zhou Yi doesn’t feel bad about wine, he just can’t stand the general of oneself, who looks gloomy because of such trivial things. So after refilling him with a glass of wine, Zhou Yi already pointed at him pointedly.

“Doesn’t the Qing family know that the joy of the boudoir is better than thrush?”

“Your Majesty, that’s a nun. What can you do with me?”


As a traditional guy, Yang Jian really did not know whether to cry or laugh about this remark that Zhou Yi said. dignified A Celestial Emperor actually said such things to his courtiers, which is really a bit of a loss of dignity and etiquette. However, considering Zhou Yi’s history and the relationship between the two of them today, it would not be considered offensive to say this in private.

But this is the case, he still can’t accept Zhou Yi’s statement. It is true that there are of course more interesting things to do in the boudoir than thrushes, but if the target is a nun, he is not sure whether this kind of thing is good or not.

He tends to be conservative in his mind. He would rather find an oiran in the brothel than make a boudoir with a nun. In Zhou Yi’s view, this could not be more wrong.

It can be said that he has some hate iron for not becoming steel at this time. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had not been able to get through the passage with Earth, he must take Yang Jian to see on Earth, let him experience firsthand the materialistic cultural background on Earth, a so-called nun, a What a cherished resource is a true Bodhisattva.

No matter how you go to play COSPLAY, no matter how you go to the uniform bar for fun, you are absolutely impossible to encounter a real character like this. Let alone put her completely under the name of own.

Do you know how lucky this is? Do you know how many people envy you when you say it? It is simply not knowing the blessing in the blessing.

When men talk about women in private, they are naturally not so noble. Putting down a system that Celestial Emperor Paragon should have, Zhou Yi was almost furious, and a large amount of teaching materials such as Jin Ping Mei were included with him to help Yang Jian, the wooden head, to open his mind.

And I have to say that all men, except for those who are really ignorant, are more or less talented and curious in this regard. Zhou Yi’s words are not lacking in deceptiveness, after all, these are things he played with when he was young. Wherever it is fun, and wherever it is attractive, he can describe the earth into the woods. Although Yang Jian is a tall immortal, in this respect, he can’t compare to the entertainment creation created by human beings under extreme desire.

So after a lot of talk, Zhou Yi is certainly contented, and it is rare to say something happy. Yang Jian is also blushing, and his face that has always been upright is inevitably a bit more embarrassing than begin to stir. It can be seen that he was already tempted by Zhou Yi.

Seeing that oneself finally achieved a success, once again used the skills of an old driver to mislead a great young man. Zhou Yi couldn’t help but smiled and patted him on the shoulder while he was soothing, and encouraged him.

“If you want to understand, just want to understand. You have to know that I arranged such a marriage for you, but it is not just for you to control Buddhism. This is also my work. If you can’t see clearly, wouldn’t it be a waste of my good intentions. In short, I’m trying to do this, but it depends on your ability. I want to see you make her submissive. The look of the post. This will be a good thing for you and for the entire Celestial Court, isn’t it?”

“Your Majesty said, surrender, be convinced, convinced .”

Trifling is the cuteness of this doorway. Meeting an old driver like Zhou Yi is not the only result of admiration. While enjoying the worship of Yang Jian, Zhou Yi smiled haha, already looking out of the car.

After the jokes are finished, it’s natural to say business. And when he opened his eyes and saw the entire Kunlun ruins inside and outside, he had already discovered those unusual movements. This made him put down the wine glass in his hand and began to speak to Yang Jian sternly.

“It seems that the group of old turtles lured by Master Zhang Heavenly has already begun to enter the urn. So, Yang Qing’s house, you can start decorating. Don’t forget what I told you before Matter. This is related to the foundation of Celestial Court’s future plans. It cannot tolerate a trace of affection. I don’t want to see someone escape from here. Do you understand what I mean?”

” Please rest assured, Your Majesty, your ministers can use their heads to guarantee that no one will escape from Your Majesty’s legal net!”

Public is public, and private is private. Yang Jian knows this clearly. . Don’t look at Zhou Yi talking and laughing with oneself before, just like friends for many years. But after all, the two of them are the relationship between the ruler and the subordinate. There are some things that he must do, and he must do it beautifully, in order to live up to such a feeling of the ruler and the minister.

So immediately, he clasped his fists and gave a sonorous reply.

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