Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1630

“Deadly understand? Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, what do you mean?”

Looking at Kṣitigarbha with such a disheartened, bitter and depressed appearance . Zhou Yi was also very kind and replied with interest.

Kṣitigarbha immediately opened his eyes wide when he saw him willing to open his mouth, and stared at him firmly.

“If I am not wrong, there is indeed a traitor among us, Your Majesty, you also know all our movements. Therefore, you are deliberately risking yourself here, taking oneself as Bait, to lure us into being fooled, isn’t it?”

“I don’t deny this question. Because you won’t deny it either. This is an opportunity to catch everything in one net, right? “

Zhou Yi has nothing to hide on this question, he answered generously. It’s just for his generous answer, whether it’s guys like Kṣitigarbha who are still standing here because of their strength, or the three brothers who are held by Jinzha and want to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, they all reveal a pair Unbelievable and embarrassing expressions come.

Anyone knows that oneself is being played as a monkey, I am afraid it will not be very comfortable in my heart. That is to say, Kṣitigarbha has a very good mentality, or he has guessed such an answer. That’s why he was able to ease over quickly, and asked Zhou Yi again.

“So, who is that traitor? How did he inform us? Your Majesty can give us an account and let us understand?”

“Oh, this one Let him tell you something. It just so happens that he has already come.”

While speaking, ripples have already appeared on the tower wall of Exquisite Pagoda. Behind Zhang Daoling, following Kṣitigarbha’s mount, he appeared in front of them one after another. And seeing them appear, everyone’s questions have been solved. It’s just that this kind of reconciliation is really violent, so that even someone with a strong mind like Kṣitigarbha will inevitably get into a trance for a while.

Zhang Daoling will be this traitor. This is the possibility he had already thought of at first. However, because of Truth Listening, he just ruled out this possibility. But now, seeing the existence of Diting, I think of what it said before, lest the battle be fierce and drag down the statement of own. Everything really became clear.

Fortunately, he was really worried that Di Ting was unfortunately involved in the war, and then was compromised because of his lack of ability, so he agreed with it. But I don’t want it to say this, it is simply premeditated. Because it already knew that this was a trap, it simply didn’t plan to step in with him.

In other words, because I am afraid that oneself will do something and so on to him after knowing the truth. It almost premeditated to stay away from oneself.

Such an answer really makes him feel uncomfortable. When I thought that oneself was betrayed by such a beast, such a guy who trusted so much, Kṣitigarbha’s heart was already in full swing, and his anger was almost 30,000 feet high.

He does not blame Zhou Yi, the Celestial Emperor. Because of the strength gap between them, there is nothing to say, thinking that oneself can overthrow him, but he himself is stupid. And if the Celestial Emperor is blamed for this kind of thing, it will only be his own skin in the end.

He doesn’t blame Zhang Daoling either, because this itself is a matter of plot against each other. He missed a move, regarded Zhang Daoling as a teammate, let Zhang Daoling go ahead and won the final victory. This is also nothing to say. He has no regrets at chess, he is not so bad that he dare not even admit this kind of thing.

He can not blame these two people, but just listen to the truth, he is impossible to forgive.

We must know that if it weren’t for owning, I’m afraid I can only be its Demon between the mountains and the wild. How can it become the great and famous Divine Beast in Buddhism like now? It was oneself who gave it everything, gave it its current status and respect. But it’s good. In such a critical moment, it not only didn’t think about maintaining the owner, but also united with outsiders to plot against oneself. Based on this alone, he was already impossible to forgive him anyway.

At this time, he needs to ask Di listen for an explanation. And it was precisely for this reason that he immediately questioned Dihe.

“Listen to the truth, I have always treated you not badly. Why do you want to betray me and be a beast who sells me for glory?”

“Treat me not badly? Bodhisattva, what you said Is it for you yourself?” Maybe it’s because I finally don’t have to maintain oneself’s submissive face in the past. Haha laughed at the moment he was already face looks sinister.

“Back then, I was proud of the mountains and forests, how free and easy. But because you accidentally provoke your dísciple, you hit the door. You tried all kinds of methods, and I suffered. It’s just because I have taken a fancy to my abilities and want to take me as a mount. Why don’t you remember this kind of thing, Bodhisattva?”

“Are you resenting me for this matter?” After squinting his eyes, Kṣitigarbha’s face became joyless and sad. “If you don’t want to, you can refuse my solicitation at the beginning. Why should you betray me at this time? After all, you are still a wolf ambition after all, not just a cultivating beast generation?”

” Haha, Bodhisattva. You’re making me laugh again. Tell you? Is your ability to listen to all things fake?” After a few undisguised chuckles, Di Ting said this unceremoniously to Jizo. “What you thought in your heart at the beginning, if you forget it, I can still remember it very clearly. What you think is perfectly clear, if I don’t want to follow you, even if you kill me, you will never allow me The ability falls into the hands of other people. Just ask, listening to such a voice, how dare I not follow you? Bodhisattva!”

It seems that the grievances for a long time have finally been vented. At this time, Di Ting was already unable to restrain himself and wanted to spit out his heart.

“For more than a thousand years, you have sat Lao Tzu under your body. You beat and scold at every turn, that’s fine. After all, you are a Bodhisattva, you are powerful, and you have the final say. But even yours A disciple and grandson, I also look down on Lao Tzu. I can’t bear it. Lao Tzu is a dignified Divine Beast. After Bai Ze, he is born with supernatural powers to listen to all things. Why are those under your hand who only know how to eat fast and chant, say Amitabha’s baldness. Donkeys keep on saying are called beasts? Other people’s mounts, people’s disciplines and boys give back a bit of face, a better one is called a master, and almost a senior brother. It’s good to be here, always It’s a beast. Have you ever thought about what it feels like to be called a beast for thousands of years? Do you know what dharma meeting I have with you every time I look at those other bodhisattvas How can I not lift my head up again?”

“Good, good. Is this the reason you betrayed me?” After listening to the utterance, Kṣitigarbha is already holding his hands together and chanting silently Came with the Buddha name.

Until now, he doesn’t think that oneself is at fault. So right now, he just retorted to Dihe.

“In the old days, the Buddha cut meat and fed the eagles in order to influence sentient beings. Ji Zang originally wanted to imitate the ancestors in order to promote the boundless Dharma, but he did not want to be the Dharma and can not survive all living beings in the world. Just like the farmer and the snake, even though It’s planting a good cause, and it may not be able to get good results. It’s really sad and sad. But, listen to the truth, do you think you can get what you want after betraying the Lord? Don’t forget, you’ve already beaten yourself. It’s a stigma. Under such circumstances, even if you are invested under the Celestial Emperor, do you still naively think that the Celestial Emperor will reuse it for you?”

The same thing happened As for own, Kṣitigarbha doesn’t think that oneself can ignore such things. However, he did not think that Zhou Yi, who was sitting in the position of Celestial Emperor, would have such magnanimity.

However, this time, he was obviously wrong again. Because Zhou Yi had already plugged in at this time, dispelling all his illusions.

“This is not enough. I think there is still the ability to listen to truth. The so-called high-level people, as long as they have the ability, virtue can be cultivated by supervision. It happens that I plan to set up a special sect in the Celestial Court. The master is in charge of the team of immortal officials in charge of law enforcement and inspection. Adding a true listening, it is also considered to complement each other.”

Zhou Yi this can be considered The bad mentality is at work, which clearly shows the embarrassment of wanting to see Kṣitigarbha. For his practice, Kṣitigarbha could only open his mouth a few times, and then he could only silently chant the Buddhist scriptures. He is not stupid. He knows that Zhou Yi is in the sidelines, and how he can say it is impossible to win. It’s already lost anyway, so just lose thoroughly. This will also give a good reputation.

Finally, when Zhou Yi said this, he immediately squatted on the ground, and a beast’s face had already squeezed out an extremely funny look.

“Many thanks Celestial Emperor, the great master’s reward, the younger one must make an all-out effort, after death.”

“Ha, it depends on your performance.”

As Celestial Emperor, he only needs to coordinate the overall situation. Zhou Yi doesn’t care what will happen to Di listen. Anyway, when the time comes, he is going to do things under the hands of a monkey, no matter how many tricks he has, there is always a monkey in charge of him. Judging from the cleverness of the monkey, he was afraid that it would be difficult to undying. Of course, this is a funeral, not to mention it. Nowadays, it is also something to mention.

If Ksitigarbha and Di Ting are like this, then Zhang Daoling and the other people have a different look.

I have to say that Zhang Daoling really played a trick on them in this matter. Whether it is the Nine Spirits Yuansheng, the Emperor Xiaodi, or even the Nezha three brother, they are like monkeys led by him. Such a thing, even if it is just a joke, is impossible to be forgiven easily. even more how, it’s not a joke at all, it’s just to entrap them to death.

So naturally, every one of them hates Zhang Daoling in the bones at this moment. If it weren’t for Zhou Yi in front of me, I was afraid that he would be swallowed up immediately. And Zhang Daoling also knew this, so he cautiously leaned on Zhou Yi’s side, and treated the glares of these people with a confident look.

As for this, Nezhasan brother, who was already bloody, couldn’t hold back anymore. He already squeezed his sword and screamed at Zhang Daoling.

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