Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1631

“Heavenly Master Zhang, don’t you have anything to say to my brother?”

Nezha three brother’s words can be described as a sound Vocal cord blood, words with tears. Even a wily old fox like Zhang Daoling, faced with accusations like the three brothers, will inevitably blush and become speechless.

After all, he is not a buddhism person who has a lot of tongues, and he can use his own will to reverse black and white and tell right and wrong. Obviously what I did was wrong, but I can safely regard it as right. He clearly understands in his heart that in this matter, own is indeed a bit unnatural. However, this in itself is also helpless.

In its place, seek its own government. In many cases, people have to involuntarily do something that oneself does not want to do. He is no exception to this, so in the face of questioning, he can only cupped the hands, and then said with a black face.

“It can only be said that each is the master. The three Crown Princes, the old man must think about the future of the door. This is the only way to go. If the three have any complaints, you can Vent out to the old man. The old man has nothing to say!”

“haha, complaints? Are we all complaining?”

Although Zhang Daoling seems to be honest , But Jin Zha was still keenly aware of the loopholes in his words. What is a complaint? That is what can only be said on the lips. If you want to do it, you don’t even have a door. And their brother was deceived so badly that there is no hope for a lifelong vengeance, and even the entire Li Family may be extinct. In the end, only a few complaints can be said. How can you let him not have the slightest complaint.

It can be said that at this time, Nezha’s brother’s resentment towards Zhang Daoling has surpassed that of Zhou Yi, who killed his father. And almost without thinking, Jin Zha has already put aside all his scruples and shouted to Zhang Daoling.

“You old fogey, let me die.”

Speaking of which, he has stored Exquisite Pagoda without saying a word, and smashed this Buddhism treasure. The earth greeted Zhang Daoling’s head.

Can’t deal with Zhou Yi, the unrivaled Celestial Emperor, can’t you still use your henchman to vent your anger? You know, although Zhang Daoling can be regarded as a leader in the Taoist sect plot against, he can’t take action only in terms of ability.

This is not to blame him, after all, he has almost devoted his entire life to the operation of the door, but he does not have that many time to accumulate mana, practice Magical Powers. The so-called gains, there are losses, and if you want to manage the sect, it is normal to lose a little in this respect. Anyway, a big door is also impossible to let him, the brain center, go to battle himself, so strength and so on is simply an insignificant thing.

This is Zhang Daoling’s attitude, and the state of affairs until now also proves that his idea is very correct. How can an enemy of a hundred people be compared to an enemy of ten thousand people? The strategy of draping is the right way. As for the other things, it is just a small ear, not worth mentioning.

Of course, Zhang Daoling who thinks this way probably never thought that oneself would have such a day. Seeing that the Exquisite Pagoda of Buddha light illuminating everything is about to smash on the head of the owner, even if he is of high authority and strategy, there can only be one thought at this time, that is, my life is dead.

Indeed, no amount of plot against can be crushed by naked strength. After putting aside all the scruples and wanting to take Zhang Daoling’s life, with Zhang Daoling’s ability simply it is impossible to survive such a magic weapon. But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, Zhou Yi is willing to watch him die. Just looking at the importance of Zhang Daoling at the moment, he is also impossible to let this happen to the owner.

So right now, he already raised his hand and blocked Zhang Daoling’s head. And such a block makes the Exquisite Pagoda, which should have a world weight, immediately resemble a piece of paper falling on the cotton, and there is no more movement.

Such a result, even if Jinzha urged the mana to even use the energy to eat milk, it did not make any changes at all. And looking at the Exquisite Pagoda, which fell into the hands of oneself, and became dim due to the suppression of oneself divine force. However, Zhou Yi said such a sentence with eyebrows raised.

“The treasure of Buddhism, two generations of Buddha Relic? It seems that it is also a plaything with symbolic significance greater than practical significance. If you stay, it may make some people think about it. In the end, if something happens again If it’s a mess, it’s not good. So let’s just do it.”

Speaking of which, he squeezed it as if he was squeezing a shortbread. It was already a pinch of the entire Exquisite Pagoda. Shattered.

Pure violence itself is unmatched, no matter what Buddha Law Is Boundless, no matter what Indestructible Diamond. Everything is fake. As long as your strength is strong enough, there is nothing you can’t break. If you can’t break it, then it can only show that your strength is not enough.

Zhou Yi can be said to use the most cruel reality to teach these guys who are superstitious about the so-called power of the Buddha. And when watching the golden powder of the squirrel flow out through Zhou Yi’s fingers like this, no matter who was there, they couldn’t help but feel a throb, and their heart twitched, and they fell into a great panic.

The Celestial Emperor has this ability to be able to wipe away the treasures of Buddhism at will. This is naturally a shocking thing. But compared to this kind of thing, they were more afraid of the cruelty that Celestial Emperor inadvertently revealed. You know, in Exquisite Pagoda, there are still hundreds of dísciples of Buddhism and Taoism. Jinzha received them too quickly, and simply never thought of releasing them. And this also made Zhou Yi rub it like this. Simply even Exquisite Pagoda took all these thousands of Divine Immortal Arhats and rubbed them into fly ash. This shows them how can the guts not grow hair?

Is this the Celestial Emperor whose innumerable living beings are just ants? At this time, it is difficult for these rebels to think otherwise. And the more they think like this, the deeper their despair is, and the more they feel how funny the naive idea of ​​oneself is.

Divine Immortal will also regret it. In the same way, Divine Immortal is not edible by Regret Medicine. Once again knocked down by the cruel reality, the few remaining people can be said to be a desperate thought. Compared with other people, Nezha three brother’s grief and despair, as well as the depth of this kind of despair, are even deeper.

Because they are carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, and this hatred can never be repaid. Compared with others, people are just dead-hearted, but they want to add a despair of collapse of faith on this basis. The degree is of course different.

Vengeance, revenge! It seems that there is such a voice echoing in the ears, as if the dead father of oneself is screaming roar in the ear of own.

As an eldest son, Jin Zha stopped struggling for this idea all the time. He even said that because of this idea, he did not hesitate to catch his own sister and his own life. Revenge has become the most important mission in life for him, an eldest son, and has become his only value in life. But now, seeing revenge has become a fundamentally impossible thing, disillusioning in front of the owner like the moon reflected in the water in a mirror. He really couldn’t give birth to any other thoughts.

No revenge, what’s the point of being alive also? Could it be said that because of this, oneself will give up this bloody hatred?

Think of the difficult situation faced by oneself, and think of the promises Zhou Yi gave them before. Jin Zha’s pale face suddenly turned red, and then suddenly he strode towards Zhou Yi.

This was an unexpected move. Even Zhou Yi didn’t expect it. At this time, Jinzha, who is not even an ant, would dare to do it. This made him look at Jin Zha with interest, and then asked him with a smile.

“Why, will you still learn to give up at this time?”

“As a son, I can’t do my filial piety for my father. What is the meaning of my life?”

With a bitter smile, Jin Zha was pushing Jinshan down on the jade pillar, kneeling down in front of Zhou Yi, his father-killing enemy, and pleading with him hoarsely.

“Your Majesty is magnanimous, and please Your Majesty can fulfill my idea of ​​revenge. I know that I am impossible to hurt Your Majesty, but please Your Majesty take off my coat and give it to me, let me follow the example of Yu let the stabbing Three swords can be regarded as revenge for my father. And as long as Your Majesty is willing to do this, Jin Zha is willing to die to thank the world.”

After speaking, he has no pity for oneself. dong knocked his head. Looking at his performance, Zhou Yi looked serious and asked in a deep voice.

“Isn’t it good to be alive? Must you die to fulfill your wish?”

“As a son, he cannot avenge his father. He is already unfilial. To beg for mercy from your own enemy in order to survive, then it can only be said that there is no trace of courtesy, justice and shame. Unfilial people cannot live in the world, and people without courtesy, justice and shame live, and they are no different from pigs and dogs. Although Jinzha is not a Sage , But I also know that people live for and so on. Therefore, there is only one death, and I hope Your Majesty will be fulfilled!”

The words have already come to this point, his death will It is already clear. So even Zhou Yi can no longer have a reason to stop him. He could only sigh and untie the brand-new dragon robe on oneself, and then threw it in front of Jin Zha. Looking at the clothes in front of oneself, Jin Zha suddenly yelled, already taking out a sharp blade, and hua hua chopped it into pieces. Then he turned the knife upside down and stuck it directly on the owner’s heart.

Without any manipulations or Magical Powers, this blade literally smashed his heart, making him instantly go to Yellow Springs. And seeing the big brother dying, Mu Zha, who was originally a sad face, didn’t hesitate anymore. He also took up his arms, loudly roared, “Unfilial people, what looks to live in the world.” is already a hand. own head, followed by one piece fell to the ground.

For a time, Nezha, the smallest of the three brothers, was left. Looking at the scene right now, Nezha smiled peacefully.

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