Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1632

“It turns out that death is not such a terrifying thing for them?”

Death, this is no stranger to Nezha Experience. He had already died once by cutting the bones to return to his father and the flesh to return to his mother. As a person who has died once, he actually knows exactly what it feels like.

There is a saying that there is a great horror between death and life, but it is true. Death is actually quite a terrible thing. When you feel that a whole living world is fading from your life, when everything falls into the silence of Eternity, your fear, anxiety and madness will spontaneously arise. , And finally, completely destroy everything in your soul.

Why do people in Heaven Realm pursue longevity and undying? In fact, this is the biggest reason. They know the horror of Death, so they want to get rid of the threat of Death as much as possible. Extending lifespan is only one of their most superficial means. Others such as Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body and body possession reincarnation are the real Great Divine Ability and Profound Truth.

It’s just that, even if there are so many Divine Ability spells to protect them, it doesn’t mean that the Buddha full of Heavenly God can escape death casually.

Look at the celestial troops and generals that have been fighting all the year round, or the Heaven Realm heavy gods like Yang Jian, who have been killed all the way. The weapon in the hand, the spells close to the body, most of them have one or two key points used to obliterate Divine Soul. When they fight together, they will not leave any feelings for their opponents. All of a sudden, it will not only die, but also the soul.

It can be said that, like Nezha, after cutting the bones and meat, they can still be recalled to Divine Soul and redo their bodies with lotus flowers. The overwhelming majority are all added with this axe and become the real souls that’s all. No, it should be said that even the dead souls can’t do it, because this death really disappeared.

It was precisely because of this that Nezha knew this, so he could not immediately follow the footsteps of the two big brothers. After all, he is a person who has died once. After knowing the horror of Death, he wants to die again, but it is impossible to be so simple and happy. However, at this moment, what can he do even if he is alive? It’s just dull.

You can’t live up to the filial piety of father and son, and brother’s filial piety, can’t you even die? After thinking of this, Nezha felt that Death was actually not so terrifying. So he laughed immediately, rubbing a ball of samādhi fire on his hand, and it was already directly on the owner.

He has a lotus body. He can’t die if he cuts off his head or body. Once the lotus flower is picked up, he can live back with the water. So I wanted to kill him completely, but the thunder-fire failed. Of course, he has mana body protection, and ordinary thunderbolt flames can hardly hurt him. Therefore, if he wants to kill himself, he has to spend a bit of effort to set up this group of Samadhi fire.

Together with the flames, the body of plants and trees suddenly rises up in the fire, and the surging fire of Samadhi has swallowed Nezha’s entire body in a flash. Little by little, his body died during meditation in the flames, turning into fly ash. But he did not mourn or complain at the slightest. On the contrary, he was rid of all the pain like a great enlightenment. At this time, he uttered the last words of oneself’s life.

“How happy is life, and how hard is death.”

After a word, the flame burst, and the lotus body no longer survived, but completely burned. The ashes are gone, and they are scattered with the wind. And watching the end of their three brothers, all the rebels present gave birth to an inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

Their brother is still a straightforward and upright, devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, but what about them? How can they have such a treatment? Thinking of oneself being given the name of treason, and being engraved in history books after death, the horror and anxiety in these people’s hearts is about to drive them completely crazy.

The ancients pay attention to a name before and after them, and they are the same. What is in front of them, this is what they are fighting for right now. What happens behind them is something they have been thinking about all their lives. It’s like Buddhism describes the Buddha as omnipotent. The world, like Only I Am Supreme, is actually just creating a reputation behind them.

But the problem is, it’s okay for Heaven Realm to be the two masters of Buddhism and Taoism. They can write whatever they want. Under the power, others can only see what they have recorded. . But now, the world is no longer theirs, but the Celestial Emperor and his Celestial Court. And with the methods and style of the fairy officials in Celestial Court who were born in historians, they wanted to whitewash their own affairs, which is simply impossible.

Fortunately, Nezha three brothers, the historian will add a few words of praise to them because of their filial piety, and take their treason crimes for a while. But they, who always stood on the heads of Celestial Court immortal officials and shit, they fell into the hands of these historians. If you don’t let them know that the history pen is as powerful as a knife, I’m afraid those immortal officials will feel shameless. Face those historians.

And when I thought that after oneself died, these immortal officials of the historian would take the pen to whip the corpse, leaving oneself with a reputation for thousands of years. These rebels, whether they are Divine Immortal or Bodhisattvas, are restless.

Among them, especially the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva and those few gods and emperors. You know, in order to manage their reputation, they have invested a lot of pains, wasted thousands of years of time, can they have the praise they are today.

Never mind the emperor of Shenxiao, after all, with the decline of the Shenxiao Sect in the Song Dynasty, their reputation among the folks has already disappeared. But Kṣitigarbha is different. Arranging oneself into hell with fancy words, he who sprints for Buddhism has a reputation among the folks that he will never become a Buddha and save all the undead and evil spirits in hell. To this day, he has continued to incense and has countless followers.

Such a reputation, if it collapses, is damaged, or even consigned to eternal damnation. That was more painful than killing him. It can be said that as long as he wants to die, he will be betrayed into a demon monk and an evil Buddha, designated as an Evil God fornication. He is confused and dare not even die.

If you die, you will be insulted by everything. And to live, even if it is struggling on whilst at death’s door, begging for mercy, it is possible to preserve the reputation of own. This is simply a matter of choice for a guy who values ​​his name so much.

So at the moment, Kṣitigarbha’s mind was anxious, and he already recited the Buddha’s name to Zhou Yi.

“Good, good. Your Majesty, if this poor monk is willing to fall, I don’t know if Your Majesty is willing to leave a way out and spare this poor monk this time?”

These words were exactly what the rebels said, but they were just one step ahead of Kṣitigarbha. However, it is good to be the first, at least let him go to explore the water first, try the depth. So they didn’t get angry, but looked at him and Zhou Yi nervously, waiting for the dialogue between them to produce a result.

It can be said that they are looking forward to something miraculous in their hearts. However, in contrast to their expectations, whether it was Diting or Zhang Daoling, there was a bad feeling in their hearts.

It’s not surprising that I heard this kind of thought. After all, I just betrayed my lord and asked for glory. If my lord did not die, he would be a minister in the temple. I would definitely have to stumble him in the future. Even said that he killed him. Therefore, it is reasonable for him to be anxious and afraid.

As for Zhang Daoling, his worries are on an even greater level.

First of all, let these rebels go back alive, no matter if they are and so on, oneself’s name is definitely not escaped. This is definitely a heavy blow to him who wants to rely on his brain to govern and control the Dao Sect, rather than relying on strength. It is even said that it is likely to destroy his current reputation and affect his power in the Dao Sect.

The above is still a trivial matter. The most important thing is that their existence is likely to lay the roots for the division of the door.

His original plan was to get rid of these few rebels who can take the lead, so that the dissatisfied and unmotivated people in the middle of the Taoist school will completely lose their support and can only follow the big Liudi followed his leadership to make major changes. But if these people are still alive, the situation is different.

It’s like inserting several dams across a billowing river. It will not only interrupt the general trend of the river’s progress, but may even make the river diverge and expand, cut off the flow, and even fall into death. .

This is the most terrible situation, and it is also the situation that Zhang Daoling fears most. So immediately, he began to persuade Zhou Yi.

“Your Majesty, no, absolutely no. If the rebels can easily forgive them, wouldn’t they be telling all those who have bad intentions that there is no risk in this? In the long run, the world can only Seeing the benefits of conspiracy, but not seeing the end that is enough to make them awe, everyone is racing to rebel. Wouldn’t it be a chaos in the Celestial Court, loss of life? Old ministers, please think twice!”

“Zhang Daoling, you despicable villain, must you drive us to death?”

Seeing that Zhang Daoling became an obstacle to their survival, these Divine Immortal kept a name for their lives They immediately yelled. However, Zhang Daoling would rather let them scold oneself a few more times at this time compared to the price to be paid in the end. He wouldn’t lose a piece of meat anyway, so he simply lost his face and sneered.

“The road was chosen by you oneself, and you have done all kinds of treason personally. Why, now that I regret it, what did I do earlier. I don’t know the emperor’s grace, I don’t obey it. Committing such a felony and wanting to excuse oneself is simply a daydream. Your Majesty is wise, will surely send you to the Behead Immortal stage, and give you and other conspirators a dead end, come to warn others from Following bad examples!”

“Zhang Heavenly Master, can you let this poor monk say something?”

One sentence interrupted Zhang Daoling’s words, and Kṣitigarbha was afraid of being involved In the undercurrent of the Daomen, he immediately spoke.

“Daomen storm has nothing to do with this poor monk, this poor monk is a member of Buddhism. From the perspective of the current situation, leaving this poor monk as Your Majesty’s help, isn’t it better than killing this poor Is monk more valuable?”

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