Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1647

“I think I know the guy you said.” When he said this sentence, he could see that Wang’s mood fluctuated somewhat abnormally. Ancient One immediately stopped what he wanted to ask with words.

“Don’t ask me where he is? That’s not where you can peek. In fact, I won’t let anyone know where he is until I know something I want to know. .”

“Oh, my God. You don’t know what he means. If he is still there, things won’t be that bad at all. Those fighting on the front lines, also those damn hell Evil Spirit will not spread to this point at all. The war will end immediately and everything will become the same as before. As long as he is still there, everything should be better!”

” Calm down, Wang. His role may not be as great as you think. And the most important thing for you now is to tell me the information I need. Maybe your information will play a decisive role and let me give him Bring it back in this world?”

“Okay, okay. I hope you know what you are doing, and I also hope that we are not wasting precious time and life. You want to know Let’s talk about something. Let’s see how I can make you change that bad idea and let that one return to our world.”

Knowing that oneself cannot change the idea of ​​Ancient One sorcerer, Wang Can only sigh, choose to succumb to her opinion. Looking at his attitude, Ancient One also immediately asked.

“It’s the same question. Our companions, those apprentices, haven’t you finished talking about them?”

“Have you not finished talking yet? Okay, Okay. It’s actually obvious. London is very bad. The cataclysm caused more than 90% of the people in London to suffer. Although I don’t know what Hydra used, the only certainty is that it is the devil. The power of the Evil God is at work. The countless Evil God, the devil and the Evil Spirit are raging there, and compared to them, even our sorcerer is just a bunch of ants. So unfortunately, the buddies of London Sanctum Basically all have been destroyed. I have not received any information to prove that they are also survivors, so we can only plan for the worst.”

“As for New York, the situation there is Better. New York, as the first stop of the Kree invasion, was destroyed by the war early. The stupid human government dropped the nuclear bomb under the control of Hydra, turning it into a forbidden zone for mankind. You have to know that although our sorcerers are stronger than ordinary people, we are still humans in the final analysis. We have not yet evolved to the point where we can live normally under the influence of nuclear radiation. Therefore, our partners in New York Sanctum can only choose to evacuate . This is bad, but at least they are still alive.”

“Do you know where they went?” For these apprentices, Ancient One still cares. So she just asked like that.

Wang thought about this for a while, brewed some language, and then replied like this.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the west coast, maybe it’s somewhere in the south. Everyone wants to escape as far as possible from radiation. Of course, starting a new life may not be theirs Choice. Your Excellency, I know it’s not appropriate for me to say these, but there are some things, I think it’s time to explain to you.”

“Uh…you want to be to me What to say?”

The way of speaking made Ancient One sorcerer feel a little uncomfortable, because she already had a bad feeling. And just as she expected, soon, Wang told her a not-so-good news.

“Your Excellency, you have been away for too long. Thirty years or so is enough time for some people to forget their past and their past. The sorcerer rally is not like before, except for us Apart from the sorcerers who lived in Kamar-Taj, no one will remember that oneself is Kamar-Taj’s school, an apprentice of Paragon sorcerer. Those youngsters, those newcomer’s dísciples. They are not willing to accept our Kamar-Taj dogma, Be an obediently and honestly bystander. In fact, inspired by countless Superhero stories, they are more willing to put their own power in front of everyone, rather than hiding in oneself in obscurity.”

“The fall of New York Sanctum is a good opportunity. Although Mordo Baron still leads some apprentices. But more, they choose to stand on their own at this time, and then use the magical power of oneself to do what they want to do. In other words, they are no longer willing to accept our dogma and our management. The inheritance of Paragon sorcerer and the glory of Kamar-Taj have broken in this special season.”

” Everyone has their own ambitions, right? We can’t force it.” After a period of silence, Ancient One sighed and said so. “As long as they don’t make trouble, let them go. Times have changed like this, and we can only accept this change, right?”

” , I’m worried that you won’t be able to look away.” After murmured, Wang opened his mouth again tentatively. “Then also I want to explain one thing to you. I hope you can see it as openly as you are now after listening to it.”

“Let’s talk about it. Anyway, I’ve already heard it. There is a lot of bad news, not bad this one. If you have anything, just tell it straight, no need to bend around.”

I pinched my eyebrows irritably, and Ancient One deeply felt the misfortunes never come What kind of famous saying alone is this sentence? Sure enough, once you start this head, the bad news will come one after another. However, she is a person with sufficient determination. So just complained a little, and faced it calmly.

“It’s Mordo Baron’s business. I think his recent actions are a bit too much.”

Mordo Baron was mentioned, and Ancient One immediately browses tightly knit, between expressions. It also became dignified. And the reason for this is not because of anything else, but because of Mordo Baron’s special identity.

Mordo Baron is an old friend of Ancient One sorcerer, the child of Nicolas Mordo. When he was very young, he was already entrusted to the door of Ancient One sorcerer and became her dísciple. She grew up watching Mordo Baron, so Mordo Baron is not just an apprentice for her, but more like a dísciple, a kind Junior. So when he heard that what Wang said was related to him, Ancient One immediately inevitably caused waves.

But she is still calm. Not at all at this time I am in a mess, eager to ask. Instead, he sank his mind and quietly listened to Wang’s narration.

Seeing that Ancient One is still sane, Wang’s original heart can be regarded as letting go. He no longer had any scruples, and directly said something in oneself’s heart.

“Your Excellency, it’s not that I deliberately slandered. But as far as the current situation is concerned, Mordo Baron is really too much. As Your Excellency your Direct Disciple, he adheres to the sorcerer principle you set down. This is There is nothing wrong with it. But forcibly imposing the will of own on others, and using its cruel methods on all the sorcerers who do not obey his orders, this is a bit too much.”

“According to I know that since the collapse of the New York Sanctum he led and the sorcerers began to find their own way, he has been suppressing the sorcerers. I am not saying that this is wrong. Thinking from his perspective, I can understand his mind. However, it is overkill! Use violence to force and suppress, from severe torture, to deprivation of magical power, or even direct killing. I can’t agree with this approach anyway.”

“Those sorcerers, many of those apprentices are just children. They are just young and vigorous and want to show off. They just don’t want to waste their time like we did. Could it be a crime to do so? Is this kind of thinking also intolerable? If so, please forgive me for not accepting it. I would rather be a traitor in Mordo Baron’s mouth than a jackals of the same tribe with him. “

Wang’s tone became more and more severe, which showed that his attitude was simply inconsistent and persistent. Faced with such a statement, and thinking of what he said, Ancient One also suddenly had a headache.

She came to find answers to the doubts in oneself’s heart, but she didn’t want to just meet in person and have a cup of tea to get into such a big trouble. No matter what, it is inappropriate. After all, these were all her apprentices. Seeing something like this happened among the apprentices, she definitely couldn’t just sit back and let the situation continue to deteriorate.

And if she manages, she really doesn’t have the skill and energy now. Not to mention that Heaven Realm’s problems are still weighing on her heart. It is the chaotic world pattern that she must pay more attention to. Little family, everyone. On this issue, she still knows who comes first. So now, she can only give Wang such a guarantee.

“Wang, don’t worry. I will restrain Mordo’s actions to prevent him from doing things that cross the bottom line. But now, we have more important things to consider, right? The changes in this World, the potential dangers, these are the more problems we need to solve, aren’t they?”

Ancient One’s words made Wang’s face instantly tangled. He didn’t want to see this approach of picking up high and putting it down gently, but he had to admit that Ancient One’s statement was not at all wrong.

“You are right, sir. We are also our mission. To maintain the peace of this World! If you are willing to intervene in these things, then Mordo’s affairs can indeed be temporarily put One side.”

“Yes, that’s it. That’s why I came to you now, Wang. I need your help. Help me figure out what happened to this World. Question Where is the crux of the problem? You are willing to help me, right?”

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