Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1648

“Of course. I am happy to serve you, sir.”

For the first half of my life, I have been the left and right hands of the Paragon sorcerer, secretly and those demons and ghosts To contend, the king who guards world peace is of course impossible. At this time, it drags Ancient One’s back. He almost immediately gave Ancient One a positive answer.

After getting such a reply, Ancient One’s heart was also happy. Although the successive bad news made her suffer, even at first’s idea of ​​regaining control of the situation through Sanctum sorcerer was dispelled a lot. However, with Wang’s promise and support, she will not end up with nothing. This somewhat comforted her.

Of course, the love of children and so on is not suitable for her. Just a little bit of emotion in the heart, she cut the words into the main topic.

“Tell you the truth, Wang. I now only have a preliminary understanding of the situation in Earth. It is precisely because of this preliminary understanding that I have become more and more confused. I thought that the changes in Sanctum sorcerer could give me some clues, but now it seems that I’m afraid you still have to ask you to solve me.”

“This is fine. Yes. Know yourself and know your enemy is the key to fight every battle without defeat. If you can have such an idea, I naturally support it. I just don’t know where you are going to start?”

“Still the topic before. Superhero! I think since they will flourish in this era, and even you think they have a pivotal role in this era. They must have extraordinary significance. Although I don’t think these brave guys can play a key role in the situation of the entire world, but it’s okay to see the whole leopard and find some clues from them.”

“Yes, since your Excellency you think so. Then I can only show my ugliness. After some humble opinion, I hope you don’t laugh at it.”

The king naturally knows everything about Ancient One. The words are endless, so after seeing Ancient One stretch out his hand and make a casual gesture, he immediately said all his own thoughts.

“It’s true. The so-called Superhero are a group of guys who stand up to do their best by relying on their own power. But I feel that people like them who are willing to make a difference are better than those who look indifferently. It’s much better for others to suffer. In today’s era, people’s hearts have already become too cold. And it is precisely because of this that their existence is like a flame, allowing people to feel humanity The brilliance and scorching heat.”

“Furthermore, what they did was not completely useless. At least in my opinion, without these Superhero’s efforts, this World might Maybe it will get worse. Let’s not talk about the trivial things they normally fight against criminals. Just dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety in the New York battle against alien invasions. It is enough to prove how meaningful their existence is.”

“Wait a moment…” Hearing this, Ancient One couldn’t help but call a stop. Then I asked what oneself felt was something wrong. “You said they were fighting the aliens? What about the army? What the army is doing. That’s New York, not a small remote western city. Is it dignified America, can’t even the army guarding New York come out? “

“This is another thing I want to say, sir!” Waved his hand, Wang didn’t bother with Superhero’s merits. Instead, he switched the spear tip directly from the other The direction is explained.

“What is the reason why you think Superhero will rise? If the world is full of seas and clear waters, and only the younger generation is in trouble, how can these super heroes be useful? In the final analysis, this is actually the choice of the times. More and more darkness and evil are emerging from the shadows of hiding, and their minions are ejected toward the originally peaceful world. And under such circumstances, these heroes will naturally also be theirs. It was born.”

“Don’t talk about anything else, let’s talk about the United States Government side. It is because of their corruption and the in-depth penetration of Hydra’s power that evil forces breed. In the Battle of New York, the United States Government controlled by Hydra not only failed to use the army in time to fight the alien invasion. Instead, it dropped the nuclear bomb and wanted to destroy the civilians with the Superhero. Fall. Such wolf ambitions and terrorist acts are enough to prove how bad the government of this World has become.”

“The Dawn Knight I mentioned earlier became under the attack of this nuclear bomb. I became frustrated. Put yourself in and think about it, if I was fighting to the death for the safety of the world, but I found a poisonous blade from the human beings I guarded, I would do it with him. The same choice. No, maybe my choice will be more fierce than him. I would rather destroy these damn traitors and let the own hands be bloody, and I will never let them survive in this world. These should The guys who go to hell, even if they thwart them all, they can’t get rid of my hatred.”

Although the king’s words are inevitably mixed with some subjective and cynical judgments Thought, but it is not difficult for Ancient One to tell from his narration how severe the world situation is today.

The former world overlord was actually infiltrated by the Hydra forces, and he stabbed the terrifying guy in the back. No matter how you look at it, it is a terrifying thing. This is changing her position from the king, and suddenly discovering such a situation, I am afraid it is unavoidable to put on a cold sweat, and then yell at her.

What will happen to Zhou Yi after offending her, she can’t even imagine. Maybe with a slap, those damn ambitious will be completely turned into fly ash even with this planet.

Of course, since Earth still exists, it proves that things are not as bad as she envisioned. So after wiping a cold sweat in her heart, she calmed down and continued to question Wang.

“You said Hydra. I remember this was not an extremist organization that served Germany during World War II? Didn’t they have been defeated by the Allies? How could it happen that you said that it penetrated the United States? What about the high-level government?”

“This is thanks to the deep plans and distant thoughts of those high-level government officials. Without their efforts, I am afraid that Hydra would also be impossible struggling on whilst at death’s door until now, And it has grown such a huge power.”

With a sneer and sarcasm, Wang explained it like this.

“After World War II, because the United States saw the Soviet Union as the biggest obstacle to oneself’s dominance of the world, they began to do everything they could to expand their own power. In this case, those who should have been The Hydra war criminals who were cleaned up were retained as important scientific talents. American wanted to use their scientific and technological power to strengthen itself, but did not want to be infiltrated by the remnants of Hydra while doing so. Several decades later, Hydra has not only grown larger than before, but also has become more secretive and more sophisticated. They no longer just pop up casually, shouting and screaming. Instead, they are manipulated by conspiracy, continuously. Use oneself’s tentacles in the government to achieve its own dirty purpose. What they did in the Battle of New York is a typical example. They forced away the most powerful hero of mankind and made him completely despair of mankind. And stay away from the world. Even so, they still don’t give up the idea of ​​suppressing him.”

“Dawn Knight established today’s Huiyao City on the basis of the original evil organization Umbrella. , A Holy Land like a hidden land of peace and prosperity was established there. Humans, also those Mutants, can enjoy his shelter there and stay away from the more and more evil ravages of this World. And Hydra They also saw this, so they used Mutant as an excuse to directly wage war against Huiyao City through the power of the government. However, they simply didn’t think about how it would be possible to fight against Huiyao with the ridiculous power of mankind. Such a powerful present-world True God confrontation.”

Without Wang saying the result, Ancient One can imagine what a pitiful scene this would be based on imagination alone. That Celestial Emperor is a decisive master. Since these little thieves dared to plot against him again and again, he thought that he could not escape the end of a bode ill rather than well.

This is the judgment made by Ancient One through some recognition of Zhou Yi. From her point of view, Zhou Yi, who can clean up the entire Heaven Realm and completely fall into its hands, is absolutely impossible to let go of those who dare to offend him again and again. However, what she didn’t expect was that Wang’s statement was somewhat different from her thoughts, even completely different.

“If you want me to say Dawn Knight is too kind, he actually gave those bastards a chance to survive. In fact, he could slap them all to death. Even if he did, the whole I’m afraid the people in United States won’t have any opinions. They will only say that those bastards should be damned. But it doesn’t matter. Although Tony Stark looks a little ridiculous, he does a little bit about this kind of thing. It’s so happy.”

“Pull out the assholes one by one, and then shoot them down directly in front of the Washington Monument. Such boldness and courage really make people want to give him a thumbs up. Of course, he became president and he did quite well to get rid of the scum in the House. I even think that if it were not for him pulling strongly against a crazy tide, the United States might follow in the footsteps of the Soviet Union. , It fell apart. It’s just a pity that even a genius like him can’t change the fate of the decline of United States. Sure enough, it is an old saying that Heaven and Earth have the same strength, and it’s not free to transport heroes.”

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