Sun God Marvel

Chapter 165

For a time, Umbrella became the hottest topic in the world.

Politicians, businessmen, civilians and even religious elements began to denounce this once huge monster. Even if it has spread all over the entire world, even if several millions live on it. It cannot undo its destiny.

The Supreme Court of each country issued an arrest warrant and a search warrant against Umbrella in the country as quickly as possible, and even the United Nations Security Council notified the International Criminal Court in the name of inhuman crime Authorize the arrest of all senior personnel related to Umbrella.

The army and the police closed all businesses under Umbrella’s name as quickly as possible, and all employees below the management level were forcibly dismissed and sent home. The guys above the management level were all arrested and imprisoned on the spot, waiting for them will be lengthy torture and review.

Of course, there are also some wicked guys who have chosen to resist, but when faced with the state’s violent agencies, these private armed forces can’t make it onto the table. In order to appease the people, all countries in the world have unified their minds under the coordination of the UN Security Council. To deal with these recalcitrants, they will deal with them in the same way as terrorists. In other words, even if they hold hostages in their hands, they will not compromise. Killing on the spot has become the most common situation.

And this is just a political sanction. Economically, all Umbrella’s liquidity has been frozen, and the government’s actions have stimulated the sharp nerves of capitalists. All those who hold Umbrella’s shares have begun to desperately sell their stocks. At this time, no one dared to have a slight relationship with Ambray.

The stock market fell as soon as Luffy fell, and even the entire world’s finances had huge volatility. The fall of a huge monster will inevitably cause shocking waves, which is not surprising. Even in some people’s expectations. What Zhou Yi is waiting for is this opportunity. When this monstrous wave begins to subside, it is the moment he swallows the sea. And now, it’s just the last bit.

And soon, this last little bit was added up. This is also the first time Zhou Yi has praised the efficiency of the government.

Once aloof and remote, all members of Ruler Umbrella’s board member were arrested and brought to justice under the efforts of special forces and secret service organizations around the world. They were deprived of their lives because of the crime of inhuman. All rights of a human being. Money is naturally one of them.

This made their shares disappear in the stock market at the fastest speed. In order to calm the economic fluctuations caused by Umbrella, countries had to sell these shares at a low price to make up for the losses of the unemployed. . And this is the opportunity Zhou Yi is waiting for.

He started to swallow these shares, but still at a heinously low price. Soon, his shares reached a certain level, a level enough for him to completely control all the companies under Umbrella’s name.

At this time, two months after the Laken City incident broke out, everything has settled.

Zhou Yi’s move made many people startled. When some countries were preparing to conduct judicial auctions of the blocked Umbrella companies, they discovered that these should have been completely lost with the Umbrella stock collapse. The things of value have new owners.

A group called Sun Mian acquired them, and the owner of this group is Zhou Yi, the richest young man in the world. He is now qualified to wear this title, because someone who has a good deed has counted the various resources under his name and found that the rich man has defeated Tony Stark by a narrow margin and topped the list.

All this seems calm, but there is also a dark wave surging from behind. Zhou Yi’s acquisition attracted the attention of the CIA, but it was blocked by SHIELD. Some jealous guys even led the public opinion, calling Zhou Yi’s behavior a catastrophe.

However, the survivors of Laken City made the best defense for Zhou Yi. Thousands of survivors identified Zhou Yi as the leader who led them to live, which saved him from being too many. After referring to it, it also became a positive role with a glorious image.

The public praised him endlessly, which caused the stock of the Corona Group to soar. Although it has not reached the peak of Umbrella, it is definitely far beyond its peers.

People began to know this ordinary hero for the first time. Through the oral narratives of those survivors, his bravery and fearlessness, strength and leadership skills began to gain popularity. This gave him a huge reputation and admirer for a while.

And these things are reflected in reality that Time Magazine invited him to be the cover character of this year. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom made recommendations to the Prime Minister, hoping that the Queen of England would bestow the honor of knight on this rich man who made a great contribution. The President of United States also invited him to visit the White House and clearly expressed his desire to have dinner with him.

Obviously, this guy who is about to be swept into the trash wants to borrow the name Zhou Yi like the sun at high noon to restore a little bit of popularity for oneself.

Zhou Yi declined the invitation of the idiot. Compared with the president, he liked the smart dog he raised more. Moreover, he has no time to take care of this guy now.

He is very busy because he is rebuilding Laken City. But now Laken City has been renamed as Huiyao City, and Huiyao City has become the base camp of the newly established Corona Group.

Although this city that was once depressed by the virus ravages is still deserted, it has ushered in its new life. Zhou Yi moved most of his scientific research institutions to this city, and also recruited elites from all over the world to join this new company. In addition to those citizens who are unwilling to leave the city, the new Huiyao City is actually not inferior to the former Laken City.

The corona has inherited most of Umbrella’s departments. It is involved in armaments, medical and biological research and development, although the biological development department must be monitored by government personnel because of the T virus. . But it doesn’t matter to Zhou Yi.

He is different from Umbrella in that he does not need to rely on the virus as a rateless method to gain benefits. The scientific research institutions under him are enough to support this huge skeleton, making it a corporate giant not just in name only, but also in reality.

Today is the day when the headquarters of the Corona Group began to be officially put into use. This is very important for Zhou Yi, because it means the establishment of his business empire and the completion of the biggest cornerstone of his huge plan .

And for most citizens in this city, this is equally important. Because the corona replaced Umbrella as their payer. They don’t have to worry that the corona will be as frantic as Umbrella, because his master is a man of noble character.

Zhou Yi did noble enough in this matter. He repaired the broken Laken City for free and provided new jobs for those who lost their jobs because of Umbrella. This is also the reason why various countries in the world acquiesced in his acquisition of Umbrella, and his emergence solved a large part of the crisis. Whether it is economic or employment.

Although clearly stated, he just shut Umbrella for two months and changed the brand. By the way, these former Low Level employees of Umbrella took two months of unpaid leave, but this does not prevent the workers from being deeply grateful to him. People think he behaves noble, and noble people always win trust, which is not surprising. The world is so interesting.

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Corona Building, Zhou Yi and his assistants attended the ceremony in full dress. Also invited were the new Mayor of Huiyao City, Mr. Oberline Huster. A government sent over to monitor the Chief-In-Charge of the corona.

The government is worried that the corona will become the second Umbrella, so no matter what, place a oneself trustworthy guy in this position.

As for the former mayor, he is already squatting in prison with Umbrella’s former leaders. What awaits them is more then 2000 years in prison.

In addition, also the new chief of Huiyao City Police-Ms. Jill Valentine. This did not come from Zhou Yi’s arrangement, and Zhou Yi had no plans to insert these government posts. However, Jill’s appointment did not surprise him.

Because of her performance in Laken City and her conspiracy to identify Umbrella countless times. Makes her a hero no less than Zhou Yi. With the strong support of the people, this 23-year-old woman with no difficulty jumped from a special police officer to a police chief in Huiyao City. From a politician’s point of view, this is definitely a skyrocket. For Zhou Yi, this is all too normal.

The ribbon-cutting is proceeding smoothly, and no one with long eyes will interrupt this ceremony. In fact, if someone dared to do this, the following people who had to rely on the corona company to eat would tear him apart. Smashing a person’s job is like killing a parent, which is common in China and abroad.

After the ceremony was over, Zhou Yi stood in front of a podium. This is a speech facing the world and a speech witnessing the birth of a corporate giant. Standing here, Zhou Yi had a calm expression. He looked at the people below and the many media who came here, and said confidently and calmly.

“Welcome, gentlemen and ladies. You are welcome to witness the birth of the corona. I know you have so many ideas about this newborn baby, because of its birth and the deepest sin in the world. There is a deep relationship. Here, I can clearly announce to the world. Corona and Umbrella are completely different companies. Our existence is to benefit this World, not to bring disaster and chaos to in this The world is coming.”

“So I announce that starting today. The weapons development department that the corona received from Umbrella is completely disbanded, and all members are merged into the newly established energy development department. At the same time, that The infamous biological research department was also merged into the medical research department, with the same members as above. This is my attitude. I don’t like wars and distorted and evil things. So I hope that my company is clean. An existence that can withstand censorship in the sun.”

“Its existence should exist for the peace of this World, the progress of mankind, and the prosperity of Earth. He does not need war and will not go. Make money from war. Being clean can make everyone who benefits from it straighten up and behave. It won’t be like those who are still in the cell, sorry. They need to sit for 2000 years, And I have to be scolded by people for 2000 years. This is really unfortunate news.”

There was a burst of laughter below. Sins are sanctioned, this is something everyone is happy to see.

(All the deposits are gone, really can’t hold it. The third one will be sent!)

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