Sun God Marvel

Chapter 166

A speech came to an end with the congratulations of many people. For the establishment of the corona, most ordinary people are still happy to see it happen. Of course, this is not the case for those so-called upper-class figures.

The corona itself has a lot of Umbrella’s resources. Although Umbrella’s bad reputation has lost a large part of its market, it is actually due to Zhou Yi’s filling of resources. The corona is not decreasing but increasing, and its market share is even larger than Umbrella.

To some extent, it has surpassed Hammer Industries in terms of market share, second only to after the two peak companies of the world. Osborn and Stark, and only these two boss brothers can firmly hold down the rising corona.

The gradually raised corona still has the potential of Infinity. People who see this potential are jealous, and they also make people feel resentful. But Zhou Yi doesn’t care about these people. With his current position of power, there are few things that can shake him. Some ghost tricks are not worth mentioning.

But some people still have to maintain a good relationship, such as his friend, Mr. Tony Stark.

“Seriously, Buddy. I really didn’t expect you to have planned such a big plan after hiding for so long. You are really struggling to surpass the great Stark!” In the three-dimensional image, Tony Stark teased his friend, and at the same time complained that he stole the limelight.

Zhou Yi can now be said to have made the limelight. Almost all the media have put the spotlight on him. In contrast, Tony Stark, who used to be the darling of the media, is somewhat uninterested. This made Tony, who had always felt good about himself, naturally gave birth to jealousy and sourness.

“Tony, are you jealous?” Zhou Yi smiled and took a document to be signed from Ada’s hand, leaving his own name with a swipe of a pen.

Tony’s cheeks were twitched, and a moment later he said in an eccentric tone.

“Mr. Stark is never jealous, especially when he is jealous of a man. Because I don’t like men!”

“Neither do I, Buddy. Our sexual orientation It’s normal, I’m sure of that. But is it so difficult to get you to be soft? I tried my best to make such a great achievement. As a friend, shouldn’t you congratulate me?”

“Congratulations on surpassing Mr. Stark, do you think I have a problem in my mind?” Tony gave him a blank look, showing his contempt. “Don’t think you can take advantage of Mr. Stark by stealing the concept, Buddy. My wisdom is not something you can measure. Even if it is congratulations, I will only congratulate you for taking advantage of it.”

“I received your congratulations. I will ask Rhodey to show off when I have time.”

“Jarvis, did we record this paragraph?” Tony Stark quickly asked his own smart steward After receiving a positive answer, he said triumphantly. “Buddy, you can’t pit the great Mr. Stark. I have evidence to prove my innocence.”

“Okay, okay. You won, Tony!” Zhou Yi responded with a shoulder Tao. You really can’t be true to the cynical Tony Stark, because once you are true you will actually lose.

“That is, if you know that Stark has never lost, no matter what, Stark will be the winner!”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but pick and choose. brow. Tony is like this. You give him a three-pointer, and he can run several dye shops. In order to suppress Tony’s arrogance, he released such words.

“also two days I will go back to New York, when the time comes, we play in the ring, let me see if Mr. Tony Stark, who has always been a winner, can do this in the ring Confident.”

Tony Stark’s face instantly changes into pig liver. It would be better for him to take the ring to the ring with Zhou Yi. He racked his brains before thinking of such an excuse.

“Aha, it’s a bit of a coincidence, Buddy! I just promised Obadiah to go to the Middle East to promote our new Jericho Missile formidable power for the American troops stationed there. You know, just right. Rhodey was there too. So I reluctantly walked on it. It was just to give condolences to the poor big-head soldier.”

Tony’s schedule made Zhou Yi’s heart jump. It has been so many years. . He finally waited for this moment of transformation that oneself still remembers, a moment of transformation that belongs to Tony Stark. He concealed his face well, and pretended to say casually.

“Tony, I remember that there was a place where a lot of guys who shouted Holy War all day long gathered. Where do you, the evil capitalist representative, go, are you afraid of accidents?”

“Don’t forget, you are more representative than me now!” Tony said in a sorrowful voice, and he also pulled down his sleeves to reveal the watch on his arm. “Besides, I have made a lot of improvements to the things you gave me, and there is it. Those indigenous people with weapons of the last century don’t want to hurt me!”

“Okay, okay . Advanced civilized people, then wish you a pleasant journey!”

Tony, who had escaped a disaster, grinned and responded.

“It’s sure to have a good journey. I just took a look at your assistant. It’s a rare beauty. So I guess you won’t talk to me for too long, so let’s do it .Let’s talk later, besides. Last sentence, Buddy, good job!”

After speaking, he hung up the communication. Zhou Yi just reluctantly shook the head for Tony’s disagreement. A strange genius like him is always very willful, and sometimes you will feel that you are facing a willful child. As a friend, you often have to accommodate him. Zhou Yi has been accommodating for many years. By now, he finally waited for an end. Tony will usher in a transformation, he should always get along better than now. Man always has to grow, he has grown. Tony should be fast too.

Looking at Zhou Yi who was stunned, Ada Wang, who had been standing by the side, coughed lightly and awakened Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi looked at this lady’s suit, bright and moving, cold-eyed and capable assistant, laughed and said.

“Sorry, I’m distracted. Now also what do you want to do?”

The king of Ada walks like a cat, swaying lithe and graceful He came over and put a document in front of Zhou Yi.

“This is the ancient books and books you requested from all over the world. It has been fully assembled and only needs to be signed by you. In addition, the decoration of the mansion has been completed, and the underground part is also It’s been reorganized and started. I just need you, the master, to check it yourself.”

“You did good, Ada. Your ability really surprised me, I think if you are in this position If I keep going, I can even give you the position of CEO. Only you can reassure me.”

“That sounds good, Boss. You know how many people in our company are placed by others. The characters that come in? It’s not easy to want to unite them and prevent them from being tricked by them! Boss, can’t you pity me? Know that if a woman works hard for too long, it’s easy Will get old.”

The face of King Ada is full of resentment and sadness. Under her magnificent face, that kind of intriguing expression has an indescribable seductiveness, even Zhou People like Yi who are accustomed to beauty have a feeling of being uncontrollable. He had to admit that this woman was really like a fairy.

“Ada, I put the right of the cream of the crop in front of you in front of you, and let you drive it. Are you not a little moved? There are not many people in the world like me It’s generous, it’s a huge price for you and me.” Zhou Yi said, leaning on the office chair with his eyes closed.

“But this is not the price I want!” King Ada walked quietly behind him, pressing his slender fingers on Zhou Yi’s shoulders. She kneaded it flatteringly, and whispered in his ear. “Boss, do you know what people want most? Why do you use these things to prevaricate people? People are tightly tied to you now, and you don’t have any other thoughts! If this doesn’t prove that If I am loyal, others can give you the most precious thing!”

When Ada said this in Chinese with local characteristics, Zhou Yi had to admit that his own bones Soft. But he also knew that this was definitely not from the sincerity. If he really took away her most precious things, he would have to guard against her plot against at any time.

Take your heart, take your heart. Only those who hold their hearts can be completely trusted by others. Ada hasn’t reached this level yet, so he must continue to hang her.

“Time is not up yet, Ada. Without your heart, how dare I give you what you want most? If you run away from me as a capable woman , Isn’t my loss too great?”

“Boss, you hate it!”

“I feel so too!”

Zhou Yi rubbed his face for this annoying fairy. Continuing to contemplate the own plan, his territory already exists. Everything that belongs to Umbrella now belongs to him in name. And in this city, he is even more a stand by one’s word, as long as it does not violate the interests of most people, even the mayor is not qualified to block his actions.

So he felt that it was time to communicate with Charles and proceed with the second step of the plan. Clarice grew up day by day, which allowed him to realize the urgency of time while witnessing the passage of time. He must speed up his own pace to fulfill the promise of oneself in the heart to Clarice.

Thinking of this, he dialed Charles’ office phone. He needs to have a good talk with him.

Soon, the call was connected. But the person who answered the call was not Charles, but the person he least wanted to see right now.

Ororo, the woman he abandoned. A woman he felt sorry for. Although so long has passed, he still can’t forget.

The rift between them originated from a small betrayal, which has now been gradually forgotten by him following the ebbing of time. But the rift between them has existed, which is a difficult obstacle to overcome. Because what is blocking them is not only the emotional opposition, but the principle.

They are not the same, he has seen very clearly.

(Group 233361711, the answer is the Grand Admiral of the Red Sea. If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask me here. I don’t go to the book review area much. Some things are convenient here. If you have any comments I can see it soon.)

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