Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1650

“I don’t know how those shredded offal explain its existence. I only know that as a religious organization that requires the allies to invest so much force in order to fight against it. There is no terrifying force behind it to support it, and that is a laughable thing. You don’t know the ability of India’s Asan, even if it confuses hundreds of millions of people with religion. Can it be completely modernized? Is the army an enemy? Make a bet, if not Hydra, a large organization with strength above any country is secretly making trouble, I am willing to twist my head off and use it as a chamber pot.”

Proficient When the king of martial arts was studying arts, he was not unfamiliar with this rash habit. Normally, he can still hide this habit, but when he encounters this irritating situation, this reckless habit will inevitably be exposed.

Of course, it was not the first time that Ancient One saw him like this. Although she was a little surprised, she didn’t mean to say anything harsh to Wang. So immediately, she smiled bitterly at Wang.

“What use do I want your head to do? Okay, don’t talk about this kind of useless nonsense. Let’s still say that business matters.”

“Yes, talk about business, I don’t bother to be angry with these bastards!” Shaking his head and muttering, the now-fascinated Wang directly poured a cup of tea and started drinking.

In front of Ancient One, he didn’t care about own etiquette. He drank the tea in one sip and wiped his mouth casually, then he put on a storytelling posture and spoke again.

“Where did I just say it, yes. Speaking of Hydra’s have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly. Seriously, if not this organization always does some frantic things, based on their The strength and ability may really be able to establish a new country in the current international situation. You must know that South Asia has a population of over 1 billion, even if it has been damaged by nuclear strikes, it is still a new country. Astronomical numbers. With the strength of Hydra, coupled with the foundation of these populations, as long as they are willing to settle things down, they exist obediently and honestly as a country. I believe that the overwhelming majority countries in this world will not want so desperately. Enemy with them. However, I don’t know what they are thinking about. They always want to do things that make the whole world an enemy. It’s really confusing, I can’t figure it out.”

“As the enemy of the world?” Muttered in his heart, Ancient One gave Hydra a label that needs to be observed.

Since ancient times, almost no forces can achieve this degree of terrifying. If we insist on finding any examples, then the black clothed eclipse of “kill all heretic for the glory of Allah” that rose from the Middle East is probably one, and there are some similar bishops in Europe.

Of course, even these two religious-based forces are simply unable to make the world an enemy. At best, they resorted to violent means to suppress and exploit them. Let all the guys who are not of my race fear the acknowledge allegiance by killing the chicken to warn the monkey. It’s not that they don’t want to do it. Anyone who has been brainwashed by stupid religious thoughts will not do anything they dare not think. The reason they are really restricted is that they can’t do this at all, whether it is from the inside or from the outside, this is impossible.

How does Hydra do it? How does it withstand the terrifying pressure from the outside and control the sound inside oneself? Ancient One was very curious about this question, which also gave her the idea to learn more about Hydra’s secrets.

Of course, if you want to put this idea into practice, I am afraid that you will have to put it at the back. The most important task at the moment is to continue to listen to Wang’s views.

“Hydra’s chaos is only one of them. According to our view, this is an external problem. Apart from this, also concerns internal worry. And what is internal worry? In my opinion, it is actually this The dirty tricks between governments are the right thing to do.”

“Take India as an example. Although this country is broken and down, it looks like a beggar at first glance. But in any case, it is also a large country with a population of over 1 billion and a vast area of ​​several millions square kilometers. In terms of potential, even the entire world is enough to rank among the top five. And even if it is India’s three times No matter how stupid, you won’t be ruined in an instant when you encounter a foreign enemy’s invasion. But this is the truth. In less than a year, the whole of India was wiped out. What is the reason?” p>

“Collusion between inside and outside?” This kind of example is always uncommon, so Ancient One just frowned, and already gave an answer.

“Yes, it’s collusion between inside and outside. And it’s not a normal collusion between inside and outside. Seeing that the gods and gods are sitting big, the original situation should be that the Indian government gathers all the strength to give a thunderbolt, and directly They strangled them in the cradle. However, they did not expect that the biggest general of the Indian military was a spy buried in the secret by Hydra. Not only did they fail to give a timely blow, but they made the power of the religion continue to grow to the point Under the economic center of India, the spy continued to cultivate his self-respect, and continuously climbed his position to the point where he could almost reach the highest official in India.”

“I don’t know the middle. Was it Hydra’s conspiracy or a secretly defeated struggle for power? Anyway, the final result was that the Indian government fell apart and dozens of nuclear bombs were self-destructively smashed on the owner’s head. This almost turned India into a piece of land. The wasteland can also be said to have cleared all the obstacles for Hydra to rule the entire India. Although the governments of various countries have successively contributed their efforts to eliminate the Hydra forces in India. But according to the situation that they did not contribute any effort. Judging from this, this is basically impossible.”

“Hydra has taken root in India and has continued to multiply and grow. In the past two years, the Allied forces have almost been unable to continue. Based on the South Asian continent. That is to say, the countries have an absolute advantage in the long-range firepower of the warships also, which can make Hydra’s power temporarily stop in the South Asian continent, or maybe their tentacles are already infiltrating along the Indian Ocean. I’ve reached some other small countries.”

Although Wang didn’t say much, Ancient One can hear what a huge amount of information is hidden in it. This made her expression suddenly dignified, and she asked the king very solemnly.

“Is the situation as critical as you said?”

“Of course, sir. Don’t forget, this is Hong Kong. It’s not far from there, and it’s not close. Near the place. If you go out on the sea and turn left and you can hit the door in a circle, can you say I can’t take it seriously? I have a large number of people who are always monitoring the movements of South Asia. Here In this matter, I will never be alarmist.”

Ancient One also believes that Wang will not make jokes or talk big words about this kind of matter. So naturally, she also paid more attention to this issue. After thinking a little bit in her heart, she had already made up her mind.

“If things are really as bad as what you said, I want to start from here. Solving the problems here is the most important thing before us. Wang, you have to accompany me. Is it?”

“Your Excellency, you have to deal with this kind of thing yourself. This kind of involvement in mortal politics?”

Ancient One’s statement is really a bit out of the king. Unexpectedly, he immediately asked in disbelief. For his question, Ancient One pursed his mouth and sighed in awe.

“It’s no longer a question of whether we intervene or not, Wang. Our mission is to protect the entire world, not to sit and watch it go to extinction. When I set this rule, I didn’t want the sorcerer to intervene. The incidents of ordinary people interfere with the normal process of mankind with the power that they should not have. But from your perspective, if we don’t intervene today, it’s actually nothing to the entire world. You say Superhero and also these terrifying evil organizations are simply not what human beings should have in the normal process. And now that they have appeared with great fanfare, if we are still holding on to dogma, then we will fight with our hands and feet and boxing with others. What’s the difference? You know, I’m not as stupid as that.”

“Yes, yes. I’m glad you think so, sir. The great man said to keep up with the times It’s definitely the right way to do so and I will definitely support it. It’s just……”

The king who rubbed his hands felt a little embarrassed when the conversation turned around. To say.

“It’s just that, even if you make this decision, you can’t change anything. To be honest, I’m not optimistic about your idea, because today’s India is really not what our sorcerer can Where to intervene.”

“What do you mean by this?”

I originally wanted to wave my arms, the follower is like a cloud, and the sorcerer group will sweep the evil one Organization, let them know this World also their existence Ancient One immediately changed his face when he heard this, and then asked in a somewhat unhappy tone.

Wang Wang faced his questioning, although he was not afraid of being scared, but he inevitably replied somewhat nervously.

“Let’s put it this way, sir. I also said before that some sorcerers have long been unable to stand this kind of dogma and want to show their skills and ambitions. South Asia is the most chaotic place in the world. The location is naturally their first choice. However, when they set foot in this place, they suddenly realized that with their ability, it is simply impossible to do so.”

“It is also subject to radiation mutation. The affected alien monsters and the biochemical soldiers produced by also Hydra are not ordinary sorcerers that can deal with the ground. Let alone a big killing, even if it is one-on-one, I am afraid it is a bit difficult. And there are only so many sorcerers. Even if we have recruited apprentices in recent years, there are only a few hundred. And where are the Hydra soldiers? Any base, I am afraid there are tens of thousands. In this case, we are not rivals at all, so we do it twice. Yes, there has become a forbidden zone for sorcerer, no one will ever imagine that there will be a big flag there.”

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