Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1651

Although the king is old, he is never faint. In his opinion, the era of the sorcerer is long past. Perhaps in the early years, sorcerers could still show their sacredness in front of others through the spells mastered by oneself and make them famous. But with the emergence of Superhero one after another, the human government has also continuously upgraded its own military level. As of today, this World is no longer for the sorcerers.

A Mutant, a Superhero, or a well-trained special soldier can pose a deadly threat to the sorcerers. The sorcerers simply can’t be enemies with these increasingly powerful guys, at most, they are just maintaining a situation of self-protection.

Under such circumstances, Ancient One wants to intervene in the most terrifying battlefield of this World as a sorcerer. Seriously, it’s a bit idiotic about dreams. Don’t look at her as a Paragon sorcerer, she is the most powerful sorcerer since ancient times. But anyway, she is just a person.

A person’s power is always slim in a war. If this is the ancient cold weapon war, it would be better to say that Ancient One sorcerer relies on own magic to deter people’s hearts first, and may not be impossible to control the whole war situation. But in the current war, this possibility has been weakened by Infinity.

Technology, also education, makes soldiers in modern wars completely different from those fools in the cold weapon era. They are impossible to bow down to you and worship because of some terrifying magic you performed. They will only test your fictitiousness and reality, and then do everything possible to defeat you with the methods oneself has at its disposal.

So, in a modern war. Unless she can rule the entire battle with absolute overwhelming power, the direction of the war that she wants to dominate is simply impossible.

Does Paragon sorcerer have such capabilities? To be honest, Wang was very skeptical.

She may not have the ability to change the war, and since she does not have this ability, then even with Kamar-Taj’s surviving sorcerers, there is probably no difference. Jumping in blindly, they will only be as involuntarily as jumping into a giant toilet. And the final result is probably even the last embers of Kamar-Taj extinguished here.

Although Kamar-Taj is the property of Paragon sorcerer, she is fully qualified and reasoned to make decisions for Kamar-Taj. But anyway, Kamar-Taj also has his life’s hard work. In order to maintain Kamar-Taj in the most difficult time, he made efforts and sacrifices that others could not imagine. And this is something that even Ancient One can’t help but admit.

In the face of this veteran of Kamar-Taj, Ancient One must respect his opinions. So at the moment, she asked Wang a question.

“Why, do you think I should not set foot in such a place?”

“Yes, sir.” That’s what I thought originally, so since I was taken by Ancient One said it was broken, and he just broke the jar and replied. “The existing sorcerers can’t give you any help. And if you are alone, it is impossible to have any impact on such a war. Instead of wasting energy in this place, why not put our effort on more Where is it useful?”

“What is more useful, what do you mean?”

Ancient One asked casually, and Wang, who had an early draft, responded immediately. stand up.

“I’m referring to the region of Africa—Middle East—Western Europe. Perhaps the ordinary person doesn’t understand the situation in this area, but we sorcerers know exactly what happened there. Say something. To be honest, I think there may be the place where our sorcerer can be used.”

“Oh, what do you mean?”

Ancient One is a bit unhappy Wang pulled the goal so far at once, but he didn’t mean to veto him immediately. For her, as long as Wang can come up with a practical reason, then she is not unacceptable. The key is whether he can come up with such a reason.

To be honest, she didn’t think Wang could use any reason to convince oneself. Since all the spearheads are directed at the evil organization Hydra, then directly attacking the root of the problem is obviously the wisest choice. This is their mission, if they don’t even have the courage to face the problem. So what is the significance of Kamar-Taj’s mission to guard Earth?

However, this is just Ancient One’s personal thoughts. And Wang obviously didn’t think so.

“Your Excellency. What I mean is simple. Instead of taking the sorcerers into a war where we can’t win at all, or even have no impact at all. Then you might as well let us go Deal with those enemies that we are sure to deal with.”

“Are you saying that I should avoid the heavy and light? King, you let me down!”

Ancient One just yelled out , Wang already shook his head, raised his head, and signaled his innocence.

“Your Excellency, this is not just evasive. In fact, I think this is nothing less meaningful than hitting Hydra. Maybe you don’t believe it, but I can tell you very clearly, I not at all exaggerated meaning. Because we have discovered that the gates of hell have been opened!”

“The gates of hell?” Ancient One who has always been aware of these evil things By the end of this sentence, it was frowned immediately, and he asked in disbelief. “Where is the Gate of Hell? Gomorrah? Fengdu? Or Hirasaka?”

“Gomorrah. We can be sure that the Gate of Hell was opened from that position. Even now. , The two gates to hell are still missing. Therefore, the result must be the worst we can imagine. In fact, this kind of bad result has already begun to appear.”

Seeing that Ancient One was attracted by the topic of own in this way, Wang immediately increased his bargaining chips and began to confide all the information oneself knew.

“About a year ago, a huge Evil Spirit crisis broke out in North Africa and the Middle East. More than a dozen countries were attacked by Evil Spirit from hell overnight, with more than ten million The population was harmed by the ravages of these Evil Spirits. Although in the end, the Allies urgently used clean nuclear bombs to wipe them out, which temporarily restored peace there. However, what did not at all cause the Evil Spirits? The influence of human beings.”

“They began to shift from on the surface to lurking in the dark, and because they themselves were the cause of the monsters lurking in the shadows, human methods began to become useless. They were not allowed to Do not invite professionals to help them, and at the same time block all information as much as possible, so as not to cause panic around the world.”

“While using nuclear power plant explosion, Hydra invasion and other false news to cover up the past At the same time, I began to look for guys who can deal with Evil Spirit all over the world. The religious inquisition in the Vatican, the Witch Doctor in North Africa, the lower head teacher in Southeast Asia, the shamans who worship Totem. Even our apprentices, too In their search. They pin their hopes on these talents with special abilities, but the final result is not very satisfying.”

“It’s as if there is a big hand behind it. Manipulating it in secret, no matter where human beings find it, they can only find a little bit of a trace of being cut off. They can’t find their true traces at all. All efforts seem to be futile, and all actions are just futile. Until. Now, apart from knowing that someone opened the Gate of Hell in Gomorrah, the only news we have is that the power of the Evil Spirit has spread to the borders of Western Europe. They are still lurking, and they may burst out and hurt people at any time. Judging from the area they radiate today, once the worst happens, the disasters here will surely far exceed those in South Asia.”

“So your Excellency, I sincerely hope You can be more sensible. Put your kung fu on things that are more suitable for us to handle, instead of mixing things with things that we can’t solve. After all, it’s a human-own war, isn’t it?”

Wang’s reasoning is considered to be reasonable and convincing. Even Ancient One, who had a lot of opinions before, inevitably hesitated when he heard his this remark. She began to weigh the importance of it. And when she found that the two were almost the same, the balance in her mind had already returned to a normal category.

Without the interference of prejudice, Wang’s reason will have an overwhelming weight. She began to accept Wang’s point of view, and began to face the problem he was talking about. With the experience accumulated over the years, she immediately realized the key to this problem.

“You said it seems that someone is secretly manipulating everything, making human actions empty every time?”

“From the current situation, it is like this That’s right. At first, the Vatican was in charge of this aspect of affairs. But as each of their actions ended with losses and gains, the government had to expand the scope and absorbed us. Go in. Originally, the purpose of the human government was to use different means to get some unexpected gains, but the end result was like that. So I can hardly not think that our actions have fallen into the shares of some people. In the palm of the hand, all our plans have been seen through.”

“No one can see through all the strategies. Even the wisest people will inevitably make mistakes. So, the reason for failure. It’s not as simple as being seen through.”

Resolutely and decisively said such a thing, Ancient One already thought of a guy in his heart.

“This method reminds me of an old friend. He who likes to manipulate people’s minds does not seem to be difficult to do such things. So, Mephisto? Did he even intervene?”

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