Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1652

It’s not unreasonable to think of this kind of thing to Mephisto. In fact, things like this that make people play around in the past have not rarely happened.

Maybe people who worship God will take their Bibles and tell you how many times God has defeated the devil, and how many justice humans have done to fight the devil under the glory of God. But in fact, the real situation is far away from that very biased broken book.

After all, Mephisto and the god are comparable. The two have always been evenly matched, both in strength and influence. Under such circumstances, if a guy who jumped out and shouted long live God could slap Mephisto in the face, would it be the same in reverse. And if this is the case, whether the bosses on both sides need to be human.

Things that fool people are always untrustworthy. At the very least, Ancient One has never believed that in the Bible. She has dealt with the so-called gods and hell monarchs, and she knows exactly what the truth is about. If you count it, the game between the two will mostly be the more cunning Mephisto will prevail.

He can unconsciously seduce people’s hearts, so that the believers of God fall in the process of so-called conquest of evil. In fact, he has never been the only one who lured the lamb of God to fall, and there has never been a story of the devil being inspired by God’s glory to ascend.

It can be said that if it weren’t for the people of Ancient Era, they had already had a deep defense against the devil, and his set of creeds really went against the mainstream values ​​of mankind, Ancient One even felt , He is fully capable of replacing the Old Guy of God.

However, he has not been recognized by the mainstream thought. For thousands of years, the hell forces he ruled have always grown, and have never been decayed. This is definitely a manifestation of the means. And such a method, used to play with today’s humans, seems to be no problem at all.

After thinking about it, Ancient One has almost determined that Mephisto is the manipulator behind everything. And why he wants to manipulate such things, this is something she is puzzled by.

Be aware that, as the Paragon sorcerer who guards Earth, she has dealt with many gods and demons, but she has negotiated with these people. She had requested that these gods and demons could not set foot in the normal world of mankind casually. Under the premise of Paragon sorcerer’s reputation and some irresistible external factors, God and the devil, including Mephisto, almost all reached agreement with her. Even for a wily old fox like Mephisto, she retains a written contract to strictly restrict his behavior.

Although the contract cannot completely restrain this devil, it keeps him completely away from the human world. But at the very least, the contract prevented him from penetrating Earth’s probability. In a situation like this, if Mephisto is really messing around behind it, then he has actually violated the contractual agreement. According to the content of the contract, Ancient One can completely make him pay a heavy price at this time.

And Mephisto would be so unwise, wise would put the handle in the hands of others, and still want to be a stubborn guy? The answer is definitely no. And this was where Ancient One was puzzled. She didn’t believe Mephisto would take such a big risk to do such a thing.

Of course, yes or no, just thinking here is useless. If you want to know what the real situation is, the best way is to find Mephisto himself and ask him clearly when facing him.

And how can we find this hell lord who appears and disappear unpredictably? This may be a problem for others, but for Ancient One as Paragon sorcerer, it is not a big obstacle.

“King, go to the basement with me. There are some things, maybe we should ask the hell lord to understand.”

When I heard this, the king understood Ancient One’s plan. And this also made his heart suddenly become nervous.

As a sorcerer, dealing with the devil can be said to be inevitable. Wang has lived for so many years, and he has often traded with the devil and plot against each other. However, the devil is the devil, and Mephisto is Mephisto. He may have the ability to come and go with ordinary little pawns, but in the face of a big boss like Mephisto, he must have only been eaten and wiped out.

Few sorcerers dare to deal with an existence like Mephisto. This is the lesson that sorcerer summed up with blood and tears. The ancient king of cunning will use own conspiracy and trickery to steal everything from you silently. You think you will profit from this transaction, but the final result is actually not what you imagined. Because in the end, you will spit out everything profitably, even saying that even your soul will become his spoils of war, his plaything.

Ancient One sorcerer is one of the few guys who can retreat in front of Mephisto. Furthermore, she is the only sorcerer who can deal with Mephisto several times. Mephisto has never found a favor on her, and that alone is mysterious enough. And if you count the fact that she threatened Mephisto to sign the contract, then she is simply a myth in this regard.

However, even with such a remarkable record, Ancient One will not take Mephisto out for two laps without any problems. She is very aware of the dangers involved, so when she is not a last resort, even she will not do such risky things. When Wang was young, he had heard own Senior say such things. He hadn’t really thought about it. At this age, oneself would also have the opportunity to meet Mephisto, the hell lord.

Seriously, Wang was a little frightened. But besides this, there is more of a feeling of excitement.

In any case, he is a sorcerer. And for a sorcerer, being able to deal with an existence like Mephisto is of course a very valuable thing. Since ancient times, why are there that many sponsors who are willing to make this kind of risky attempt, knowing that Mephisto is a very dangerous trading partner? After all, it is because this kind of thing is sufficiently seductive to drive them to do so.

If he is only oneself, Wang has no guts to do such a thing. After all, he is not the kind of crazy magician who can willingly sacrifice everything for the truth of magic. But if there is Ancient One’s guarantee and protect, then things will be different. Having this opportunity to get involved in the highest level of magic, he certainly would not give up. So quickly, he helped Ancient One set up everything, and watched this almost mythical sorcerer start the highest level of magic operations.

The magic array of inverted nine-pointed stars, fresh black ram blood, and crystal skull, everything is arranged according to the textbook. Of course, the summon devil is far from such a simple thing. Under normal circumstances, there should be the blood of the living and the soul of the dead in vain.

The blood and soul of every six living beings can get a chance to summon the devil. Of course, this summon is only an ordinary little devil, which is not of great significance to the powerful sorcerers. But if you push up from this number, and at the cost of the blood and soul of sixty-six people, then the devil that summon comes over is quite a powerful one.

Wealth, status, and beauty can all make wishes like the devil of this level, and they can basically satisfy your needs in this respect. However, once they meet your needs, you can only obediently and honestly deliver the price they propose. Few people can escape from this transaction, even if it is a sorcerer, few people can do it.

Of course, this is not the limit of devil trading. Because of the above, also the ultimate summon in units of 666. Such transactions often come from the prince of the devil and the king of hell.

Mephisto, Satan and even other existences will show up under such conditions. And they are almost omnipotent. As long as you can imagine the requirements, they are almost able to meet. Of course, the price you have to pay in the end is also a heavy one that you simply cannot afford.

One person’s soul is definitely not enough. In many cases, people who dare to make this kind of transaction, he himself and all his descendants will become slaves of the Devil Maharaja, and they will be controlled by them for life.

Summon spells like this are too terrifying for both the initial investment and the final price. So the overwhelming majority sponsorer will not have the courage to try such a thing. However, for Paragon sorcerer, this spell is not inflexible.

It’s like now, I just randomly extracted a thick green aura like smoke from a basket of garlic, and then mixed it with the soul extracted from a large brood of mice. Ancient One threw all the souls on his hands into the summon array painted with mouse blood.

This kind of operation king cannot understand. Even if Ancient One told him that this was to strengthen the aura of these souls and make them more easily recognized by the devil, he still didn’t understand the reason for this operation.

In fact, it is not unclear. It’s just that he thinks that if oneself does this instead, the end result is probably not that he finds the devil who wants to make a deal, but the angry devil jumps out of the devil array, and then chokes oneself to death. .

How you think about this kind of thing should vary from person to person. He can’t learn and can’t afford it. So he can only watch the Ancient One sorcerer obediently and honestly show the operation in front of him.

“With the soul as the currency, the blood as the bargaining chip, I am here to call you. The lord of hell, the lord of Gomorrah, the ruler of the devil…”

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