Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1661

Ancient One’s exchange with Stark ended in a way that was not pleasant, but absolutely satisfying both parties. In the end, Ancient One not achieved the goal of oneself at all followed Stark, but after appointing a time for the next meeting, she quietly disappeared again.

She is not a fool, of course she knows how many eyes there will be around a head of state. Unless she is tired and crooked and wants to court death, she will expose oneself under that many eyes. Of course she is not so stupid. So as it should be by rights, she will continue to hide the existence of own. Until she thinks that oneself should surface.

This day will not be too long, and before this day comes, she needs a little more patience. This must be painful, but it doesn’t It does not mean that she really can only do nothing to do in this tormented waiting. In fact, she has a lot of things to do. And the most important thing is to see the other one she believes as soon as possible. A partner.

Spider-Man Peter Parker didn’t know that oneself had been spotted by such an old monster. Now he is still wandering in the city, using the cover of night to attack Those insignificant sins.

If in the past, this alone would satisfy his heart. But now, after seeing what great sins are, he can’t be satisfied anymore. A trifling is a general punishment.

A trifling is a thief, a robber who has been killed halfway. What impact can they have on the entire world? No need for him to take action, all over the whole The city’s omnipotent robots are enough to bring them to justice and make them pay a heavy enough price for what the owner does.

Yes, they can make these lowest level criminals pay the price. But those more despicable guys, those bastards who betrayed and killed in the name of grandeur under a glamorous skin, who will make them pay the price?

Think of this question in their minds. , Peter inadvertently increased the strength in oneself’s hand, so that the poisonous insect who had just committed a reckless crime due to a drug addiction immediately wailed like a pig.

He felt that oneself is really today. It’s too bad luck. I just wanted to find a passerby to borrow some money to relieve oneself’s pain and eagerness. But I didn’t want to. At this time, I met the devil in the dark night, the image of black Spider-Man has changed drastically.

Everyone living in the shadows knows that since this former Superhero should be eliminated for frontline problems After he was out of the ranks of the Avengers, he was already a temperament. He no longer had the slightest sympathy for criminals, and no longer pityed any scum like them. A Tooth For A Tooth, Blood For Blood. This is it. Now, wearing black battle clothes, he has the most direct attitude towards crime.

For those ordinary persons who abide by the law, this is naturally a good thing. But for them who are not so law-abiding For humans, this is a total disaster. For example, he, the only thing he is grateful for now is that oneself’s borrowing behavior today did not use knives and guns that can be deadly. Otherwise, wait for him. I’m afraid it’s not the pain of the flesh.

I coughed vigorously and choked the vomit containing blood and gastric juice out of my throat. I was irritated by this physiological stimulus. The poisonous insect was convulsing and struggling to run away from the violent devil. But before he could run out a few, Peter’s spider silk entangled his feet and lifted him upside down. Get up.

He was dumped on a telephone pole. The violent shaking made him feel like a beast-like falling into a trap, continuously screaming and wailing. But such a sound not at all lasted too long, and it was completely interrupted by a muffled sound like punching sandbags.

Peter was very unceremoniously hitting his ribs, superhuman power with no He broke his ribs with difficulty, and let the poisonous insect swallow all the sounds back into his stomach.

He would never do such violent actions before. But now, he Doing such an action is simply with no difficulty, without the slightest psychological burden. Because he has already discovered that kindness and forgiveness cannot stop evil. Only violence and Penalty can truly stop the spread of evil, and only fear and Death can truly deter the actions of all criminals.

He didn’t plan to make mistakes when he was young. Today, he has fully grown up. Don’t mind putting aside all the burdens of the past and becoming an incarnation The ghosts in the night, the fear in every criminal’s heart, use violent and cruel means to make them remember the heavy price that a crime needs to pay, and forever stay away from it.

As for what he wants The infamy for this, those curses Resentment and contempt, this is something dispensable for him now.

It was fiercely’s punch again, which completely lost the action of the poisonous insect who committed the crime. Ability. Peter already grabbed his hair and pulled him fiercely in front of the owner.

Dim-blue’s eyes can make people feel the heat of the flame even through the mask, and His voice, which has become hoarse and low, further strengthens the fear of the criminal.

Poisonous insects do not have the courage to face such an existence, he can only cowardly shrink his own neck, Cruising his own gaze, he begged for mercy at him in a nearly mournful tone.

“Let me go, please. Let me go, I will never dare to do this again. I never dare to do this again. Thing.”

“Remember, you sad worm. Remember the suffering you are now, remember the screaming sound of every bone in your body. Also, most importantly, give I remember what I look like, my eyes. I will always stare at you abominable scum. If I find out that you dare to commit any sins, then you will wait and wait for me to take every one of you Take down all the bones.”

He pulled the poisonous insect’s hair without mercy, forcing him to look at his own eyes. In this way, Peter used this method to imprint his memory forever Unforgettable fear.

Under the threat of fear, coupled with the painful torture he himself endured, the poisonous insect’s consciousness could no longer hold on, and his head was tilted into a coma. In. And looking at such a result, Peter finally let go of the poor poisonous insect. Before the police also arrived, he left the place of the incident.

His current identity The possibility of him dealing with these official forces has been eliminated. According to his current temperament, he is unwilling to deal with these lackeys of the government.

After all, the so-called government has already disappointed him. . He would rather be alone, acting as the ghost in the dark night, and never want to have any unrealistic hopes for these so-called law enforcers as before.

They maintain simply It is not justice, they are only defending the interests of those in power. With this in mind, Peter, who has seen the dawn of the 2nd day, has to end oneself’s whole day of cleaning work and start to move towards the own base.

He cannot be exposed to broad daylight, because he does not accept the restrictions of the Stark Superhero law, and he is only a criminal in the United States today. As long as he dares to expose it, whether it is a police or an omnic Try every means to capture him and put him in a special superp In the special prison prepared by the ower user.

He has crossed the prison once. So he definitely does not want to enter the place that symbolizes crime again. This is not only because he is unwilling to accept the kind of loss of freedom Life is more because he believes in essence that oneself simply is innocent.

Since he is innocent, then of course he shouldn’t be in prison. As for those who want to arrest His people, for the sake of what they are not at all, he does not want to conflict with them. This can be considered to avoid a little compromise. But it is only limited to this.

crossing over through the dilapidated old city, and plunged into the dirty sewer. When he came out again, he had already changed his battle clothes and turned back to an ordinary person The appearance of .

The thin silhouette and the gloomy and firm gaze make him look almost essentially different from the original big boy. Aura is overflowing with aura that the stranger should not enter. It also made everyone around him faintly discernable to avoid him.

Today’s United States is different from the past after all. After witnessing one tragic accident after another, even if it is a loving fellow , And would never want to provoke him who seems to be a bit bitter and enmity.

So calm and tranquil along the way, there are almost no twists and turns, Peter has already returned to his own. In the temporary stronghold. And the couple he had just walked in and lived with him, the deadpool couple who provided him with this kind of temporary shelter already greeted him enthusiastically.

” Come on, Xiao Chong. There is a new friend you need to meet. I think you should have a good chat with her. How to say, I think her story is true and great. If there are more beeps in the middle A kind of modifier, she can definitely make a lot of money by telling stories in gay bars.”

“Trust me, Mr. Wade. If this is the point where you need to work for a living I would rather be a magician playing tricks, and never do the stories you tell.”

The voice of a peaceful woman who has never heard of it reaches Peter’s ears. , The spider’s hunch immediately rang like an alarm bell.

This made him tense his own nerves and looked towards the guest mentioned by Deadpool, that A bald woman with a strange dress. After making sure that oneself has never seen this guy before, Peter I opened my mouth cautiously.

“Who are you?”

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