Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1662

“This is Paragon sorcerer, Ancient One Sir. Mr. Parker.”

Ancient One has not answered yet, as the hostess Vampire Princess Xia Kela I have already explained Peter first.

As a Vampire with a long lifespan, Shakera certainly knows the power of Paragon sorcerer. She doesn’t want to let her own husband for a little unnecessary reason. , And the burden brought by oneself husband annoyed her. So she identified the identity of Ancient One as soon as she came up, and tried to succinctly tell her how powerful it is.

“Paragon sorcerer is all the sorcerer At the apex of the existence, her strength is not under any God and the devil. Once upon a time, she protected this planet from the prying eyes of those demons and Gods. Even our races in the dark must carefully observe The laws and regulations set by her cannot be taken one step beyond the thunder pool at will. Therefore, Mr. Parker. I suggest that you face her with sufficient respect.”

This is both a warning and a warning. Guests, you should abide by the obligations of a guest. Take the host’s opinion seriously and try not to trouble the host as much as possible. This is the obligation of a guest. And Peter is obviously a qualified guest, so he put aside oneself for a while The look in his eyes was alert, and he took out a fairly gentle attitude, and greeted Ancient One.

“It’s nice to meet you, Paragon sorcerer…Your Excellency. May I know you Did you come here? Was it to visit friends, or have other plans?”

“Parker…” Peter’s greetings surprised Xia Kola in her heart. She really didn’t expect. With the own reminder, Peter would still use this tone to talk to Paragon sorcerer. This made her feel like sitting on pins and needles, because she really didn’t want to drag the small family that had just been formed into oneself. Go.

And her scruples, Ancient One sorcerer obviously noticed. So immediately, she made a reassuring gesture to Shakola. Then smiled and said to Peter.

“Mr. Parker, I am not malicious. I am here just to get to know you, and then see if there is any possibility of us becoming friends.”

” Become a friend?” Hearing these words, Peter couldn’t help but twitched his mouth, showing a disdainful smile. “I’m very curious, sir. Why do you want an influential figure like you? Become friends. If you are really that great, shouldn’t it be more appropriate to make friends with the God of aloof and remote, or the devil of Vaillant Infinity?”

“If I am planning something Conspiracy, and looking for some profitable partners, I believe they will be a good choice. But unfortunately, I am not at all interested in conspiracy. What I am looking for are like-minded partners who can be with me A person who fulfills a great and noble mission. At this point, I believe you will be a more suitable candidate.”

“many thanks to your praise, sir. But I think, I am afraid I don’t have that qualification. To fulfill a noble mission with you. My mission is to punish the sins and make the perpetrators pay their due price. For God, I have no interest in the devil. “

“Is that right? “Although the rejection in Peter’s words is already very obvious, Ancient One still maintained a gentle attitude and said to him. “Do you really think that your mission has nothing to do with those existences? Or do you think you feel latent? Those demons and Evil Spirits in this World are not considered evil, and are not within the scope of your punishment?”

“Respected two masters, Ms. Shakola. Also this Wilson Sir, can you give me some space to talk in private? I promise, I won’t waste too much time.”

“Of course, sir. I will take this nasty guy away right away. Wade, take your feet off the coffee table. Also, put on your clothes and accompany me out.”

Out of fear of Paragon sorcerer, Xia Kela obeyed. Instead, it was Wade, At this time, it seems a little unhappy.

“I think this advertisement is quite interesting, can’t you wait for me to finish reading them? Okay, okay. I see, I see .You are the boss of this family, what you said. Can’t I be obedient?”

Of course, Wade will inevitably succumb to Shakola’s suppression in the end. So naturally, Peter is only Being able to face Ancient One alone is something he doesn’t want to face. But Peter is not afraid of Ancient One. He has enough formidable strength and he will not fear anyone. Zatanos’ power flows through his body. Here, gave him enough to support oneself belief Courage. Therefore, after pondering for a while, he said this to Ancient One.

“What do you want to do? There are only two of us now. So, you just Can’t you make it clearer?”

“I said. I want to be friends with you, and then… as a friend to help you, or get help from you .”

“Help?” shook the head. Peter, who did not trust Ancient One, directly rejected his statement. “I don’t think we can provide any help to each other. I speak frankly, sir. We should not be considered as people on the same road. So, can we just let us go as we did before.”

“Do you think so? So, also Please forgive me to speak bluntly, I think this idea of ​​yours is unlikely to be realized. “shook the head, and Ancient One gave the own point of view.

“Mr. Parker. Maybe you think we are There is no intersection between them. Maybe you think there is no possibility of any cooperation between us. But in fact, things are not what you think.”

“Of course. I may be better at dealing with God demon This kind of existence. But, I don’t always have to deal with them. Mr. Parker, let me make it clear. I have guarded this World for nearly a thousand years. For nearly a thousand years, I have been guaranteeing the stability and safety of this World and protect. I seldom intervene in human affairs, but it’s not that I have never intervened in such things. When some ambitious attempts to use some means and power that should not be available, I will do my duty, Complete the mission I should complete.”

“I know you are so jealous of me and why you are hostile. You think I’m a god stick who doesn’t know where to jump out, the kind that wants to confuse me You, ambitious who made you work for me? No, here, I can tell you very clearly. I am absolutely different from what you think.”

“What’s the difference? Don’t you tell them The language is not the same language, aren’t you and their minds the same mind?”

Peter continued to express resistance. Looking at his repeated resistance, Ancient One could only change the way , Said to him in a serious enough tone.

“Maybe I have fought with you, maybe I have paid something when Earth is facing those crises. You will give me at this time Trust more. Mr. Parker.”

“I I think it should be like this. It’s a pity that you don’t at all prove that you own the opportunity. So please forgive me, sir. There is no longer the kind of cooperation probability between us.”

Peter It’s downhill, trying to block all her reasons. But she doesn’t give Peter such a chance.

“This is not my choice, Mr. Parker. If possible, I also hope to Fight side by side with you, against the threats and horrors of this World. However, there are some things that we can’t do. 30 years ago, I encountered an unprecedented threat from a powerful enemy. This defeated me and lost everything. Not only I just need to leave Earth and leave my hometown. Even the apprentices I taught and the sorcerer club I formed have all fallen apart because of this.”

“You won’t understand that it is a kind of What a terrifying power, and what a terrifying collapse. The snow piled up like a mountain suddenly turned into a huge river, like a tower made of sand suddenly turned into a sandstorm in the sky. The destruction is not only My hard work is the rules and order that I have spent hundreds of years to build up! The world has changed since then, and there is no one to restrict God and the devil. Also, all the forces that shouldn’t appear appear on this World. This It’s wrong, and I must correct it.”

“Does this have anything to do with me? Is there any necessary connection to this mission?”

“I don’t OK, Mr. Parker.” When answering this question, Ancient One was also a little hesitant. She was not sure that oneself should tell him all these things. But after thinking and thinking, he decided to take a different attitude from facing Stark. Come, face this person who is more suitable as a partner.

“I just returned to this World. I was just about to start to restore the order of this World. But I got a head-on, not just let me Being stigmatized, it made me realize what kind of powerful power I was facing. A huge conspiracy began to include all the people in this world. Humans, also the devil in hell. I’m not sure if God will do it. Be entangled in it. And behind this series of conspiracies, I saw the shadow of an old friend. A guy who can make gods and demons tremble by means.”

“I doubt it. He and Everything that happens in this world is necessarily connected. And if that’s the case, I have an inevitable mission to prevent him from continuing this evil act. But I alone do not have such ability. .So I need help, those who really seek justice, are willing to protect the world, and protectors . And you, Mr. Parker. I think you will be the most suitable candidate. You have enough strength. At the same time, you also have enough determination. This is more important than anything.”

“So, you must not. Such a mission, you must not!”

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