Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1667

“I remember this day. I only got superpower at this time. Not long ago, I still want to use this power to improve my life. In order to make a profit from the black market boxing match Pen, I forgot what my uncle told me to take Aunt May from work.”

“I met a robber that night. I didn’t stop him because of my indifference and selfishness. , And he almost hurt his uncle who came to see me. Yes, yes. I remember clearly that he almost hurt him. Fortunately, my friend was there and he saved Ben. But this. …..”

What happened before him made Peter into an indescribable confusion. He knows all this is a false illusion, but it is difficult for him to regard it as a so-called illusion. Because this reality is too real. If that day his friend didn’t show up there, then maybe the result of the event would really become what he saw.

This is definitely not what he wants to see. In other words, he didn’t even dare to think about such a possibility. And now that all this happened in front of his eyes, his emotions were naturally out of control.

He wanted to denounce this as vain in order to conceal his inner fear. However, Ancient One first explained it to him before he did so.

“This is not false, Mr. Parker. As I said, it used to be a big river with countless tributaries. What you see now is actually one of these countless tributaries. Each tributary is actually one A possibility, maybe in this possible world, your friend not at all appears. That’s why you will see this scene in front of you.”

“Lie, liar…”

Peter couldn’t help but scolded, he obviously couldn’t accept such a statement. But for such accusations, Ancient One has no excuse. She just stretched out her hand and motioned Peter to continue watching the course of things.

She has no fear. Because illusion is always impossible to replace reality. And when Peter watched his dying breath and took the other Peter’s hand and said the famous saying “The greater the power, the greater the responsibility” to him who made a huge mistake, he was already completely To dispel the fluke in oneself’s heart, and had to face this reality.

This is indeed reality, a real past. Realizing this, he was also unavoidably fortunate. Because compared with the other one who has been filled with self-blame and regret, the past he experienced is so happy.

No loss, no regrets, no… After thinking of this, Peter was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately asked Ancient One questions.

“You can show me the past. How far can I see?”

“Mr. Parker, what do you want to do?” Hearing such a question, Ancient One First, he was taken aback, and then he said to him immediately. “I need to warn you that what you want to see only has a probability, not a certainty. It will be that the probability of the answer you are looking for is very small, or even very small. So, if I If it’s you, I wouldn’t put my energy on finding such things.”

“I know!” After interrupting Ancient One’s words with a completely irrational shouted, Peter’s tone Begin to show a very complicated emotion. “I just want to take a look, take a look at my father and mother. I want to know why they left me and why they died. As a son, don’t I even have the qualifications to know the truth? “

“The problem is, what you see may not be the real truth. Have you really thought about this problem?”

Although Peter’s reasons are totally worthy of sympathy and Pity, but Ancient One, after all, is not the kind of person who breaks principles just because of sympathy. She still insists on own view, and hopes to persuade Peter by this, so as to avoid extra problems as much as possible.

But Peter, he is not that easy to persuade.

“Your Excellency. I have been fostered in my uncle’s house since I was very young. My memory of my parents is now only the day they abandoned me. Once upon a time, I thought they were not Love me, so I chose to abandon me. But until one day, after discovering part of the so-called truth, I realized that things were not what I thought.”

“They are Love me. It is because of their love for me and their desire to protect me. They made this choice. They let me survive, but I never saw it again. To them. Do you understand how terrifying this is for a child?”

“I don’t want anything else. I don’t need the so-called truth. I just want to see them and see See how my parents are still alive. Even if they are just one of countless pasts, I would like to have a look at them. So, help me, sir. This is my only request.”

“You are asking for trouble. But if this is what you want…please go ahead. But promise me, no matter what you see, don’t take it as a Really. This is just a possibility!”

“I promise you.” Watching Ancient One hold the Eye of Agamotto in his hand, let the magical green radiance spread under the feet of own. Peter couldn’t help squeezing his fists, and then strode forward to oneself.

Time is turning back. He can clearly feel this change because he can clearly see everything about own.

His high school career, his elementary school life, also the day when he was sent to my uncle’s house. Time stopped on this day, and he was also at this point in time, following in the footsteps of his father. He desperately wanted to know what happened on this day. And this desire made him unconsciously fall into the maze of time.

Richard Parker. Peter Parker’s father. In this time stream, his identity is an agent of SHIELD. This is very different from the not at all that Peter knows. If there is anything to say, then he has changed from a field worker to a specialized scientific researcher. And it is such a difference that makes the development of the story divergent.

Peter remembers that his parents were killed in a plane crash. They were getting on a plane to the Far East and crashed into the Pacific Ocean due to an accident. Of course, the so-called accident Coulson has already explained to him, and most likely it is the assassination of his father by Hydra’s people. Although they all crashed into the sea, their essence is completely different. This is also the decisive factor for him to join SHIELD and even the Avengers.

However, in this time period, the situation does not seem to be like this.

It was also on the plane, but Richard Parker and his wife Mary Parker were killed on the Pacific Ocean. But safely accompanied by the plane’s landing, came to a deserted island.

They are no strangers to this small island, because Peter saw his father warmly hugging a guy who greeted him. And when he approached to watch, he immediately recognized the identity of the guy who hugged his father.

Phil .Coulson. The guy who brought him part of the truth. At this time, he obviously had a close relationship with his own father, and even said that he had a close relationship. So, was it just during this time period, or did he fool oneself in the first place?

With curiosity, Peter continued to watch. And soon, he heard Coulson’s passionate voice.

“Richard, you came too in time. You know, without your and Mary’s decay rate algorithm, we really don’t know where to start this research?”

“This is my duty, there is nothing to praise. It’s just that, Coulson, I don’t understand one thing. Why do we must cooperate with the military?”

Peter’s When father said this, browse tightly knit and his expression was serious. Obviously, he doesn’t at all have too much favor for the existence of the military. Of course, because of his this remark, the scene was a bit cold. After all, besides Coulson, people from the military are also present.

Fortunately, Peter mother is a sociable person. She plugged in at this time in time and broke up the embarrassing situation.

“What Richard means is that we have never cooperated with someone from the military. And we don’t know enough about him. If we just cooperate rashly, is it a little bit too Appropriate. Maybe you should also arrange an opportunity for us to communicate first. Do you mean that? Richard?” In the eyes of his wife, Richard was barely nodded. And after seeing him nod, the soldier in the major’s uniform behind Coulson forced a grin.

“Don’t worry. Mr. Parker, Mrs. Parker. I can assure the two in the name of the military that the two scientists who cooperate with are definitely the best talents in the military. He is nuclear physics. Experts in this area are already outstanding Peak scientific talents at a young age. If it were not for the importance of this project, we might not have transferred such an important role.”

” What an honour.” Richard had just opened his mouth when his own wife pulled his sleeves secretly. This made him rolled the eyes, but he changed his tone in time and said to the military representative. “Can we meet in advance? You have to know, as one of the principals of the project, I would like to know what the object of our cooperation looks like. If you have enough confidence in him.”

“Of course, please come with us. Dr. Banner has arrived. He is already waiting for the two who have worked out the decay rate algorithm.”

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