Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1668

Bruce .Banner. It’s hard to believe that the person Richard wants to meet is actually him, or that Peter never imagined that he would appear in this place at this time.

He once communicated with Bruce in this regard, because he felt that oneself father and Banner are both Peak scientific researchers. If they have had an intersection, they will know each other. Unfortunately, Banner gave him a negative answer. He said very clearly that before he got his PhD, Richard was unfortunately killed. There are few opportunities for contact between them.

But now, what Peter sees before his eyes is different. He saw that his own father and the Banner who had just met had a very happy conversation, and he even felt like he had seen it before. Did Banner fool oneself? Or is it just another difference caused by the tributaries of time?

He still doesn’t know which one the answer is. So he can only continue to act as a bystander, knowing all this with his own eyes. Then he saw such a scene.

One after another familiar people appeared. Not only Banner, but also General Ross, and even the Cyclops Nick Fury. Obviously, they attach great importance to this research project hosted by his father also Banner. Not only provides all the convenience for this, but these influential figures are also watching every move here.

What are they studying? Peter quickly got the answer to this question, and this answer made him frown.

Super Soldier program. A plan that almost dragged United States into the abyss. It was because of this plan that the military created the Hulk and carried out tragic and cruel actions against Mutant several times. It can be said that the war was caused by this. It is because of the war that United States has become what it is today.

This is a stupid move, and history has clearly proved it. But Peter Oneself also knows that, given the government’s obsession with this plan, they are absolutely impossible to abandon it before learning enough lessons. This is the inevitable result of greed and ambition, and it is not surprising. It’s just that he didn’t expect that his own parents were actually involved in this plan.

This is strange, but it is not strange at all when I think about it. After all, Peter inherited the wisdom of both parents. In scientific research, he also has a very outstanding talent. And as long as he thinks about it with his talented brain, he will understand what decisive factor the decay rate algorithm developed by oneself father can play in the Super Soldier project.

The Super Soldier plan is not an incapable difficulty in the face of the decay rate algorithm. This can be seen from the power he had at the beginning. That is the result of his father’s research and the legacy left to him by his father. And since his father can do this on his body, naturally it is no exception for others.

This is Peter’s idea. But soon he discovered that oneself took it for granted.

Richard used the decay rate algorithm to create a mutant spider, which gave him power beyond mortals. This is true. But the crux of the problem is that this is something that happened at another point in time, not now. Any scientific achievement requires countless explorations and experiments to obtain the only way to success. After all, the decay rate algorithm is just an algorithm. It can only simplify some steps at most and solve some problems that will arise during the entire experiment. Instead of doing it overnight, you can directly complete the experiment to an ideal state.

In other words. To make this experimental project a success, they need more practice and hard work. This is by no means an easy process, and there may even be accidents in the middle.

However, Peter feels very happy because of this. Because his parents are still alive, this alone is already precious.

Although he also understands. This is not the real past, but a certain possibility among countless pasts. But just looking at the living parents, watching them greet the confused and ignorant oneself over the phone. His heart is full of satisfaction.

Maybe this kind of life is happy for him. Perhaps this is the life he wants most. Listening to the still innocent oneself’s greetings to parents from the phone. Peter’s heart couldn’t help becoming soft, and he gave birth to a deep yearning.

If he is allowed to make a choice, he would rather switch to oneself at this time. As long as the own parents are alive, what can oneself now have?

However, he himself knew in his heart that this was just an unrealistic fantasy after all. Because this is just a past possibility, an ever-impossible becomes a real possibility. And what he has is the real reality.

This realization filled his heart with heaviness and depression. But when he saw the living parents in front of oneself, he had a different idea. That’s luck.

They will survive. Even in another time, in a world where oneself is always impossible to experience. But no matter what, they can still live healthy. Being able to live is happiness, and being able to live will prevent oneself of this world from experiencing the pain of losing a loved one. That’s great already, isn’t it?

With such rejoicing, Peter plans to end oneself’s special journey. However, a sudden change made him dispel this idea. Because at this time, he saw his own father appear in front of Banner with a panic expression.

What are they talking about? Peter, who was curious, couldn’t help but leaned forward and listened. When he did this, he immediately heard a news that worried him.

“Banner. Damn it, we should stop this project. I’m afraid our experiment was a big mistake!”

Richard of gasping for breath stopped him tightly Banner’s arm, obviously, his current mood is no longer desperate to describe.

“Wait, Parker. What are you talking about? What went wrong, please explain to me first.”

For any researcher, The research project is their child. It took so long to get to today’s this step. Of course, he was impossible because Richard stopped the whole project casually. Of course, out of respect for Richard. He is still willing to listen to his reasons. If his reasons are good enough, he doesn’t mind making a little adjustment.

“I took a sneak peek at the military’s secret documents. Damn, those bastards. Also that cyclops, they asked us to do this research simply not as they said, to create The genetic medicine that solves all patients. They want to create a Super Soldier Serum that can strengthen soldiers and use this thing to satisfy their ambitions!”

“What?” Suddenly heard such a statement, Banner He opened his mouth immediately, showing a shocked expression. But soon, he stopped the expression and frowned tightly. “Richard. You should know that this kind of thing is not for laughing. Now, you tell me again, are those things you said true?”

“I promise God I just love cracking a joke, and I will never talk about this kind of thing. Banner, listen to me. We absolutely can’t go on. If the military gets what they want, you know it will What terrifying thing happened?”

“But, only the last step is left. Only the last step is left for us to succeed…”

Banner is still there Hesitating, wanting to make the final fight. But Richard did not agree with this idea at all.

“Banner. Do you want to watch a war arise because of our relationship? Do you want to see countless innocent people falling under the weapons we made?”

This sentence became the last bargaining chip that overwhelmed his heart. After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Banner can only gritted his teeth and nodded.

“I see. I will cooperate with you. Let’s talk, what do you want to do.”

“Mary has gone to clear all our previous experiment records. But that is after all The data on the computer. If we want to completely erase all of this, we must go to the instrument and clean up the gamma ray machine and all the test items. You are an expert in nuclear physics, and the authority to pass the instrument Only you have it. So, you have to rely on you for this kind of thing.”

“I know. I’m going now. But, what’s next? The military knows that our experiment is in its final stage. . Even if we erase everything. They can still force us to make things. Once we know the truth, they will definitely use violence to persecute us. And to be honest, Richard. I don’t think we can. I have survived the torture of the military also SHIELD.”

“I have already thought of this. As long as you eliminate those things, you will come to meet us immediately. I am ready. Wait. I will detonate the second laboratory in a moment. Taking advantage of the chaos, the few of us escaped together and fled to other countries. I believe that even SHIELD is absolutely impossible to find us on the other side of the ocean.”

Richard was obviously prepared, he even arranged a way out. And this also made Banner completely determined and began to act according to his instructions.

Soon, Blink raised the red alert in the base. Obviously, the military responsible for monitoring the equipment has realized what happened. At this point, Richard pulled out a detonating device. Fiercely pressed the middle button.

The sound of an explosion came instantly. The explosion intensity beyond imagination caused the entire underground base to shake. And just when Richard thought everything was going well and he could move on to the next stage. An unexpected voice suddenly reached his ears.

It was an angry roar, an inhuman shout. And with this sound, a huge silhouette has slowly walked out of the ruins caused by the explosion.

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