Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1669

“No, no, no! It shouldn’t be like this, it shouldn’t be like this!”

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, the furious Hulk was born And frantically began to destroy everything in front of oneself. Apart from making such a low growl aloud, Peter couldn’t make any other useful actions.

Time keeps him out of everything, even if he burns the raging hell fire on his body in anger, he wants to keep him out of his own parents by virtue of strength of oneself. But he couldn’t do this at all without touching Hulk’s body.

He can only watch, Hulk dominated by anger is like a beast-like killing his parents and destroying everything here.

Cruel. Of course, such behavior is outrageous. But compared with the horrific acts of Wrath Hulk, what is more cruel is time and destiny.

He thought it would be a good ending, a perfect result, but time made a huge joke with him. He has obviously lost his parents once, and has experienced this feeling once. But in an instant, he had to feel this taste again. This is almost crazy to him.

Why did things become where they are today? He just couldn’t understand. And he has no time to think about this issue now. He just moved frantically, continuously pounced on Hulk’s silhouette like a wild beast, doing in vain again and again like a monkey fishing for the moon.

For his actions like this, Ancient One quietly walked over and said softly to him.

“This is a futile action, Mr. Parker. This is the past, the past that will never change. You can only be a bystander, not participate in it yourself. So, stop struggling. , This is meaningless.”

“Why? Why did my parents die? Why on earth?”

“Because this is an inevitable node in history.” Roaring at Peter, Ancient One is frowned, telling the truth. “You will also appear in this time stream, Peter Parker. You are destined to become Spider-Man at this time, and the prerequisite for you to become him is that your parents need to sacrifice for you. History is destined to happen. , So this is something that absolutely cannot be changed.”

“Your parents will die because of a plane crash, they will die because of someone else’s pursuit, they will die because of an experiment accident, and they will die because of Hao K was born and died. This is all destined. As long as Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man, their death will happen. This is the cause and effect of everything, you should understand it.”

“Understand?” Haha smiled, and Peter’s face, which had been turned into a skeleton by flames, began to show a sad look. “Your so-called destiny treats me so harshly, but you still want me to understand him? How can I understand it!”

“Maybe I let you see this is wrong, Mr. Parker. Maybe you don’t Not a good bystander.”

Ancient One sighed, trying to stop everything. But before she did this, Peter stopped her and said to her.

“Wait, wait. Paragon sorcerer. You said that it is because I have to become Spider-Man that my parents will inevitably die before then. Right? “

“This is the key to your life. It is an inevitable turning point. You have seen it, haven’t you?”

Although Ancient One does not understand why Peter did this ask. But as an authority in this regard, she still gave a sufficiently pertinent answer.

“So, that means there will be such a situation, right?” Peter grasped the main point in her words, and hurriedly asked. “A situation where I didn’t become a Spider-Man? A situation where there would be no such result?”

“Mr. Parker. Don’t you understand it? It doesn’t make any sense to you. You are just a bystander!”

“I just want to take a look. Just take a look. Please help me, Paragon sorcerer. Just as I will help you!”

Already said that, Ancient One naturally impossible to refuse him again. That’s not appropriate, especially for their not yet close alliance. So she could only sighed, and then used Agamotto’s divine force again.

The illusion of time took them gradually away from this land that made him sad, and came to another tributary in the long river. Here, everything is completely different.

Richard is not an agent or a scientist. He is just an ordinary worker, and Mary is just an ordinary teacher. The working-class family background, although not wealthy, is still comfortable enough. And most importantly, they will never have the opportunity to touch those things that can change their destiny.

There is no decay rate algorithm, and there is no Super Soldier plan. Everything is far away from their working-class families. They will not die, and Peter will not become a Spider-Man or Superhero as he feared.

Like an ordinary person, he thrives under the care of his parents. Passed through elementary school and middle school safely, and with his own efforts, he entered the famous Ivy League school.

There, he was successful in his studies. Not only was the teacher valued, but also qualified to stay in school. And I also gained the love of own, a love that has been with him since high school.

Peter and Gwen.Stacy. Even at this time, they still met together, and the spark of love sprouted. This time, there is no hero’s mission blocking them. So everything is going very smoothly.

They met, they fell in love, they talked about marriage until they entered the palace of marriage. When Richard took Mary with a smile and watched his son take the beautiful bride from the old Stacy and kissed her, he and Mary both showed a gratifying smile, and even said that Mary shed tears of joy.

“I’m so happy, Richard. Peter, he, he makes me so proud.”

“Yes, he does make us proud. But Mary, wipe Tears. This time is not suitable for tears. You will make your in-laws laugh.”

Holding oneself’s wife’s hand tightly, Richard was also excited. But the dignity of being a man allows him to stay as sensible as possible at this time. However, Mrs. Stacy obviously has a different view on this.

“Don’t worry, ma’am. As your daughter’s mother, I don’t think it’s wrong to shed tears at this time. In fact, this is the embodiment of our love, isn’t it?”


“You really understand people’s hearts, my lady. It’s so much better than the wood next to me.”

Two women clasped their hands, most of them found their soulmates feel. And seeing them like this, I don’t forget to taunt oneself. Richard could only show a helpless smile at the old Stacy who came later, and then spoke to him with his lips.

“Look, woman!”

Men know what this sentence means. So old Stacy just smiled tacitly at him, and then handed a glass of champagne to his hand.

“Our common son and daughter has something very important to tell you, Richard. Maybe you should listen to the good news.”

“Yes What good news is that it can surprise me more than our common son and daughter coming together? Seriously, I have some impatients.”

Richard responded with a smile. He also regarded this as a joke made by old Stacy to him. Looking at his expression, old Stacy laughed similarly.

“Let them tell you oneself about this kind of thing. Look, they are here.”

“Hey, father, mother. Also…George, Wengeni “

“You should also call them father and mother. It’s a bit impolite. Peter!”

Richard corrected oneself’s son’s statement, he did not I don’t want the owner’s relatives to have any dissatisfaction because of the problem of this title. However, his concerns are obviously redundant. Out of his appreciation for Peter, the old Stacy directly relieved him.

“Don’t make it difficult for him, Richard. I know how difficult it is for an ordinary person to call a policeman father. And besides, when he first visited my house, I threatened He, let him never even want to say the word to me.”

“He even took out the gun.” Mrs. Stacy also helped. “This is the first time I have seen a boy who can hold my daughter’s hand while shivering in front of him.”

“His courage is amazing. Besides, if it were not for such courage, I would not have been willing to hand my daughter into his hands. After all, I don’t want a coward who cannot protect my daughter to accompany her for life.”

“He is our pride, of course he will be the right person.”

Richard took the hand of oneself’s wife and looked at oneself’s son with pride in his eyes. And just as they stared at the newlyweds with such eyes, Peter was already holding Gwen’s hand and said to his parents.

“Father, mother. I have a very important thing to tell you.”

“So, this is not a joke, is it?” Looking at oneself’s son solemn eyes , Richard is obviously also aware of the extraordinary things. This made him unable to help but stare into the eyes of oneself son, wanting to see the answer from there. In response, Peter just stroked oneself’s wife’s abdomen, then smiled and replied to him.

“A joke? Of course not. Father, you are going to be grandfather. Gwen already has my child. Wait a while. Little Parker is coming to this World!”

“Wow, this is really…a big surprise.” Richard, who was stunned by the sudden surprise, looked at his wife and his son. Then he showed a tearful smile. “You make me proud, son.”

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