Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1683

Faced with the gains of Ancient One, Peter really felt like he had nothing to say.

I just found someone very casually and asked, and I was able to dig out the clues. A priest who retired from St. Michael’s Church, isn’t this the clue they were looking for?

But despite saying that, Peter still has considerable doubts about Ancient One’s attitude to such trifling. He still didn’t want to believe that such a result was obtained through tarot card divination that was not rigorous at all. In contrast, he was more willing to believe that this was what Ancient One had done to make things like what he saw now.

Fake, everything is fake, but it’s just a trick. Peter was still muttering in his heart, but Ancient One had already greeted him.

“Don’t froze, Mr. Parker. We should visit him as soon as possible while the priest hasn’t rested yet!”

These words reminded Peter, Let him realize again what oneself’s top priority is now, instead of wasting the world on such details. This made him unable to help but patted his face, regained his spirits, and then hurriedly caught up in the footsteps of Ancient One.

And soon, the two people came to the library and found the librarian named Dennister they were looking for.

The former priest who was holding a book obviously did not expect that someone would come to his library at this time. This made him quickly put down the book in his hand while pushing oneself The glasses on the bridge of the nose watched the two uninvited guests while warning them.

“The library is closed. If you are here to borrow or return books, please come during normal working hours. If you are here to make a ill-gotten wealth, then I am sorry , There is nothing here except books. You have come to the wrong place!”

“We did not come for these things. We came for you, Dennister.”

When he snapped a finger in front of the former priest, Peter could clearly see that the expression of the former priest’s eyes began to loosen. Obviously, Ancient One had used some kind of hypnosis-like tactics on him, just as it had dealt with the security guard before. He ceased to be hostile to the two of them, and at the same time began to know everything about them.

For this method, Peter not at all feels there is something wrong with this. Because they don’t use this method to kill money, but use this method to solve world crises. With such a righteous body, they can stand up morally. Regarding issues such as violations of human rights and privacy, unfortunately, this is not within their scope of thinking.

Peter thinks that oneself cannot do what Batman did in the movie. When facing a major global crisis, we can still think of issues such as human rights and privacy. Even Batman, when fighting the clown, didn’t he still use his urban sonar system, which would greatly violate the privacy of Gotham citizens?

If you want to be a hero, it is always impossible to achieve the best of both worlds. If you want to save the future of countless people, so that they will not fall into hell-like suffering, you must not care about one or two individual gains or losses. Sacrificing the ego to become the greater ego is not just about the hero itself. In many cases, for some heroes, this principle also applies to others.

Perhaps before, the idealized Peter who once had naive ideas would not have such an idea. But now, he has obviously changed the concept of owning and has begun to learn to become realistic.

After all, this cruel world does not exist in fairy tales, and fairy tales are not what he pursues. What he pursues is justice, and it is just justice. For a just cause, he even has the consciousness of sacrificing oneself’s life. In comparison, the little secret of an ordinary person is of course insignificant.

In short, Peter has let go of Ancient One’s behavior. And Ancient One quickly asked the former priest who was bewildered by oneself.

“St. Michael’s Church, it is said that you used to preside over the charity in the past, so I want to ask you, do you know anything about the relationship between this church and Ghost Rider?”

“That’s just a legend, something I only heard when I was a child. When I was a child, Houston spread the word that the Ghost Rider hunting evil in the dark night was called by the Lord and converted to Saint Rice The story of the Caleb Church. The old church at that time was nearby, along with the cemetery under the name of the church. It is so famous that no matter how powerful the gangs dare not set foot here at night, they are afraid of Ghost Rider Better than being afraid of the police. In fact, I did see the legendary Ghost Rider when I was a kid.”

“He was burning with flames all over, riding a horse with only a skeleton skeleton left. Horses, whistled past in the dark night. It is because of him that I believe in the existence of God, so I am determined to become a servant of God. But I really did not expect that this World will become like this in the end. The God I believe in Regardless of the life and death of human beings, he actually does not care about us as much as those heretical Gods. He is a liar, a liar who lied to me for a lifetime.”

Speaking of which, the former priest could not help but He yelled at the God he once served. And this, in fact, is precisely the defect of this simple method of confusion.

It does make people know that everything is endless, but because of this, it is difficult to control the degree of speaking. Just like now, the priest did say everything oneself knows, but how much of it is nonsense, anyone with a discerning eye can see.

Of course, this kind of thing is not the first time that Ancient One has encountered it. She was used to dealing with similar problems, so she quickly analyzed the useful parts from these problems. This made her interrupt the priest’s constant yelling, and at the same time asked him again.

“You said the old church is near here, do you mean the train museum next to it?”

“Yes, it was indeed a church 50 years ago. But The city hall said it would move the church and the cemetery, so it became a train museum. The new church is just two blocks away, and I have worked there for nearly 40 years. As for the cemetery, it’s not good. The reason for staying in the city. The city hall people moved it to the outskirts. These damn government bureaucrats. They colluded and kept the price too low. Even the new church is sloppy-work, otherwise , That place is also impossible to sell for such a small amount of money.”

The former priest is still foul-mouthed, but Ancient One has no intention of continuing to listen. She just snapped a finger, interrupted the old priest’s words, and then whispered to him.

“Go back and sleep, Dennister. You have been busy for too long, and you are almost hallucinating tiredly. As for your dissatisfaction with the city hall, I think you can take the test. Demonstration to express opinions. To vomit bitterness to others, but not to act at all. This behavior is really terrible!”

One sentence sent away the former priest, and Ancient One took Peter with him. Just got out of here. Until this time, Peter was still at a loss.

“Have you figured out where the person we are looking for? Why do I still think I have found nothing?”

“There is already such a nodded thread , Mr. Parker. Come, let’s continue to draw! Tell us about your question, maybe we will know the answer soon, don’t we?”

“Damn it.” Looked at the word in front of oneself Peter sighed deeply the tarot cards that were arranged, and then he said the question of owning in an attitude of being untrustworthy and untrustworthy. “Well, where should we find that guy?”

tone barely fell, and the new tarot card will automatically appear. The card shows the god of death riding a white horse, meaning death and rebirth. Looking at this card, Ancient One waved his sleeves and said to Peter.

“I think we have a goal. Let’s go, Mr. Parker. Let’s go to the cemetery in this city. I think there we can find the answers we need.”

“I hope it.” He has become accustomed to the ancient one sorcerer, who has no choice but to keep up with her. And under the feet of the two of them, they soon came to the cemetery of this city.

Just like the cemetery in all other places in this world, this is not a place suitable for ordinary person to play and sightseeing. Especially at night, here is naturally more quiet and empty. The tombstones are standing there, enough for everyone who walks into them to smell the smell of Death. And facing such a place, even a guy like Peter is inevitably uncomfortable.

‘Are you sure we can find the answer here? I mean, are you sure that the guy we are looking for is not in the coffin under a certain tombstone? ‘

“Of course, I’m pretty sure. Don’t forget, the death card represents not only the end, but also the rebirth. Besides, during the 200 years of trifling, unless something special happens, Otherwise, it’s not enough to make a Ghost Rider come to an end.”

The reason given by Ancient One is very strong, so even Peter can only temporarily suppress oneself’s unbelief while facing her like this Asked.

“Well, since you said that. Where should we find it? Should we ask these dead people one by one? Seriously, although I have Zatanos The power of the dead, but let the dead speak, I don’t seem to be able to do this for the time being.”

“Not yet to the point where the dead must speak, Mr. Parker. Don’t forget, the cemetery is also written The night watchman exists.”

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