Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1684

Night watchman, this is an older and obscure profession. In the beginning, they can only be regarded as the guards of the cemetery, preventing the corpses under the tomb from being dug up and stolen by those hungry wild beasts and lunatics like Frankenstein.

In general, this kind of work is not decent. But more or less still within the scope that people can accept. However, as the European Black Death spread, this kind of work gradually became terrifying.

Because in that era when the epidemic was rampant and Death was everywhere. In addition to the work of guarding the cemetery, the night watchmen also need to remove the bodies of those who died from the disease in the town.

At that time, in the middle of the night, they would often carry the oil lamp in their hands, push the cart, and stack the corpses into the shape of a hill. Then in the dim light, disappeared into people’s horrified sight.

For those who live in this age of ignorance, the night watchman has undoubtedly become the incarnation of death. And this is also as it should be by rights, which makes them open Primordial Demon to become this profession, and it becomes more and more like the horror characters in those ghost stories.

And even to this day, the profession of night watchman still hasn’t gotten rid of the horror color that the original era gave him. Although people know that the original legends are mostly irrational words driven by ignorance, from a realistic point of view, the night watchman is basically no different from ordinary people. But as long as you are a normal person, facing such a profession, you will always inevitably cringe psychologically.

No one would regard them as ordinary persons, because in the eyes of ordinary persons, I am afraid that even if they go to the street to beg, they will never accept such a job. This is a career that only freaks would choose, and for a freak, it wouldn’t be strange to feel this way.

For this reason, the profession of night watchman as it should be by rights began to decline. In fact, more cemetery guards are now security guards rather than night watchmen. Of course, this does not mean that the night watchman is completely extinct. At least here, in this place that has been almost forgotten by the world. also There is a night watchman holding his own post.

Seriously, such a result really surprised Peter. He really didn’t expect that in a big city like Houston, there would be such a profession that can only appear in the backcountry and ghost stories. However, he can be regarded as someone who has met the world. Even Paragon sorcerer was walking with him, and of course a trifling night watch was impossible, which shocked him too much.

He just followed Ancient One straight to the small wood house on the edge of the cemetery, and then watched Ancient One squeeze the door with the old oil lamp three times.

Soon after the door, there was a very obvious moving sound. And when the wooden door squeaked and was slammed open, he immediately saw an unkempt old fogey poking his head out from behind the door.

“Who are you looking for? There are no people living here!”

Peter couldn’t help being frowned by the very unkind voice. For such an impolite guy, his first impression is very bad. Fortunately, the person in charge is not him, so he doesn’t have to respond directly to this guy. For Ancient One, she, who has long been used to seeing all kinds of innumerable living beings, doesn’t care about such small things. She just took a close look at the guy in front of her, then smiled and said to him.

“We were introduced by old Morgan. He showed us a way and let us find this place!”

“Williams Morgan that bastard? Damn, I thought he was dead!”

The unkempt old man foul-mouthed, but the alert and hostility in his eyes have faded a lot at this time. Obviously, the name of the old Morgan still has a little value for him. Although he still has considerable fear of these two strangers who are obviously not ordinary people, at the very least, there is already a possibility of communication between them.

“Come in. Tell me why you are here. I don’t believe that old bastard who hasn’t seen each other for more than two hundred years will know that I’m here now. You must have spent a lot of effort to find Come here. Tell me, tell me what the bastard asked you to do when you find the old Carter!”

Peter walked into the wood house with Ancient One, as he thought, the wood house was very The rudimentary. Apart from a bed and two chairs, there is not even a table. And the guy who claims to be the old Carter doesn’t mean to pour a cup of hot tea to welcome guests. Instead, he was holding a shotgun in his hand and pointed straight at the two of Ancient One. There is a general meaning that you don’t want to go out of this door without giving a reasonable explanation.

This made Peter sneer in his heart. He really never thought that he would meet such an unreasonable guy here. However, it was precisely because of his actions, coupled with the little information that he had revealed between the lines before, that Peter began to doubt his identity.

What makes an old man a night watchman and can stay here for more than 200 years? Most people do not have this will, nor do they have this ability. Unless he is not an ordinary person himself.

Thinking about this, Peter said directly to him without waiting for Ancient One to speak.

“We are here to find Ghost Rider. And it looks like you should be that guy, right?”

The straightforward words let the old man coldly snorted right now. He not at all answered positively, but in front of Peter and the others, shaking the saw-barrel shotgun in oneself’s hand, and then gloomy face said.

“Ghost Rider? I haven’t heard the name for a long time? Who are you? What do you want to do with Ghost Rider? Don’t tell me that you want to find that kind of hot bastard to talk about relationships. I can smell the smell of blood on you, guys like you, if they encounter Ghost Rider, they are most likely to be burned into coke and thrown into hell!”

His words are not cracking a joke. Because neither Peter nor Ancient One are so clean people.

Peter has killed many Hydra and criminals over the years. Although he has always believed that punishing evil is promoting good, he has always believed that what the owner does is justice. However, judging by Ghost Rider’s standards, he is also a Bushwacker with bloody hands and a target that can be hunted.

As for Ancient One, this is even more so. Can guard Earth as Paragon sorcerer for hundreds of years, how could she not get her hands dirty at all? Those demons, those gods, and even those dark wizards who conspired to subvert, have tasted her thunderbolt methods. Even so far, their souls are still wailing in the dimensional prison of Paragon sorcerer. With all these kinds of things, how could she leave Peter aside and take care of herself?

Of course, neither Peter nor Ancient One will be afraid to face the trial of Ghost Rider. They even said that they would be quite happy to see Ghost Rider running in front of the owner. This can save them a lot of effort. Unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, this is just an unrealistic delusion.

Ghost Riders will never be good gentlemen who conform to expectations. Those who have been tortured by the spirit of revenge all the year round, the overwhelming majority are paranoid, stubborn, and even crazy. Just like this Old Guy in front of me. Although he is not crazy yet, being able to hold a large-caliber dangerous weapon at two unmasked men is enough in itself to show how difficult he is to get along with.

Most of these people are able to coaxing but not coercion, and Ancient One, they also don’t at all have any hard ideas. So I glanced at each other a little, and Ancient One spoke frankly to the old man in front of him.

“Introduce myself, I’m Ancient One, and everyone who knows me is called Paragon sorcerer. I have very important things to discuss with the Ghost Riders who are still in the world. Through Mr. Morgan I found it here. So, this gentleman, can you put down the gun in your hand and let us have a good chat? Maybe the things in your hand are indeed very special, not even those demons. Can withstand its harm. But for us, it is not at all too great. Instead of making it an obstacle to friendly communication between us, it is better to let it go and let us talk in a more peaceful way. You say What?”

“Paragon sorcerer?” The name of Ancient One is still somewhat useful. At the very least, the expression of fear in the eyes of the old man has been reduced a bit after hearing her self-reported.

“I have heard of you. It is said that even a bastard like Mephisto would be afraid of your existence. It is because of you that he dare not swagger in this world and act wantonly, right?”

“There always needs to be someone standing behind humans and supporting them, isn’t it?”

Ancient One admits the role of own in disguise, and this completely eliminates the old man Hostility, put down oneself’s weapon. However, even so, his way of speaking hasn’t changed much, even in the face of Ancient One, he still has the bad tone before.

“As a human, I thank you for your contribution. But as Ghost Rider, I have to say, I hate a guy like you very much. If it weren’t for you, that bastard Mephisto might not have made so many Come on Ghost Rider. In other words, we will be like this ghost because of you, right?”

“Okay, less gossip. I have already admitted, I am the one you are looking for Ghost Rider, Carter. Shilei. I have already admitted my identity. So, do you want to clarify your intentions to me?”

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