Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1687

“He is dead?” Suddenly hearing such news, Old Carter’s face couldn’t find any other expressions besides amazement.

He simply never thought that this would happen. Because in his expectation, the rest of his life should be spent in the shadow of Mephisto. After all, a king of demons like Mephisto must live longer than him. If he wants to get his own freedom, and if he doesn’t want to find oneself to settle the accounts, he must only crawl in a corner he can’t see, shivering.

This is the mental preparation that the old Carter has already had, but now, what Peter said was to tell him that his preparation was useless. This will naturally make him stunned. However, this thing is always a good thing, at least it is true for him. So after he came back to his senses, he immediately let out a long sigh, and then the whole person appeared as if he had broken free from the heavy shackles, as if he was reborn.

“Thank God, this is really good news. I thought I would not want to hear any more news about this guy in my life. Didn’t expect, but fate opened one with me Such a big joke. Mephisto, you damn bastard, you also have today…”

Fiercely spurned, the old Carter’s face showed a real smile for the first time. And looking at him with such a fresh smile, Peter suddenly made some kind of request to him. In any case, this is an old man who has been tortured by the shadow of hell for a hundred years. Now he has finally managed to break free from such a shadow, but oneself has to pull him down again, which is really cruel.

This is the sympathy and compassion in Peter’s kind nature. But this kind of sympathy and compassion only existed for a while, and it was already stifled by him himself. Because he knew in his heart that any sympathy and pity at this time is useless. This is just weakness, and this weakness is absolutely impossible to help him save the world and help justice. Only to be cruel and make sacrifices. Only with the ego to achieve the great ego, this World can be saved.

Under this premise, even oneself can be sacrificed, so naturally, everyone else should be like this.

With such thoughts, Peter no longer hesitated, but immediately said to the old Carter.

“Mr. Shrei. That’s why I found you this time. Mephisto is dead, and a guy who may have a huge conspiracy has mastered the whole hell. He opened the Gate of Hell and took the The Evil Spirit and the devil are all released into our world. And he not at all let these guys make chaos, but let them hide, secretly brewing a big conspiracy that is likely to subvert the entire world. We. I can’t let such a threat continue, so I need your help!”

Peter’s frank statement not at all makes people feel too gratified. This moment from the old Carter’s face The gloomy expression can be seen one or two. However, even though his face looked ugly, he said no to Peter directly, not at all. He is obviously also measuring, measuring the authenticity of Peter’s words, and measuring whether he is worthy of his own trust.

In the end, Peter’s special identity played a very important role. This made Old Carter made up his mind, and at the same time, he said to Peter as if he was willing to go all out.

“How do you plan to let me help you?”

There is no doubt that this is a very good start. And this naturally made Peter’s whole person excited. Of course, the excitement is only momentary. After going through so many things, Peter has already developed a kung fu that is incapable of emotion and anger. So at the moment, he just calmed his face and said to the old Carter very solemnly.

“I need the support of Ghost Rider. Everyone, every Ghost Rider. I need them to deliver power to me and help me fight for control of hell.”

“We believe that only by taking the authority of Zatanos and gaining the status of master of hell can I prevent this catastrophe from hell from happening. We can even use this to counterattack our enemies. No matter what they have Such a conspiracy, as long as our plan can be successful. Then we can completely cut off their roots before they act. Then we will launch a complete fatal blow to these unpredictable guys.”

“Remove them completely and let them pay the price for what the owner did. Revenge for the innocent and let justice be done. Isn’t this what we Ghost Riders should do best?”

Peter’s words have a kind of inspiring power. Obviously, this is the truest thought in his heart. And this is exactly the Peter Parker that old Carter knew.

No, it should be said that the Spider-Man Peter Parker presented to him at this time is more pure than the guy he met through the media. He is like a flame, not only warming others, illuminating others. At the same time, while burning all the evil, it exudes the power that is likely to burn others.

His will is too strong and pure, and this pureness may not bring him a good result.

Old Carter, who is already very experienced in life, can almost see Peter’s final result at a glance. Although he had the heart to persuade, after seeing Peter’s eyes, he had quietly dispelled the idea.

Peter’s eyes are special, they are eyes with flames in them. Old Carter looked familiar with this look. In the original Civil War, many blacks took such a look and resolutely joined the war against the southern slave. It was a look that knew he would die, and he didn’t hesitate to look back. It was a look that had already had sacrifice consciousness.

This kind of person cannot be persuaded by persuasion alone. Just like moths fighting the fire, even until the moment the fire burns, they may not change their own minds. And it is precisely because of this clearly that the old Carter gave up the idea, and sighed to Peter instead.

“Your thoughts shocked me, and I am very willing to help you in this kind of thing. However, you have also seen it. The only thing I can rely on now that I have lost the spirit of vengeance A little bit of insignificant hellfire. This can only hang my life and make me struggling on whilst at death’s door. It is simply not enough to support me and let me go as a Ghost Rider. So I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t What kind of help do you offer in this kind of thing.”

This is not only a kind of excuse, but also a real situation. Carter. Shrei killed the owner’s spirit of vengeance for freedom. This kind of thing as it should be by rights has a price. And the price is power. He was free, but at the same time he also lost the power of the Vengeful Spirit, and lost the possibility of transforming into a Ghost Rider again. He is lucky to be alive. It is simply impossible to let him play.

Peter is obviously aware of this, but he is not at all so he gives up the meaning of old Carter. He even said that after the old Carter made such a rejection, he immediately said to the old Carter.

“Mr. Shrei. You have also served as a Ghost Rider, and you must know that those evil spirits are a huge threat to ordinary persons. Under their threat, there is no People can be alone. Maybe you have lost the power of Ghost Rider, but this does not mean that you are useless in this war. Your wisdom and your experience can also help us. We need It is everyone who unites. Whether you can become Knight or not, you are one of the forces we are striving for. We need you, this World needs you. So please don’t reject us, okay?”

at this time, Peter showed oneself’s greatest sincerity. And his almost pleading attitude really touched the heart of old Carter.

He is not such a hard-hearted person. Otherwise, he was also impossible at that time to choose a path to abandon Mephisto. And it was precisely because of his unfavorable conscience and the justice that still existed in his heart that he was directly infected by Peter at this time, stroking his chest and bending towards him.

“If you insist on doing this, then Carter. Shilei. I am willing to serve you!”

“Very good!” The development of things is finally the result of Perfection. This made Ancient One, who had been watching the changes, couldn’t help but clapped. She thought Peter could not handle such occasions at his age, and the lack of life experience would make him unable to speak to the stubbornness of Carter. However, the reality gave her a considerable surprise. Peter with this kind of consciousness is obviously better than she thought.

His body has begun to show a certain leadership temperament, which convinced Ancient One to have other plans while being convinced of oneself’s vision. So right now, she clapped and said to Peter like this.

“You did a great job, Mr. Parker. I thought it would be hard for you to touch this gentleman. But obviously, you did a better job than I expected. In this case, I’m relieved . I can free my hands to do other things!”

“Are you going to let go?”

The words of Ancient One gave Peter a bad feeling , He immediately asked like this. Facing his questioning, Ancient One just said to him helplessly.

“You have proven your ability, Mr. Parker. So it doesn’t matter whether I’m by your side next. With the help of Mr. Shi Lei, you can do the next step. You don’t I don’t need my guidance. Besides, in this complicated and secret situation right now, you also need someone to help you inquire about the news, don’t you?”

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