Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1688

Peter has to admit that what Ancient One said does have his truth. He is impossible to do own things with his head stuffed. Since he is going to deal with terrifying conspirators, he must understand the actions of those conspirators. In this matter, the ordinary intelligence system is useless. Only existences like Ancient One sorcerer can monitor every move of hell.

So, it is indeed necessary for her to get out of this kind of thing. It’s just that he, who has already become accustomed to the special abilities of Ancient One, is really not quite adapted to such changes.

Without the help of Ancient One, it is not easy to find the remaining Ghost Rider smoothly. Even with Carter Shilei’s assistance, this process will definitely become more complicated and lengthy. Time is money, especially at this time. So Peter really hesitated whether or not to agree to her.

Ancient One obviously also knows the reason for Peter’s hesitation, so at this time, she said directly to Peter.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Parker. I know what you are worrying about. So before I leave, I plan to give you a gift. Yes, this is it…”


Speaking of which, when she pulled into the sleeve cage, she had already taken out the previous pair of pure silver tarot cards.

“This is a destiny card. How effective is it, you must have already seen it. If you encounter something difficult to choose, you might as well place your hope on it. If destiny If you love you enough, I believe it can show you a clear path.”

Receiving the so-called destiny card from Ancient One, Peter’s face suddenly appeared A very complex expression. There is a question, he has long wanted to ask Ancient One. And now was the opportunity to ask this question, so he no longer had any hesitation, he asked this question to Ancient One.

“Paragon sorcerer, there is one thing I must figure out. Regarding fate, can you tell me, does fate really exist? If it does exist, all our efforts also any Is it necessary to exist?”

“This is a very complicated issue, Mr. Parker. If we consider this issue purely from a philosophical point of view, maybe we mean three days and three nights, which is basically impossible Discuss a result. So, let’s make a long story short. On the topic of fate, what I can tell you is. Compared to that illusory, no one knows the result. Maybe you should care more about oneself now. Efforts made.”

“Like the past you have seen in the long river of time, there are countless possibilities in the past, and the same is true in the future. So, fate, the future, what is it like Yes. In the final analysis, it depends on you and what you are doing now. Remember, Mr. Parker, fate is in the hands of people. If you don’t fight, fate will never produce the result you want! This has been true since ancient times, and has never changed!”

After saying this, and not waiting for Peter, who is still memorable, to react, Ancient One has already opened the Teleportation Portal and left directly here. . By the time Peter came over, he could no longer find the trace of Ancient One.

Where did she go and what is she going to do? This is an unknown problem for Peter, and as a collaborator, Peter is very disgusted with such unknowns, and it can even be said to be abhorrent.

The reason why I say this is entirely because of everything he has suffered.

Those conspirators have brewed all sorts of disgusting private activities behind him. In their hands, he has become an accomplice, a help for them to do evil and perform evil deeds. This is something he absolutely cannot accept, and it is something he has been avoiding now. Why he would rather be wanted by the government than accept Stark’s terms. It’s because he has had enough of such things and will never allow oneself to become such a bad appearance again.

The current situation made him feel this way again. From the very beginning, he felt that oneself was being led by the nose. He couldn’t help but doubt the motives of Ancient One again.

Does she really have that sense of responsibility and mission to save the world? Or does she just want to use oneself to achieve some ulterior purpose?

Peter doesn’t know this answer. However, he can find out everything about this answer through other methods. For example, the identity of the Paragon sorcerer of Ancient One.

Peter at first didn’t want to inquire about the reality of the name Paragon sorcerer, because he believed that no matter how much it was passed on by others, it would certainly not be as true as oneself saw with his own eyes. Ancient One is right next to oneself, oneself can use own eyes to judge what kind of person he is. This is more true and reliable than any rumors.

He thinks this way at first. But this sudden change completely disrupted his plan. It made him incomparably shift the direction of exploring the truth and fiction of Ancient One to those rumors.

As the saying goes, it’s good, it’s groundless, there must be a reason. Paragon sorcerer is so famous. I think it shouldn’t be a secret for what she did. It may be difficult to tell the truth from one thing, but there are so many such things. By analogy, it is not difficult to see her truth and truth.

Of course, this is not entirely reliable. But now, Peter can’t find a better way.

“Mr. Shi Lei. Are you familiar enough with Paragon sorcerer? Do you know what kind of existence she is?”

You can see from the previous reaction, Carter. Shrei, the old Ghost Rider, still knows something about Paragon sorcerer. He is also a guy who has lived for more than two hundred years. There is no reason to be ignorant of such a prestigious existence. Therefore, it is definitely a suitable choice to listen to this news from him.

In the face of Peter’s sudden inquiry, the old Carter obviously realized something. This made him frowned, thought for a moment, and then responded to Peter like this.

“What I know about Paragon sorcerer is more from various rumors from the mysterious side of the world. This is also the first time I have met Paragon sorcerer himself, so if I want to say how profound I am for her If you understand, this is definitely unrealistic. However, if you are willing to listen to some of the rumors I have learned, I don’t mind talking more nonsense.”

“Of course, I’m sorry to trouble you. .Mr. Shrei, this question is very important to me.”

Peter emphasized it, and the old Carter also clearly nodded at this time. Afterwards, he sorted out his own thoughts a bit, and then said to Peter.

“When I first came into contact with the mysterious of this World, I mean, when I signed a contract with Mephisto and became Ghost Rider. Mephisto had already warned me and made me absolutely Don’t provoke such a group of people. It’s Kamar-Taj’s sorcerer club, and the three Sanctum’s sorcerer groups.”

“This is not to say how powerful these sorcerers are. After all, as Ghost Rider, There are very few things in this world that can pose a threat to us. Mephisto also knows this, and the reason why he said so is entirely out of his fear of Paragon sorcerer, the leader behind the sorcerer group.”

“The Demon King in the hell, the God of aloof and remote, and also the many Evil Gods who have been watching this World. There is no one who will not be afraid of the existence of Paragon sorcerer. She is like a matchless The sharp blade threatens all the gods and demons, making these guys dare not easily step into Earth. From this perspective, she is a good person. Humans can get rid of the influence of these gods and demons and enter an era of own. She has definitely contributed the most in these hundreds of years.”

“But if she is regarded as a good person just because of this, this is definitely a misconception. No. I’m not saying that Paragon sorcerer is not a good person, but that it’s difficult to judge her behavior simply because of her status and identity. From a higher perspective, go Plan the most favorable situation. Regardless of whether the means are right or wrong, only the final result is important. This is what people like them really look like. From this point of view, perhaps her concept of maintaining world order is correct. It meets your standards of justice. However, her behavior, her methods, may not necessarily look like what you think.”

“What do you mean by this?”

At the end of hearing, Peter obviously heard the old Carter’s have hidden meaning. This made him couldn’t help being frowned, and then asked the old Carter.

Faced with such a rhetorical question, the old Carter was just shrugged and responded very directly to him.

“I mean very simple, kid.”

“In the general direction, we must be in the same camp as Paragon sorcerer. As Paragon sorcerer, she doesn’t Will crack a joke in this kind of thing. So, even if her plan is huge, it sounds scary. I also believe that the credibility of this is at least 80%. In this regard, you can have enough of her Confidence. She has guarded this World for hundreds of years. At such a critical time, she will not drop the chain at will.”

“However, when working with her, I think we are the least You should also keep some precautions. Because people like her, she really cares about the entire human race. In the face of human interests, once we become a shackle and an obstacle, she will definitely ruthlessly abandon us . This has nothing to do with good and evil, but the purest consideration of interests. So, if we don’t want to be abandoned, we’d better make plans early.”

“Enough, I understand No.” Raised his hand, preventing Old Carter from continuing to speak. Peter was already expressionlessly silent.

Sometimes even he himself is not clear about what is good and what is evil. What is right and what is wrong. He only knew that justice needs to be done, and justice must be done.

As for what justice is, then let time prove everything.

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