Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1702

Some people are still immersed in the joy of learning another trick, and some people are already thinking about other things.

Like some flexible brains, they have already discovered the order in Professor Mordo Baron. First is the protection of own means, and then this means of controlling the enemy, then should the next step be a means of killing the enemy?

Most games will teach players to do this, which is almost the standard three laws of battle. And not surprisingly, at this time, the last point Mordo Baron wants to teach is indeed this means of attack. I saw what he said.

“There is an old saying in China that long-term defense must be lost. To explain in our words, there is no castle that cannot be captured. In the face of any enemy, if you always only adopt a defensive strategy, the final result will be Certainly still cannot escape the fate of defeat. This is the same even when dealing with an existence like Evil Spirit. You just want to passively bear his attack and want to be able to use the methods I taught to control and Deterring these Evil Spirits is definitely not enough. Because these methods can only protect you for a while and cannot protect you for a lifetime. There will always be one or two situations where these methods cannot protect you. At that time, face Facing the threat of Evil Spirit, do you want to be obediently surrender? I don’t think anyone would be willing to do this. Therefore, what I want to give to you is that I can really let you face these Evil Spirits as mortals. Means of confrontation.”

Speaking of which, Mordo Baron is now turned over the palm, revealing a pile of things in oneself’s palm. The shape of the outer circle and the inner square, the color of brass. Some people with knowledge can recognize that this is an ancient Chinese coin, called a copper coin.

This thing is not uncommon, many Westerners, if they are engaged in coin collection, there will be more or less one or two. So these people are very strange, they are clearly talking about fighting against Evil Spirit, how did they take out these antique coins. Could it be said that these antique coins should be used to buy some great sorcerers and let them handle these Evil Spirits for oneself?

This idea has not been said, because even people who think of this idea will find it ridiculous to oneself. If this is said, it must be laughable and generous. Oneself knows that the idea of ​​own is stupid. It doesn’t matter if you say it in front of many people, and then get a face-slapped face by the person involved, it’s really stupid and hopeless.

Facts have proved that this is indeed a wise idea. Because of Mordo Baron’s explanation, and this statement is really the difference between Heaven and Earth.

“In the Maoshan technique, there is a saying that the five emperor money is used as a money sword to subdue the devil and kill the Evil Spirit. For this, the users of Maoshan technique believe that there are two explanations for this. One is that, as a currency of circulation, copper coins often pass through the hands of countless people and are contaminated with aura and magnetic fields on people. This kind of magnetic field does not matter a little bit, but after a very large base is collected, it is already It is enough to pose a threat to the existence of Evil Spirit. Because Evil Spirit is the dead and people are the living. The two are opposed to each other. Since Evil Spirit can use own power to harm the living, then in turn, it gathers many living forces. The money sword can do the same thing.”

“For such a statement. After the research, the sorcerers basically agree. Because the experiment has proved that the magnetic field Being strong can indeed cause harm to the Evil Spirit. There is a saying in the East that ghosts are afraid of evil people, which actually means this.”

“This is the first reason, and the second reason On the other hand, the five emperor money represents the most prosperous time in the country in history. The weapons made in this way have the potential to suppress the Evil Spirit devil with the destiny power of the Great Empire. As for why this is so. This It’s because the emperors in ancient China are different from our emperors. In the West, the monarchy is granted by God. In other words, even the emperor is only God’s servant. It’s like the pope can make the German emperor kneel. Like the snow, they have no status at all.”

“The emperors of China are not. If we are granted by the king, then they can be said to be granted by the king. God is not qualified to override Above the emperor, it is even said that the emperor also canonized the qualifications of God. The emperor as the master of the empire has such power, so of course, the currency in circulation as one of the symbols of the empire will naturally have a little mysterious power bonus. This is the statement in Maoshan Shushu. Of course, if we are familiar with the history of that country, we will clearly know that this statement is simply untenable.”

Speaking of which, Mordo What Baron said is obviously a bit super-class, out of the category of dealing with Evil Spirit. But he obviously had some fun in it, and he took the posture of being a good teacher and carefully made academic arguments for everyone present.

“According to the unanimous certification of the sorcerer society, there are not many emperors in China who can truly confer the power of the emperor. The most representative figures are the controversial Qin Shihuang and the Martial Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Because of some historical and national reasons, the two emperors had mixed reviews in the official history, and even said that they had more negative comments. But from a national perspective, they really made the empire extremely prosperous, even surpassing God. The so-called Mount Tai is a typical symbolic move of them. From the perspective of the sorcerer, the emperor Mount Tai is actually a God who walks in the world sitting back on his throne. Those who are as it should be by rights will have the authority of Supreme.”

“Later emperors mostly imitated these two, boasting of their own merits and achievements with the actions of Mount Tai. But in fact, This is just a kind of political show, most of which are basically impossible to obtain such authority. For example, Saint Ancestor, Qing Emperor Gaozong. The two emperors did not develop the country to an unprecedented level, and secondly they failed to establish the prestige of the owner in God. So of course, this is just a show. Apart from their self-entertainment, there will be no other effect.”

“At this point, we compare the effects of money swords in the past It has been verified in China. The most effective is the originator of the square hole copper coin, Qin Banliang Coin. The money sword composed of such coins has survived for thousands of years and can almost compete with the famous big devil Evil. Sovereign Spirit can be killed, and even God will be injured by the power above. Of course, because the existing Qin Banliang rarely has complete appearance, it is very difficult to piece together a money sword. I live. After so many years, I have only seen it once in Hong Kong.”

“The second is the Shanglin three official five baht coins during the Martial Emperor of the Han Dynasty. A money sword composed of such copper coins, although not comparable to Qin Half two swords, but it’s not much difference. According to the results of the experiment, the ordinary Evil Spirit of a thousand years is basically injured when touched, and killed when it is inserted. However, it is the same as Qin’s two swords, as 2000 years It’s actually not easy to find the right Shanglin three official coins.”

“The real main force of the copper coin sword is actually the copper coins of the Tang and Song dynasties. The two generations belonged to the orthodox dynasty of China, and their national power was strong enough. Secondly, their circulation of copper coins was large enough, and they can find quite good looks today. They are not as scarce as the Qin and Han dynasties. As for Maoshan Shuli The copper coin sword mentioned in the Kang-Qian Prosperous Age, in our practice From experience, it seems to be a guise similar to blindfold. We have analyzed many such copper coin swords in the world, and the final conclusion is that if there are no one or two copper coins from other dynasties in it, it does not have any mysterious power at all. It is simply the same as the cross bought by an ordinary person, except It’s just a decoration. As for why this is the case, in the discussion, we reached this conclusion. “

“One is objective factors. From the so-called Kangxi dynasty and Qianlong dynasty era, they are not regarded as flourishing at all. The country is weak and conservative, the upper class is corrupt and extravagant, and the lower class is insensitive and lacks the vitality that a country should have. From the perspective of the empire’s fate theory, this is the appearance of a dead person, of course, impossible has any special power. The second is subjective factors. The editors of Mao Shan Shu seem to be deliberately creating false information. The reason why he did this is unknown to us. It may be to prevent the secret technique from leaking out, deliberately. It may also be to lie to the rulers of the time to satisfy their vanity and so on. In short, what is the result? The results of the experimental demonstration have been shown. If any of you intend to make this kind of weapon, it is best not to make this Low Level mistake. “

Satisfying oneself’s desire to be a teacher, Mordo Baron to ones hearts content turned the topic back to the topic.

“Back to the present. The main problem of the money sword is the selection. As for other materials, red thread soaked with chicken blood and cinnabar is the best auxiliary material. Just like this, thread 108 copper coins with a red thread and weave it into a sword. Other aspects are not at all that many. If you like knitting, even knitting like a Nepalese machete will be useful. “

While he said this, he showed everyone on the scene what oneself was holding. I saw a red thread running back and forth in the coins inside the outer circle, like a living thing. Soon, he woven the large handful of coins in his hand into a sharp sword.

And then, as he threw it away, this money sword that was just made up It has fallen into the girl’s hands.

“Go on, madam. You are not going to take revenge, now is the time when everything is ready. Stabbed with a sword, this guy will no longer be impossible to pester you! “

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