Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1703

Holding a weapon in her hand, even the child will have three points of courage. Not to mention a girl full of resentment.

Mordo Baron is already 100% trustworthy, so after hearing Mordo Baron’s point, she immediately waved the money sword in her hand without the slightest hesitation, and slashed towards the shadow of the Evil Spirit on the ground. .

This situation is a bit weird. After all, holding a weapon to chop a shadow is unreliable. But the strange thing is that her actions Not at all, the unexpected awkward situation appeared, because everyone can clearly see that when the money sword in her hand traverses the shadow, the sense of incision is as real as it is.

Evil Spirit is obviously threatened with such a weapon. Although it can’t make a sound, scream and scream, it can express oneself’s current state by struggling and fleeing desperately. Seeing his current state, and taking advantage of the opportunity that he could not escape from the restrictions placed, the girl was cruel and stabbed fiercely in the direction of his chest.

The money sword As soon as it was worn, it was as if it really penetrated a body, standing on top of the shadow out of thin air. With the sudden stop of the shadow, everyone could clearly see that the shadow was like flowing clouds. Flying away, and the sudden rise of flames.

No more bloated and weird shadows can be seen on the ground. The girl’s slender silhouette is finally back to normal. In addition to the previous scenes, and in front of the girl With the flame still burning, many people are beginning to speculate that this Evil Spirit has already been wiped out. Although the girl thinks so, she is still a little uneasy. So at this time, she can only face Mordo Baron I asked for help.

“Master, did I succeed? Have I got rid of him completely?”

“Of course, he is dead and can’t die again! “

Simply wait and see, Mordo Baron must have said this to the girl. And this immediately made the girl show a new-born expression, and at the same time, she was almost busy and grateful to Mordo Baron.

“Thank you, thank you. Master! I thought I would live in the shadow of this bastard for the rest of my life? This is really… I don’t know how to thank you. . By the way, this is back to you!”

Although she was a little bit reluctant, the girl still passed the money sword used by oneself to kill the Evil Spirit to Mordo Baron. She knows that these things are not easy to collect, and their value should not be much different from those magician crystal balls and magic staff. Such things are already lucky to lend her. She doesn’t have the ambition to take such a treasure as her own.

It’s not that she didn’t have such thoughts, but in front of so many people, she didn’t dare to have such thoughts at all.

Mordo Baron had obviously noticed the nostalgia in her eyes, which made him feel a sense of detachment in his heart. Then he smiled and said to the girl.

“Take it, madam. This thing doesn’t do much to me, so it belongs to you.”

“Really? I’m so… thankful You are here. Thank you, thank you, master!”

As soon as she heard Mordo Baron’s this remark, the girl immediately shrank what was in her arms and did not care about oneself that was highlighted. With a hot body, he kept grateful to Mordo. Obviously, she was afraid of Mordo Baron going back. For her reaction, Mordo Baron, who had already seen what she meant, was shook the head, and somewhat helplessly smiled bitterly at her.

“Don’t worry, madam, I won’t take back the things I gave out. I just need to remind you of some taboos about storing and using money swords.”

” Take a look at the money sword in your hand. Is the luster on it a bit dimmed because it is used by many people. This is because killing Evil Spirit has lost its popularity. Once the popularity in it is lost When it is clean, it will become dull and dull, and even suddenly fall to the ground. At this time, even if you wear it again, it is no longer useful. Because at that time it has been lost It has become a mortal thing completely.”

“From the current situation, it will run out of mana if you use it five or six times at most. So, if you want to hold it for a long time In addition to being careful not to use it continuously. Maintenance is extremely important.”

Looking at the girl and the group of people around, I almost wished to take out a small notebook and write down each word. The appearance of the notes. Mordo Baron smiled slightly, slowed his own speech, and spoke slowly to them.

“The best way to maintain the money sword is to put it on a table and use sandalwood for worship. This will ensure that the power on it will not be lost. In addition, you can have a pious after bathing and fasting. Hold your heart in your hands and sit still for a while. This can fill the mana lost by the money sword with oneself’s body’s popularity and magnetic field, so that it can regain the power of the Peak period. Of course, there are other ways, such as worship in Taoism. In front of the gods, different gods will give them different power characteristics. This kind of endowment can also fill the power of the money sword. But remember, this is only a consumable after all. Therefore, careful use is the principle that should be kept in mind. “

“Thank you, Sir Mordo for his meticulous teaching. I think that after learning the knowledge he taught, many people should be full of gratitude, surprise and curiosity. Why I will Do you know this? Because I think so too.”

In order to brush up on the sense of existence, make sure that oneself is not overwhelmed. Phelan jumped out again at this time, and spoke to Mordo Baron without any scruples.

“In this case, I think we finally invited you to the Jazz as a guest on our show. It would be a waste of this opportunity not to take this opportunity to ask you more professional knowledge. So, I don’t know if Sir, would you like to interact with our audience more to answer some of their questions?”

Faerlan can say such things, but it’s not a brainstorm. Stupid words out of the mouth. He did it after a lot of deliberation. Because even a person like him who pursues the effect of the program will never want to offend an unfathomable sorcerer because of these things. Seeing that he could point an ordinary person to kill an Evil Spirit so easily, he had no doubt that he could drive an Evil Spirit to kill oneself in this way.

He dared to do this because he knew the reason for the oneself show on Mordo Baron. The official request is to cooperate with the publicity, and from Mordo Baron’s attitude, Faerun can also roughly see that he wants to promote the magical means of oneself. Although he didn’t know why he wanted to do this, Ferren, who had consciously seen his purpose as it should be by rights, seized this opportunity, began to cooperate with him, and made demands in this regard.

Unsurprisingly, Mordo Baron had no intention of rejecting his proposal. At this time, facing a crowd of curiosity audiences, he just smiled, as if doing a test, sitting on oneself’s floating cloak.

“Why not? Anyway, our show also time, isn’t it?”

“Thank you Sir for your generosity. In that case, viewers, please allow me a little bit Little selfishness, let me be the first question to ask.”

Faerlan looked around all around, watching those who were eager to have a try, but didn’t say anything. The microphone handed down the meaning, because at this time, he had already seized the first opportunity to ask questions in his own pocket. Before the audience could express their opinions, he had to directly ask Mordo Baron.

“Sir, I have such a question. Look at me, I am four 16 years old. Although my body is well maintained and relatively healthy. But it is worse than when I was young. It’s too much. When I was young, I also had lush hair, and my belly was not as prominent as it is now. Not to mention the muscles like those sexy male stars, but it is definitely a handsome boy. .Until now, I’m all feeling that I will never go back to the past. Although the European side has launched a new health care product, it is said that the effect is good. But everyone knows that this is restricted by law to enter the territory of the United States I don’t plan to break the law yet, so I can only choose to refuse. I thought I had no hope, but fate met you, I think I have new hope. Because as far as I know, in those stories, there are The witch can rejuvenate people with a potion. So I wonder if you can provide me with such a formula?”

“Do you want to make a potion? “Hearing Faerun’s request, even someone like Mordo Baron couldn’t help but smile wryly. “I’m sorry, I’m not proficient in potions. And as far as I know, the kind of potions you think is very risky. Witch who is proficient in this subject may be able to rely on oneself’s years of potion experience and resistance Come to use this level of potion, but the ordinary person can’t. If it’s an ordinary person, I’m afraid that you will be directly poisoned to death by the severe toxicity just after drinking it. Maybe you want to be a sleeping beauty, Die in the most perfect form of oneself?”

“Uh, let’s forget it. I’m pretty good like this, at least I think the audience likes me.”

Shaking his head like a rattle, Phelan obviously cannot accept such a result. So he can only hit haha ​​and pass the microphone in his hand to the stage. This immediately attracted a lot of people looting, and in the end, a tall and strong man grabbed the microphone.

He impatient asked Morton Baron this question directly.

“Mr. Baron, would you like to receive dísciple? I am willing to take what I have in exchange for a chance to learn by your side!”

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