Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1708

Ferren didn’t think badly, and his vision was quite vicious.

He is very clear that under the premise of lack of capital, what kind of choice is the most beneficial. Giving part of the benefits to Mordo Baron will reduce their income, but in the long run, this is a choice that has more advantages than disadvantages.

First of all, Mordo Baron is regarded as a pioneer in starting this industry, just like Joe Sect Leader did for smart cellphones. If he doesn’t engage in this industry, it’s fine. Once he engages in this industry, his identity alone is a golden sign that he can’t change his daughter.

Star effect, star effect! Being in this line, how could he not know the effect of this utility. Think about those big companies, where tens of millions of billions of stars are often used as spokespersons every year. What is the picture? Isn’t the picture used to increase sales by using star benefits?

Mordo Baron is not a star, but in this regard, his master’s authority and identity are much better than those of the stars. Therefore, as long as he can be brought into the group, no matter how strong others are, they are impossible to touch their cake. And with such a guarantee, even if they are forced to divide part of the benefits from the own bowl, it is completely worthwhile.

Thinking about this, the assistant didn’t hesitate anymore, and immediately nodded to Faerun.

“You are right. If feasible, this is indeed the best opportunity for us to stand up. I will arrange now and strive to set up the framework of the company in the shortest time. As for you. …..”

“I will contact Sir Mordo now, and try to get him to our ranks!”

I understand that it is now the most urgent, race against time At that time, Faerun was certainly impossible to sit here and waste time. So just after the plan was agreed upon, he already acted drastically.

And I have to say, his luck is very good. Because of the importance of the effect of this first program, the government’s wife Maria is watching all this. He may not be able to find Mordo Baron by following the relationship with the TV station, but there is no reason to find Mordo Baron along the line of the government that is cooperating with Paragon sorcerer.

After asking him clearly, the government is of course happy to see it happen. Because for them, with the existence of speculators like Faerun, they can better promote their potential policy. Naturally, there is no reason not to agree. Therefore, after the ward simply passed Mordo Baron, the government has already led them.

Mordo Baron was unwilling to pay attention to the ordinary person who wanted to do business. He felt that oneself was aloof, what it was like to hook up with such a coppery guy. However, he thought so. But it can’t meet the requirements of Paragon sorcerer. In the eyes of Ancient One sorcerer, the plan in front of them is the most important thing. If the owner’s personal likes and dislikes cause their overall plan to be setbacks, this is a big mistake. Of course she was impossible to allow Mordo Baron to make such a mistake, and at her request, Mordo Baron could only agree to meet Falun’s request.

For him, this is already an expression of agreement to cooperate. But Fei Lun didn’t know, he could only hold a nervous state of mind, made full preparations, and then hurriedly rushed to the agreed place within the agreed time.

He only dared to come early, not too late. But even if he came half an hour earlier than the agreed time, Mordo Baron was still a step slower. This made him couldn’t help but wipe the cold sweat, and quickly explained to Mordo Baron.

“Sorry, Sir. There is a traffic jam on the road, otherwise I should have come earlier.”

“It’s okay, it’s not the time we agreed. It’s just that I prefer and the others.”

He is somewhat satisfied with Faerun’s display of respect. So his attitude can be considered mild, not at all aggressive. It was precisely because of his attitude that Faerun felt a glimmer of hope at this time.

Talk about business, talk about business. Some talk can have business. Now Sir Mordo is willing to talk to oneself, this is a good start. That being the case, he naturally has to seize the opportunity to strive for a more favorable situation for oneself.

Thinking about this, he no longer had any hesitation, and opened his mouth to Sir Mordo directly.

“Sir, I believe you already know the reason why I am looking for you. I know Sir, you are an expert in the world, and ordinary things are not worthy of you. However, I believe that as long as our cooperation develops , Soon, you will get a generous return. Maybe it won’t be too much at first, but as long as we can develop the industry, I believe that you don’t need how many years, you will get a fortune It’s astronomical. You don’t need to do anything specifically, just borrow your name, and then provide us with some technical advice when needed. You can get everything I promised. This is for us , Isn’t it a hello, me, everyone’s good thing?”

With one mouthful, Fei Lun promised a lot of flowers. Ordinary people will be stunned immediately when they hear these words. However, Sir Mordo is not an ordinary person, and he did not take these words of Faerun into his heart. So, after picking up the coffee in front of him and savoring it carefully, he said to Faerun in a dispensable tone.

“Really, I am not very interested in your request. I don’t care about the benefits you can provide me. For me, it’s my family alone. The wealth accumulated here is enough for me to squander. I don’t like the flashy life myself, and a quiet lifestyle like cultivator of painstaking cultivation is more in line with my temper. So… .”

Listening to the rejection revealed in his words, Faerun subconsciously thought it was because oneself had not enough chips. He didn’t report a specific number because he still had a certain illusion, thinking that he could impress the guy in front of him by just taking out a little profit. But now it seems that it is impossible not to bleed heavily. And it was precisely because of this idea that he clenched the teeth cruelly, and said this to Sir Mordo.

“Does the Jazz think that the conditions we have offered are not enough? If so, I can call the shots and increase the benefits allocated to the Jazz to 40%. You don’t need to pay a penny from the Jazz, all the money in the early stage I will be responsible for the investment of the company. As long as we start to make a profit, we will divide all the benefits evenly according to the method of four or six. For such a condition, I wonder if you can be satisfied with Sir?”

” You still don’t understand what I mean, Mr. Phelan. Money is of no benefit to me, because I am not bad at all!”

With a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, Sir Mordo lightly Lightening the spoon in oneself’s hand will make it produce a magical change.

Coffee spoons are generally made of ceramic or stainless steel. The latter is mostly, it should be easier to clean, and not too easy to wear. Right now they are using a stainless steel spoon, which is sold for tens of cents. However, such a worthless thing suddenly increased in value in the hands of Sir Mordo. Not because of anything else, but because Phelan can clearly see that this stainless steel spoon is changing its own composition at a speed visible to naked eye, and it is turning into a golden texture.

Alchemy? This word came to mind, and Faerun immediately felt that oneself even had difficulty breathing. When he was at first, he thought that what Mordo Baron said was just a big talk, a pretense to get more benefits. But now it seems that this is probably simply not a cover, but a real truth.

Legendary alchemy, the value inside cannot be calculated in a leisurely way. You know, how much money they can make from doing business is only about ten times the income at best. And what about alchemy? Business without capital, thousands of times of income. Which is good and which is bad is simply a matter of obvious at a glance.

Not to mention Mordo Baron, if he himself, with this kind of ability to turn stones into gold, he would never take such small profits seriously.

When he wanted to understand this, he felt frustrated. However, his natural toughness made him not at all at this time choose to give up. At this time, he still opened his mouth to Sir Mordo somewhat nervously, with a chance.

“Sir, do we really have no possibility of cooperation?”

The reason that prompted him to ask such a question was Sir Mordo’s attitude. If he is unwilling to cooperate with oneself, he can reject oneself at first. However, he did not, and even said that he even deliberately met with own. This proves from the side that he is willing to cooperate, but the conditions set by oneself are inappropriate.

And now he really doesn’t know what conditions should be offered, so he can only ask this, and hand over the power of opening conditions to Sir Mordo own. And this is exactly what Mordo wanted. So, without any hesitation, he took out the excuse that oneself had already prepared.

“I don’t want your penny. Of course, you can also do what you want in my name. Of course, I have requirements for you. That is, you must To ensure that you can do the best for this company. Not only the founder, but also the leader. In other words, I will not cooperate with the weak. If you want to maintain a cooperative relationship with me, you must ensure your rank and status is enough to match. This is the most basic requirement. If you can’t even do this, I think we really don’t have any need for cooperation.”

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