Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1709

“This is the only requirement for you?”

Faerlan obviously did not understand Mordo Baron’s ideas. He has seen a request, but he has never seen such a request. Let them be the biggest and strongest, this requirement seems harsh, but in fact, it is not much different from no requirement.

Is this deliberately waterproofing them? Faerun, who didn’t understand, could only ask the owner’s doubts aloud. In the face of his problem, Mordo Baron just shook the head and said this to him.

“Of course not, this is just the beginning. I think if you can’t even do this, then we don’t need to think about future issues. What I need is a strong force Collaborator, not a guy who will be beaten by others after getting so much help. This is just a waste of my time, isn’t it?”

He felt great pressure in the real vision, but when he thought of oneself’s immediate opportunity, he still clenched the teeth and immediately made up his mind.

“Of course, you are right. I also believe that with your support, we will be able to make the scale of the company the strongest in the entire ranks. Therefore, Sir Sir , Do you think the cooperation between us can be…”

“I agree, do you want to sign a contract?”

The smoothness of things exceeded the cost Lun imagined that he had almost completed the entire process of signing the contract in an incredible trance. And with Mordo Baron’s naming rights and technical support, plus the government’s green light on the company’s declaration. Soon, a professional exorcism company named Jazz was established.

In terms of nature, the company is mainly divided into two modules, one is a simple production and sales module, which focuses on the import and processing of raw materials. Because exorcism items have harsh requirements such as prayer buffs, to a certain extent, what they sell can only be regarded as semifinished products. Excluding expensive costs and processing fees, what you can really earn is just a little hard money.

Although it is said that this topic is hot, followers are like a cloud, and the number of people willing to buy this kind of semifinished product is not low. But generally speaking, it is not a short-term goal to make a lot of money. This also led to the company’s executive officer Fei Lun had to develop a second revenue project. That is the main module of the company.

This is a high-end private service similar to housekeeping services. You only need to pay, and the Jazz Company can arrange for professional people to customize you privately, and even professional exorcism and other special services.

In this regard, Fei Lun’s thinking is very clear. He is very clear about the difference between making money from the rich and the common people. Like the kind of project they run, the money that escaped from the pockets of a rich person might be more than that of a hundred civilians. When it comes to the safety of own life, those who are rich will not be stingy at all. And I am afraid that only rich people like them can afford the cherished existence such as the thousand-year copper sword and the century-old thunderstruck wood.

Holding stocks is odd, he is impossible to understand the truth. In the case of sparing no effort to invest, in a short period of time, those raw materials that are already very scarce have been fired to a fairly high level. Although this is not the kind that Fei Lun expected, without his company, no one else can touch it. However, he himself also knows that he can do what he is now. It was already the limit that his company could reach.

With the scale of a company, it is impossible to digest the entire market. Even if he has this ability, the country and government will not agree to this kind of thing. They are impossible to sit and watch a new big capitalist rise from oneself in front of one’s eyes without any interference. The most likely thing is that they will reach out to the own company when oneself has developed to a certain level.

In the past, the government might want to do this but was unable to do it. But now, for the Stark government, which has wiped out the world, there is no reason why such things can be done as long as they want to do it.

The composition of his company is too special. Mordo Baron’s government background alone cannot be underestimated by him. Therefore, he is psychologically prepared for government intervention in such matters. For him, as long as it doesn’t delay him making money, the Stark government can do whatever it wants. He just wants to make money and only cares about this issue.

Controlling the supply of overwhelming majority in the entire North American region, and then focusing on creating a brand of cream of the crop in the industry, this is his current goal. And it is precisely because of his lack of ambition that he can obtain such a degree of support.

I have to say that government support is definitely the most favorable condition for a businessman. From a well-known show supporter to a newly emerging business tycoon. It was only a few months before and after Fei Lun. If this is transferred to any other person, I am afraid that they are still suffering from the problems at the beginning of the business. But putting it on him, it was a matter of one step, there was no difficulty at all.

This is of course a good thing, at least as far as he is concerned. Phelan has already figured it out clearly, as long as the scale of oneself company expands to the limit of the market, he will retreat from his current position and use actual control to replace it with the government. On the premise of retaining a certain dividend, take countless banknotes to Europe or East Asia to enjoy life.

He is not a fool who will be blinded by ambition and profit. Whether it is Mordo Baron or the attitude of the government, he can see some different clues. He had vaguely guessed that the own company might have become a bridgehead for the Stark government, an existence similar to strategic points. Oneself is able to carry out the business so smoothly, I am afraid that a large part of the factor is that it conforms to the government’s needs and coincides with their strategic goals.

This is both good and bad. The advantage is that oneself can benefit from this, and oneself can double its net worth hundreds of times in a short period of time, and a large part of the factor is here. The downside is that there is a potential danger.

As a symbol of America, he has seen many dangers lurking in this World. From Mutant to aliens, from aliens to Hydra. Any one that exists has the ability to easily crush him into slag. The Stark government from the very beginning is the enemy of these terrifying forces, so it is difficult to say with certainty that the government’s current arrangements have nothing to do with the existence of these dangers.

Although he is backing the government to make a lot of money, this does not mean that he is willing to charge for the government and become a pawn who will forget his life. After all, their family has only been two generations since immigrating to United States. This time is not enough for him to develop enough firm patriotism. Therefore, in the face of this possible danger, his first thought was fleeing is the best plan.

If you have money, you can go everywhere in the world. Compared with United States, whether it is Europe with more developed capital or the rising power of East Asia, it will be a better choice. Europe is his hometown, and returning to live there will definitely not be a problem for him, who has a French bloodline. As for the power of East Asia, let alone the security there, it is enough to make him, a rich man, tempted.

Although I don’t know how to do it. But Phelan is very clear that after so many things happened on Earth, that country may be the only place that has not been greatly affected. What it was like before the big changes in the world, what she still looks like now. Such stability and ease may not have been unremarkable in the past, but now, it is definitely a rare paradise on earth.

With its own stability coupled with the rise of overall strength, this country has become the most powerful country in the world like the United States after World War II. Two generations ago, Faerun’s grandfather was able to move his family to United States because he envied the development opportunities of United States. Now he can certainly move to this country again for this reason.

That said, he has money. Money itself can act wilfully. He believes that oneself has only this will, and any country will not shut out the high-spending group of oneself. Even that country is no exception. And does he have this will? This is of course a matter of course. After all, for a wealthy man like him, safety has become a crucial choice. As for a paradise on earth that is almost undisturbed, he really has no reason to say no.

Phelan thinks that the idea of ​​own is wise. From a certain angle, he is indeed very wise. He is very clear about the positioning of oneself and avoids the possibility of oneself becoming a stumbling block. He will neither become an obstacle to the implementation of policies by the government, nor will he hinder anyone’s path to wealth.

And that kind of rapid retreat and the choice to protect himself gave him the possibility of a good death. If there are no accidents, he can definitely get a good ending. But, again, destiny always likes to play with people in the palm of his hand, and he is naturally no exception.

Unconsciously, Fei Lun has already been targeted. But he didn’t even know it at this time. While thinking about a bright future for his own, he packed his belongings and drove away from the company toward home.

It is still the beginning of the business, and he is too lazy to make that many unnecessary pomp. Although he is a celebrity, it is definitely not a problem to let the life assistant take care of him. But now that he can’t wait to break any trusted person in half and use it, he is reluctant to waste oneself’s limited human resources.

He is still accustomed to self-reliance and oneself as his own driver. It’s just that he didn’t expect that such a situation of being alone, a long-planned accident, had already fallen on his head.

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