Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1759

“What about the destiny card, what is the answer that the destiny card gives you?”

Faced with the difficulty of finding an answer, Ancient One first thought of it The way is also to ask about fate. This surprised Peter, because he couldn’t imagine that the Ancient One sorcerer who possesses great magical power would actually use this method of questioning to find answers. But astonished to astonishment, he meant not at all, so he soon told the answer that oneself got.

“King, also Wheel of Fate. Wheel of Fate appeared twice in total.”

Emphasizing the number of times the Wheel of Fate appeared, Peter put his eyes on I want to see what kind of explanation this professional can give him. In response to this somewhat strange answer, Ancient One frowned, and began to pinch his hand.

Since she is proficient in tarot cards, she is naturally not unfamiliar with other prophetic spells. King Wen’s gossip, astrology, copper coin hexagram, tortoise shell accounting, Solomon’s star expansion method, sphinx speculation method, etc., she has all involved. After getting some clues through a method, she wants to go further and get a more comprehensive answer, which is not difficult.

Soon, Ancient One’s pinch had already got a result, and when she read the result out loud, Peter’s face immediately became strange.

“Li Gua, ninety four, suddenly come, burn like, die like, discard like.”

As a high-achieving student, Peter is also somewhat talented in language. Although it is difficult to speak Chinese, it is not a problem for him. But that being said, when faced with Ancient One’s narration, Peter still felt that the knowledge of own was not enough.

He was very sure that Ancient One spoke Chinese, and that every word she said oneself could be heard clearly. But the problem is that he understands the meaning of these words apart, but when they are put together, he can’t understand a word. The feeling of facing a new language made him grin straight. But in the spirit of oneself’s eager thirst for knowledge, he couldn’t help but questioned Ancient One.

“What on earth are you saying? Is this a secret word like Morse code, or something else?”

“This is a divination, a kind of divination Language. Forget it, you may not understand what you say to you, as long as you know the meaning.”

Ancient One obviously does not mean to explain in detail, because she It is very clear that if you want to explain in detail, it must involve metaphysics such as the “Book of Changes”, and if you want to explain these things clearly, you will definitely not talk about it in a few years.

She doesn’t have the United States time to accompany Peter to play this kind of teaching game, so fooling Peter and exposing this stubbornness in a few words became his only choice.

She did this, and of course Peter could see what she meant. Although a little dissatisfied that Ancient One fooled oneself as a fool, he was more concerned about business affairs in his heart, but he didn’t care much about these details. So after rolling his eyes, he spoke to Ancient One honestly.

“The problem now is, I just don’t understand what you mean by these things. Please, is it that these divination things must be so incomprehensible?”

“Of course, if it’s too straightforward and absolute, wouldn’t it make the fortune-tellers unable to justify themselves?”

Unceremoniously, most of the pretending to be mysterious are revealed , Ancient One complexion changed, it was already very solemn to talk about business.

“As for the meaning of this sentence, it probably means that there is a force hidden in us that will be greatly developed, and even once unstoppable like the wild Inferno Blazing Praire. However, he is developing rapidly , The one who perishes will be just as fast. The higher you climb, the more miserable you will die.”

With sensational explanations in his mouth, Ancient One was wondering in his heart who should check in. And just when she thought so, Peter was already self-doubt.

“You said it would not be me. According to you, am I about to experience failure and die without a burial site?”

Peter Remember the plan of Ancient One to let oneself usurp the authority in hell and become the new lord of hell. Such a grand plan combined with his current situation, it is easy for him to think that oneself is the guy who has developed and will eventually die out as quickly as when he has gained power.

The destiny thing is originally the Shinto Taoism, no one can explain it clearly. So even if he still has doubts about these things in his heart, it is still difficult for Peter to deny the possibility of such a situation. He began to worry. After all, an impossible victory was necessary to continue. Faced with such an idea, Ancient One shook the head and denied it.

“This person said It shouldn’t be you. If it is you, it shouldn’t be Li Gua, you can’t cope with the sudden admonishment. I think this person should be that The guy behind you secretly messing up. Of course, it may also refer to me! After all, I have been away for 30 years, and even myself didn’t expect that I would come back one day. If this proves it, I am fully in line with this sudden evaluation .”

Speaking of this possibility later, the expression on Ancient One’s face remained unchanged, as if she was talking about a topic completely unrelated to oneself. Seeing her statement like this, Peter became curious in his heart.

“Are you not worried about this situation? If it is really you, then according to the prediction, would you not…”

” Perish? Don’t worry, this is only half of the probability. Also, half of the probability is someone else’s, isn’t it? Besides, I have lived long enough. Death is not a terrifying thing for me. Compared with Death, I am more worried about our plan. I don’t want to see the tragic situation of human beings being enslaved by the devil before I die.”

Speaking of this question, Peter also showed a solemn expression on his face. , At the same time, he also solemnly vowed to the Ancient One and assured him.

“I won’t let this happen, unless I step on my corpse, otherwise these scum of hell will never want to rule mankind.”

“Very good , This is the most correct idea. On this point, we are absolutely unanimous.”

For Peter’s determination, Ancient One as it should be by rights expressed agreement, and this statement also It means that they once again determined the united cooperation front between the two sides.

This is the best-case scenario, because no one wants to have infighting stupid things like infighting before the war begins. Determine each other’s position and strengthen the exchanges between the two parties. The partners should be like this.

Of course, trust is the most basic principle of both parties, and the premise of this principle is that both parties must remain honest on key issues.

Ancient One knew this very well, so after that, she had already confessed to Peter.

“Mr. Parker, there are some things I think I need to explain to you. That is our cooperation, not just our cooperation.”

Such sudden A word immediately interrupted Peter’s imagination about the prophecy. He was frowned, and he was already asking the Ancient One seriously.

“What do you mean by this, don’t tell me, you have been hiding something from me.”

“I admit, there are indeed some things that you don’t I know. But, I promise, this is not that I want to plot against you. Rather, some things are really hard to tell at first.”

“You mean, now Can you say it clearly?”

When he heard this, Peter immediately sneered. He doesn’t believe Ancient One’s explanation.

Ancient One heard the taunts in Peter’s words, but she didn’t at all care about these things. After all, people like her have already looked down on personal honor and disgrace. Compared with such insignificant things, she is more in oneself’s plan. Peter occupies a very important position in her plan, so of course, she doesn’t want to turn her face with Peter on this issue. For this reason, she showed a self-assertive attitude, no matter how Peter mocked, she was indifferent, and the expression still explained plainly.

“Of course, now is the time. In fact, you should know it in your heart. You Ghost Rider alone can’t do what I planned.”

“So you found someone else to cooperate with me behind my back, didn’t you? Let me guess who you are working with? Tony Stark is that guy right?”

Such an answer For Peter, it is not very difficult to guess. In fact, with his mind, he can think of all this. He was just a little evasive, and some didn’t want to meet Stark. But now, he obviously has no power to use his mind.

“You have to admit, Mr. Parker. The Stark government is our best partner. This was decided when the country was planning to counterattack hell. In fact, I at The first plan is related to him. If you are the sharp blade in my plan, a sharp knife inserted into hell. Then the Stark government is the shield in my plan, and the last step for the Protector class to prevent it from falling to the most miserable situation. Bottom line.”

“Ha, it’s ridiculous. That guy who has no bottom line will become the last bottom line of human beings in your mouth. There is really no more ridiculous joke than this.”

“He has this ability, you know, Mr. Parker.” Ignoring Peter’s mockery again, Ancient One has already rebutted him very solemnly. “On the issue of principles, his beliefs are not weaker than yours. Do you want to deny this?”

“Principles, yes. His principles are the interests of this country. For this, He can even trample on everything. Under this premise, he is of course a principled person.”

No longer able to control his own emotions, Peter already yelled a little angrily. But after venting like this, he seemed to calm down again. This caused him to ask Ancient One a very realistic sentence.

“Tell me, what are his conditions? I know that guy, he is not someone who will let people like me act unscrupulously.”

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